Last week in New York, a hostess at Carmine's restaurant was attacked over asking for vaccine proof . From the New York Times report :
"It began as a simple request that is becoming part of New York’s pandemic routine: A hostess at a popular Italian restaurant on Manhattan’s Upper West Side asked three would-be customers for proof that they had been vaccinated as required for those seeking to dine indoors.
But the encounter quickly escalated, as the customers, women from Texas, became irate and refused to provide the proof needed to enter the restaurant, Carmine’s, the police and a restaurant spokesman said. The hostess offered to seat them outdoors, where such proof is not required.The tourists began to punch the hostess, who is 24, leaving her bruised and scratched and breaking her necklace. She was evaluated at a hospital and is now resting at home."
"Late Friday, a lawyer representing the women issued a news release in which he said they all had vaccination proof that had been “questioned arbitrarily and unjustifiably” because they are Black and that they had not tried to “forcefully violate” the requirement that they show it to enter the restaurant." BLM protestors showed up a couple of days later outside Carmine's charging that the restaurant is racist.
I know there are people in Montreal who do not like the vaccine passport, but I have not heard of a disgraceful incident like this..