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The very very High End Scene in Montreal


Jul 31, 2011
There's only one reason that Montreal does not have a "high end: scene....because none is needed.

The average Montreal girl can wipe the floor with any competition anywhere in North America, for a fraction of the price.

"High end" girls are useless here because that level of quality here is all over the place....and when you have a lot of something its value falls.

One example Elliot Spitzer's Escort, Ashley Dupre was costing him $2000-$5000 a throw. You could have the equivalent (even a younger version) anywhere here in town for $200 (Pochya at Eleganza, Madison or Saphire at Asservissante, Nicole at Angels, Gabrielle at SD, Tara at GOF, Nadya at Sublime Spa Massage and the list goes non....).

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
But there is a different HDH class other than good looks and service, a few years ago I met Stephanie of Montreal for my birthday it was a different experience and not just a meet and fuck.
At the time it was $800 for 2 hrs and now her rates are $1000 for 2 hrs. We met in the lounge at the hotel I was at and then to the room, she was very nice but I would not repeat. Not my cup of tea for the price.


Jul 31, 2011
Not sure what you mean by quality STN.

I've banged SP med students, law students, business students (including a girl articlating at one of the big four audit firms) nurses, at least five masters degree students...

... and I have banged at least six girls that have gone on to the HDH world... and I gotta tell you the HDH girls were no better... in fact.... they were on average no different from the typical LDL girl... the one difference was that the HDH girls were OLDER....

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It is not the sex as it was not top notch, hard to put into words but I had the feeling I was with a very classy lady, intelligent, charming, made me feel like I was " the one ".
If I could spend $1,000.00 as if it were $0.10 to me I would see her again for the feeling but right now I am content with a $140.00 indy.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
There's only one reason that Montreal does not have a "high end: scene....because none is needed..
I could not agree more.

The average Montreal girl can wipe the floor with any competition anywhere in North America, for a fraction of the price.
Beyond any shadow of a doubt.

"High end" girls are useless here because that level of quality here is all over the place....and when you have a lot of something its value falls.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

One example Elliot Spitzer`s Escort, Ashley Dupre was costing him $2000-$5000 a throw. You could have the equivalent (even a younger version) anywhere here in town for $200 (Pochya at Eleganza, Madison or Saphire at Asservissante, Nicole at Angels, Gabrielle at SD, Tara at GOF, Nadya at Sublime Spa Massage and the list goes non....).

True, then why pay Dupre so much.

You guys are missing the point of why super high end call girls exist. You`re arguments are all perfectly correct but price and value has nothing to do with it. It`s about dumb and delusional as that might be to us, some people think they can be better than the rest of us, have a bigger dick because they pay 3K, 5k, 10k or whatever k an hour. They think it gives them superior Status when they can and 99% of us can`t.

Why buy a Rolex GMT Master II White Gold watch for $450,000. There are watches that function superbly, look great, and last nearly forever for under $1000 bucks. Yet there`s a market for half million dollar watches.

Some will say, well Merlot, that`s an investment that holds much of it`s value. Okay so why pay $85,000 for a burial plot overlooking the ocean. What do you get back after you`re dead.

This article says a lot about the reasons for extreme pricing.

``Volkswagen certainly looked beyond the value of function when it priced the Bugatti Veyron. While the car certainly has outstanding features–it’s the only production car with more than 1,000 horsepower–the $1.8 million price reflects the kudos that comes with owning a unique vehicle``...``anyone willing to pay $1.8 million for a car is taking into account the scarcity of that vehicle as well as the status or image they hope to attain by owning it```s better than you because he has the bigger...ahem...``toy`` to play with.

The average Montreal girl can wipe the floor with any competition anywhere in North America, for a fraction of the price.

So why are there call girls priced well over $1000/hour? Because it`s not about value. It`s about exclusivity and limited access that says I`ve got something you can`t afford therefore my status is higher. I think it`s nuts. The kind of people who pay that much think it makes them superior.

Hey Protagoras.

I was thinking, what about Chloe Milan? She`s relatively affordable for the average merb guy because she offers a merb special but if you look at her website she charges 500$ for an hour.

From what two close friends have told me about her and Stephanie of Montreal, both are very beautiful and very good companions, but despite some refinements in presentation, style, sophistication, there really isn`t any significant difference you couldn`t find in some LDL escorts. They might be worth it to some who aren`t affected as much by price if the quality of their meetings was more consistently guaranteed. I`m told Chloe is close to that, but intimate service by Stephanie is average. You`re paying more to be awed by her beauty and physique than service.

Just to be argumentative, Merlot, I think there might be a couple of practical reasons why Montreal does not have a lot of very high end escorts (in terms of price):

I don`t disagree with your post generally, but again the game for call girls isn`t necessarily being distinguished by quality, though that must be high. It`s creating an image of being truly rare and elite that sends the price up, as the article points out. While these ladies at this level might be few, because of the status motivation of paying higher prices for them the market atmosphere has less effect. Some guys will just want to pay that much for reasons most of us would call delusional.




Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Also remember many of these HDH girls started out at the LDL end. Once they know they are highly valued and want to work less while at the same time for more $$$ they naturally head towards the higher price category once they can take care of their own business. Lily Lombard is a good example. Chloe Milan before she slapped herself a last name is another good example. When I first met her through Chris back in October 2008 when she just started I knew two routes for this girl. Either one she will quit very quickly thinking this is not for her or if she stays she will one day head towards the high end route. Here is a good tip. If you find a gem see her as much as possible before she slaps a last name. Having a last name will require higher premiums. That is also why civie chics are a pain in the ass.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
So why are there call girls priced well over $1000/hour? Because it's not about value. It's about exclusivity and limited access that says I've got something you can't afford therefore my status is higher.

But like people said, sometimes it's the same girl at different price depending on the client and situation. It's like taking tap water, putting it in a fancy bottle and selling it 10$ a bottle. In a way it's a good thing. What would they do with all that money if they didn't have overpriced things or services to buy? It's good for the economy. If we could only convince them of also paying higher taxes...


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
But like people said, sometimes it's the same girl at different price depending on the client and situation.
True enough, and that's another thing about the HDH hoax. A lot of the HDH girls, both agency and indy, advertise themselves at silly rates knowing that even if they only get a few bites, their old regulars from their LDL days, the ones that they've grandmothered at the old rates, will still keep the rent paid and the food on the table


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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From the point of view of LDL hobbyists all HDH are suckers
From the point of view of the boyfriends of these girls are LDL and HDH hobbyists are suckers!

There is no right price for a woman. HDH and LDL may be perceived as a question that dépends on the point of view that is adopted.
(Sorry I have a French keyboard and it puts accent where I don't even write them!)


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Jun 21, 2003
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I think the very high end scene you're paying more the discretion and professionalism of the girl that she won't twitter "hey, guess who booked me tonight!".

The low end or normal $180-$200 SP might have the urge to tell everyone that someone famous booked them just to one up the girl sitting next to her or for her own ego trip.

I had an SP tell me how a famous hockey player booked her once. I think if she was of a higher end SP she would know not to kiss and tell as her high price range would mean that all her clients are important figures and require decretion to the upmost degree and the extra payment should guarantee that.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
Visit site
I think the very high end scene you're paying more the discretion and professionalism of the girl that she won't twitter "hey, guess who booked me tonight!".

You are on something here. It's amazing to observe how escorts are prone to talk about the other Johns or disclosing infos on other merbites that we don't even know. And if you can really get their confidence they will also - as a bonus - telle you crunchy stories about the other girls that are working with them, the driver and their bookers!

As a famous quote goes: "Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid".


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
There is one thing that us middle class hobbyists should not get to smug about when comparing what we pay versus the amount paid in the HDH area and that is level of service.
Patron, you're hypothesizing and I will as well. My hypothesis is quite the reverse of yours. The very high end HDH is not selling service, she's selling glamour: beauty and grooming.

The service I get from the girls with whom I spend time wants for nothing, nothing at all.* For the most part, they are all quite pretty, but not gorgeous. The do not show up at my place made up to the hilt. They do not show up in expensive clothing, wearing expensive jewelry. They do not show up looking like they're ready to hop into a limo and head off to the finest restaurants in town. They do, however, show up ready to play.

*To be completely clear, note that when I say "wants for nothing," I am not including BBFS, which, of course, is, hopefully, never on the table at any level.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Let's face it, most of the time we pick up the phone right away and give our best services to the customers that can pay a lot and will in fact pay a lot.
True, but what "services" are being marketed? My sense is that the HDH is selling beauty, grooming, an air of sophistication and a look that the high end client will want to be seen with in the lobby of the five star hotel or glitzy restaurant. Whether or not she enjoys sex, is liberal with her services in the bedroom, and knows what she's doing in the bedroom is secondary.

The girls that I book may not be well coiffed, may show up at my place in jeans, but they're all at least attractive and they all love pleasing and being pleased. That's what I look for when I do my research and that's been my experience. The chemistry may not always be there, but when it is, I repeat and repeat often.

Again, hypothesizing. However, I have known girls in Montreal who have moved from the LDL to HDH markets and the thing they have in common is great looks. Most have not been particularly good in bed. I also know that the #1 promoter/poster of the HDH market on this board is concerned about looks above all else.


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
I don't think Montreal (or Toronto) has truly high end escorts, ie. supermodels. There are a lot of good looking escorts, but not covergirls who could charge $1,500.00 an hour.

The reason, in my view, is that the population base and demographics don't support escorts at that level here. For example, in Sao Paulo you have a population base of something like 20 million people and a great disparity in income. This means a lot women (a small percentage of whom will be truly beautiful) and a lot of multimillionaires who can pay big bucks. Here in Montreal/Toronto, you have a population base of only a few million and high taxes to reduce (for the most part) huge disparities in income levels.

I think here in Montreal/Toronto there is really just the "gold-digger" market if you are looking for truly high-end women.
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