Montreal Escorts

Things You Like That You Can't Get Anymore

pyjama guy

Jun 22, 2006
A&W with service on roller skates at the old Rose Bowl on St Jaques
Walkmen (okay my i-pod is a step up)
Big Afros and perms
Hot pants
Playing sports and not worrying about injuring myself
Playing sports and not waking up sore the next day
Smoking on planes and access to the lounge at the top of a 747(some great memories here)
Miss Montreal restaurant on Decarie
Decarie and the Met WITHOUT traffic (have to go way back for this one)
Fucking without a condom without major worries as penicillin solved all (damn I miss those days and feel bad for younger generations who will never experience these days of "free love"
My grandparents
T.V. shows---Hogan's Heroes, Rat Patrol and the Green Hornet with Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee--fucking awesome and would have loved to see him in MMA
Grand Prix Wrestling (well before the Hulkster and Vince Mcmahon) Favs--Edouard Carpentier, Don Leo Jonathan, Killer kowalski, Mad Dog Vachon, The Shiek and Gilles the fish Poisson. Eddie Creachman, best wrestling manager ever.
Mr Jacques in his heyday.

I'll add more at a later date and this thread has been real fun.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
for me being grown up seems to mean 9 am is sleeping late...sigh
Have you considered giving up being "grown up"? It's terribly overrated.


Nov 18, 2011
I miss Ponderosa steak house !!!
We used to go as kids with my parents on weekends...

Come to think of it, it was probably crappy meat as opposed to the amazing steakhouses we have now but the place brings a lot of nostalgia.
(And yes I know they have one in Plattsburgh but not really willing to go states side to eat meat)

As for Red Lobster, i can do without that one !


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
Visit site
That's funny spacecadet because I was thinking exactly about the same think.

As far as I remember there were at least two locations that I can name.

There was one in Pont-Viau, in Laval, that was located on Le Boulevard des Laurentides (just North of Concorde on the West side of the street). The old building was demolished and it was replaced by a Giorgios. The Giorgios was also demolished and they built a Tim Hortons.

There other location that I can remember was in Saint-Leonard in the shopping center on the corner of lacordaire and Des Grandres Prairies.

Who remember the Orange Julep that was located on Lajeunesse where there is actually a Maison de la Culture, just in front of the Ahuntsiic Park?

The thing that I really miss is Metropolitan News. It was a very small place where they were selling newspapers and magazines form all around the world. Remember that it was long before the Internet era. For me it was a real threat visiting this gloomy place that was filled with reading material from all around the world. It was located almost on the corner of Peel and Ste. Catherine (corner South/West). I think that there is a stocj exchange - a cambio - right now. In the 80's they moved on Cypress which is closed by but it was not the same thing. The owner was a Polish Jew speaking several languages.

I was visiting that place in order to buy Down Beat (a jazz magazine), Helsingin Sanomat (Finnish Journal), Svenska Dagsbladet (Swedish newspaper), Jornal do Brasil, Folha de São Paulo, Stern (German magazine), serbo-croat newspapers (it was before the was in Yougoslavia), and so on.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
Visit site
Blue Bonnets Raceway on Decarie.

In the early 80's it was one of my favorite spot in the city (except 1982 to 1984 because I was living in Rio de Janeiro then)

1- There was a Jamaican restaurant on Paré street and the food was fabulous!!!!!
2- Sexe d'Or (on Décarie, East side)
3- Club Fantasia or Fantasy (West side of Décarie)
4- Bunny Club also on the West side of Décarie

It means that you could park your car and walk the distance between those three strip joints in the same evening. Only Sexe d'Or remains.


New Member
Apr 23, 2009

17'' Macbooks
Kai Krause's MetaTools
***pre-malware computing***
skinnable apps and user made desktop mods being common

The Thunderdome on Stanley st. *before* they expanded to the 3rd floor and put the damned stair cage in the middle of the dance floor

-Sabrina the venezuelan babe and Karine from the 10-35 in the late 90's
-Felicia the massaging milf, Maryse the busty hourglass babe, and Claudia from St-Pierre (late 90's again)
-Betty ( or was it Betsie ? ) the black girl with the most spectacular natural ddd tits in the history of tits from Cabaret Showgirls (where now stands Club Downtown) and Chateau du Sexe
-Minette, Liana, and a few others from Cleopatra

-the other record store that was on Crescent just south of Ste-Catherine that had *all* the impossible to find prog rock imports

-Getting up on Saturday mornings, firing up ye olde Zenith Magnavision that took 15 minutes to warm up to watch ***uncensored, uncut*** classic Chuck Jones Looney Toons

-The era when beautiful girls didn't desecrate their naturally perfect bodies with goddamned ugly f'ing tattoos on their legs, ass, and breasts

-crashing at a friends place or having them over anytime

-Stargate Universe ; I can't believe they canned it after 2 seasons...

-being able to just read MERB posts without having to login LOL


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
When I was a school kid, going home at noon to watch the Flintstones during lunch.

My Atari 2600.

My black BMX with a little pirate flag.

Watching horror movies and being actually scared.

pyjama guy

Jun 22, 2006
Hey Johnhenry:

In my early sex years in the 70's herpes was basically unknown in these parts and not an issue, same for AIDS, that's really what I was referring to in my comments.. As for pregnancy, never an issue for me and abortion was always a viable option in Quebec although I was never obliged to explore it.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Extra long thick-haired babes with tan lines and a lightly trimmed but plush bush.

Music albums with great full-size creative cover art.

Free television.

Regular Edy's Fudge Tracks ice cream in a half gallon size, not that 48oz low fat SH*T!

My .52 cal carbine and plenty of ammo.

Lily Lombard...those mind-blowing costumes and so much extra time with her.

Being able to shop, travel, send messages without being tracked every time.

Finding an affordable 5-speed without going to a hundred dealerships.

Sue sweet Sue ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Race the Clock Nights starting at 25 cents a drink...bed spin city.

My friends bar-hopping when we were all single horny free bachelors.

Cindy of DC/Devilish.

That incredible thrill of the first time.

Drunken girls roo...errrr...dorm room sex.

Hair cuts that made the barber work harder.

My high school gym classes and the girls in those tiny cheek exposing shorts.

4-Star hotel rooms for $50 a night.

Cougars who are 20 years older than me.

Beach volleyball and babes summer weekends.

fucking Lilly Lombard.... seems she is still retired....

Quite a while now. :(




New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
Of all the things that I like, that I can't get lately, is to Montreal. The business model I work under has changed, therefore I haven"t been able to get there but once in the last month or two. I can handle the lack of foods, snacks, and many other products not available any more, but this is a real pisser! :mad:
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