Truthfully, I don't think we're going to lose a bunch of escorts to OF (there really isn't as much money in it) but I think people who find it worth the effort will likely continue after the hype dies down. Many escorts who have started recently at least have the benefit of a pre-existing online following to draw on, but between making and promoting the content, it can be a lot of work, and you aren't always immediately rewarded.
That being said, I was very close to starting a Patreon or similar thing in January because there was a lot of interest in it from the people who wanted a little more--those who have seen me, or who were interested in seeing me, and want to maintain a closer relationship in between meetings but felt like they were being pushy if they emailed me or came into my Twitter DMs. It's just a form of paying for entertainment, like going to a movie. I don't think it's a substitute, but a supplement, or something else entirely.
Pricing is also super weird and always subject to opinion, but I think it's incredibly important to set clear guidelines and expectations for your audience. When I started my OF less than a month ago, I wasn't aware that pay-per-view content was a thing, and I was posting full length explicit videos. I am very bad at/do not enjoy upselling, so I intentionally set my subscription price a little higher than the median (at $20) so I could post those freely and still make a fair amount off of it.
I completely understand that it isn't some people's thing. But it's been a fun way to connect with the ones who are on board and I'm glad I did it : )