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To shower or not to shower, that is the question ?

Do you shower when you see an SP or MT ?

  • I always shower not matter when I took one last

    Votes: 79 96.3%
  • I had a shower this morning I don't need a second one

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • I never shower when I see an SP I will shower afterwards

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Why would I shower?

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I had conversations with some ladies about hygiene before and some ladies had complained to me about the hygiene condition of uncircumcised penises

Me being part of them, i have to reply to this.

It is true that our "kind" is the hardest to keep clean. Thats why i always shower deeply before my date and make sure my penis is clean, especially the " prepus" , don't know the english word for that... I pull the skin, wash with soap and all of this... i mean, got to be very clean, and when she come, im as clean as i can be.

Honestly circumsized penis are bound to disapear with time... it was a barbaric pratice that had no reason to be really... and the truth is everybody under 20 today in quebec hardly got that practice.... I am 28 and i was told by my mother and some other i was part of the "new generation" as one year before, i would had probably been do that...(thanks i was born in 85)

And as i heard, cause i can't compare, but its said uncirconsized penis are more sensible than the ones that received it, cause they are not exposed... so once you pull the skin, its hyper sensitive... wich feel very good during the BJ...

Thats why for me an escort who don't pull the skin is giving me a bad blowjob usually... its not that fun and honestly a simple handjob by myself is more fun than that... but when they do pull the skin.... oh damn its awesome... sadly you never know before you try them... lol.


New Member
Jun 7, 2012
ya i think pulling back the skin during shower is the key possibly some guys did a sloppy job while taking a shower
i think the reason for circumcised penises is really so that kids don't get infections, since they do a sloppy job while taking showers or maybe forget to pull the skin


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Jan 28, 2004
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I will expand a little on the conversation I had with her. This because after only a couple of days over 96% say yes they shower. She works at an incall I frequent and I have seen her once a week for a couple of years (yes I am addicted to her) I don't remember why the conversation started but she did tell me that less than 50% of the clients who walk through the door will ask to shower. Of the balance she trys to gently suggest that they do so, or at the very least use the products she supplies with a washclost to clean up. Failure to do this will result in GFE services being withhelld by her. Sometimes the client gets upset at which point she suggests that he might be better served by someone else and asks him to leave. She has worked in Boston, Ney York, Philadelphia and Calgary and told me that by far Calgary men are the most respectful when it comes to showering. She always supplies her own towels and washcloths, I was flabergasted that somone would not shower which is the reason for this poll.
I have been to agencies (incall) where the on asking for a towel to shower, the girl told me she has no towels, this tells me she is not clean and I would nevr, never stay with a girl who is filthy !

Lily from Montreal

In summer ,especially if it is more then 1hrs that I left my house I will suggest a shower together,kills 2 birds with one stone, I will be sure everybody is very clean and makes for a nice foreplay...if my friend refuse, which is rare ,I will ask to take a quick one,at that point usually he joins me and the fun begins lol...


Sep 4, 2006
I usually spend an 45-minutes to an hour before the session getting ready, and it includes a shower and thorough scrub down. I also provide individual shower puffs to all the SPs (brand new, and throw them away after she is done) for when they shower at the end of the session. This might be a bit much, but it allows me to gauge if the woman is taking her hygiene seriously or if she is just running water over herself in a lazy fashion. And that is one of the things I use to judge if I will repeat.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
WTF is a shower puff?


New Member
Jun 3, 2009
Get shower doesn t kill nobody the client and the sp need to shower. I made it an obligation.because i don t want to feel angry but happy!!!!!!!!!


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I can't believe that someone didn't know what a shower puff was. There are also similar shower aids sold for me for use with shower gel.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I am not a fan of the small bars of soap that are available in the motels, on occasion I lose them and a couple of days later if I cough I fart bubbles.
Prefer liquid body soap :)


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Ya Ideal's bar soap sucks really cheap ... better to bring my own soap but I am a fan of Chablis's bar soap lol ...
I even occasionally bring back some at home... The Chablis smell :D


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Jan 28, 2004
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I was browsing the SP ads yesterday and saw one for a girl and in her ad it was specified that a "SHOWER IS OBILIGITORY " so perhaps this is actually a problem and some clients are just not clean.


Mar 28, 2007
the horror stories oh ya,
ive always been complamented on how clean I am.
shower prior,clean shaven,mouthwash gum teeth brushed.deoderant
you would think this is a no brainer,some people are just plain when I hear stories of sps who suck toes and lick assholes I get this picture in my head of inmagine she got this guy who never cleans himself omg and your the next client and she does not brush and use mouthwash
more than 1 sp has told me they met with clients who smelled from every orifix in their bodies.
as well I shave body hair ,a personal preference,that 70s thing with a big bush is disgusting and holds oders
and when a chick sees your clean shaven down there no bag hair ,no ah hair ,no hair period they appreciate it.

This is where YMMV comes into play. When she's trying to swallow one of my testicles I thank myself for being clean. It pays off.


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Jan 28, 2004
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I met with the Sp who got me thinking about this and she told me that even though she is a Quebecoise, she now realizes that Quebecers are the dirtiest when it comes to visiting an SP. Everywhere else she has been, clietns shower without thinking twice, here it seems to be a push and prod. When I look at the results of this poll I wonder based on what she tells me whether or not all of you are telling me the truth lol ;)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I am always planning my encounter downtown Montreal on Saturday evening because Saturday is shower time.
Why Saturday? What's wrong with Tuesday? If Tuesday is good enough for me, it should be good enough for you. No?

I usually plan my dates on Thursdays. As I shower on alternate Tuesdays, sometimes then as much as three times a month, it gives me at least a couple of days to work up a suitable aroma.

It's the foreskin and it needs to be shampooed every other tuesday.
How convenient this would be for me had I not been circumcised. I wonder if I can get uncircumcised. Sounds like it's time for a new poll.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Do you brush your teeth too? :D
Sorry, Alyssa, I missed your question as I haven't been following this invaluable thread as closely as I should.

Teeth? Who has teeth? I had them removed so they wouldn't interfere during DATY. I'm that considerate a guy.
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