You said : "I just read that Pfizer is confirming that its effectiveness ends after 8 months. This means that you need to get 4 shots a year..."Scratching my head on this one.... 12 months for a year. 2 shots for 8 months... How do you get 32 months?? You need another 2 shots to finish the year. If i am not mistaken, that is 4. Of.course discounting any booster they might add.
And what is the point off attacking me personally?? You do not feel very confident in your logic or info so you mean to discredit my opinions by mocking me?? Are you so arrogant to believe that you own the truth? Does critical thinking annoy you? Do you prefer us to be sheeps like you? State you logic without mocking or attacking. Otherwise you will just be another ignorant not worthy of spending time answering.
It was a JOKE, but if effectiveness is 8 months and I need 4 per year, then a year has 32 months. You know a joke isn't funny when you need to explain it.
If the effectiveness is 8 months, that's 3 vaccines every 2 years, not 4 per year. Yes, in the first year maybe we will need 3 to get the process going but to claim it's 4 shots per year, on a ongoing basis is just flawed.
You really need to lighten up. Nobody is attacking you. The minute someone says different or questions your logic, they are attacking you.
The data on vaccination and the consequences of not vaccinating and not taking measures is crystal clear. It's like you keep saying the earth is flat. You are shown a picture of the earth from space yet you continue to claim the earth is flat. Oops, sorry, there I go attacking again. (That was a joke...the attacking part, not the flat earth part)
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