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To which extent an escort/courtesan has the right to choose her clients?

To which extent an escort/courtesan has the right to choose her clients

  • She has the right to choose and/or refuse a client, no matter what her reasons are

    Votes: 65 81.3%
  • She has the right to choose and/or refuse a client, but she needs specific reasons to do so

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • She must remain professional at all costs, unless her safety is clearly at risk

    Votes: 8 10.0%
  • I don't care, as long as she does not refuse ME!

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Elizabeth said:
I think a woman should refuse clients mainly for 3 reasons : if she feels her safety is threaten, if there is a lack of respect on the client's part or if she feels no attraction at all towards her client.

And if its reason number 3, are the indy's out there prepared to offer the gentleman in question compensation for lost time? cost money, time costs money. If your going to ask for compensation if your turned down, you should do the same if your turning down the customer.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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The right to refuse service.

The right r to refuse service only come into play when the client is rude or is unclean. If a client is refused service for any other reason, then it is discrimination on the part of the SP.

Big Daddy

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Mar 16, 2003
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Elizabeth said:
how about if the SP just feels uncomfortable with someone? Is that discrimination too?

I don't think this qualifies as discrimination. To me discrimination is stating something like "I don't see ....... guys." You can fill in the blank with age, height, race, or other similar things. To me discrimination is somewhat of a blanket statement that a SP may use to screen potential client before even she has even met or seen him.


Mar 26, 2004
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Ziggy Montana said:
"We'll give you all the privileges you want, dear, only you can't use any of them." (oooh that's dark!)

aka Hobson's Choice

Henry Ford: You can have any color you want as long as it's black.


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eliza, dear... is this for me? :D

Sorry for the slow reply, I was away for a bit. I think there's a huge misunderstanding...

First, let me state my politic beliefs: Yes to Abortion, Yes to Death Penality, No to Affirmative Action, Yes to Euthanasia... so forth and so forth.

The common theme is that, I believe in CHOICE and FAIRNESS.

I did not once state that "I think escorts should behavoir like... blah blah" without the qualifier: IF and only IF she wish to act as a professional.

By willingly taking on the title of a "professional" you gave up your personal "wants" and "wishes". Because by definition, that's non-essential to a professional. "I want", "I like" and "I wish" are words you wouldn't hear very often out of the mouths of gladiators, soldiers... etc. Personal vs Professional.

The way you phrased your question, I would actually say "I don't believe in anything without pre-defined limits". What is an escort? What is the definition of an escort?

If the question is "DO YOU believe I (Elizabeth) should have the right to choose my (Elizabeth's) clients?" My answer would be a resounding yes. You have the right to do as you please. HOWEVER, you would not get my vote as a "stoic, professional" escort... Because they (the pros) "fuck for money, PURE and SIMPLE".

The examples I gave about Doctors and Lawyers and other pros meant one thing: Professionals are usually CONTROLLED and LIMITED in a way. Doctor CANNOT refuse patient based on their race. (Like Kepler said, he may do so if his reasons are non-discriminatory). Of course there are acceptable reasons: Your mother is sick and in the hospital (thus you can't work); You are physically incapable (you're hurting somewhere); You are too tired and you do not wish to take anyone else. Just ask yourself this: If a doctor did what I did, would he get his license revoked?

To Kepler, it's true that the Code means nothing in a court of law. However, there are professional boards that review doctors and lawyers. Doctors can lose their license for racial discrimination. They will not be arrested. The reasoning is simple. PROFESSIONAL doctors must follow the code, once you lose your license, you're NOTHING (to the medical world). You are free to do as you please. Piss on a homeless guy, say the N-word, dance around naked... who cares?

Additional point: Patient Doctor confidenciality comes into play EVEN in a court of law. If the information is essential, there would have to be a SUPEONA (because a judge believe that the information is more important that the PDC).

My personal opinion not withstanding, I would still agree that Escorts can choose who they see (I am weird like that, I have an opinion and then I have logical deductions). I would LIKE escorts to be professional, however, BEING professional itself is a choice. Thus, they can do as they please. It would be illogical of me to impose high professionalism on everyone.

EDIT: In case people are wondering where did this come from... There was a discussion on Escort 411 about pretty much the same topic, but it got sidetracked. So here we are...
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Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Elizabeth said:
And if I am the one refusing a client who already rent a room... He has the option to call an agency and ask for another lady.

And if the situation was reversed, you had rented the room....and the client canceled. Im sure you can get another client at the drop of a hat.

Same goes for escorts...sometimes the few you might be interested in seeing just arent working on the day an escort refuses to see you.


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
breadman said:
And if the situation was reversed, you had rented the room....and the client canceled. Im sure you can get another client at the drop of a hat.

Same goes for escorts...sometimes the few you might be interested in seeing just arent working on the day an escort refuses to see you.

If the guy is so cheap that loosing is hotel room is such a big deal, it confirms that the SP was completly right to cancel. SP services are not included in "bien être social".... You have street workers for this level of service.


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Aug 1, 2006
Daringly said:

At the risk of sounding crude all sp's fuck for money. No money no fuck. The one thing that can never be removed from the equation is money, without that no matter how charming the client maybe the rendezvous will not happen. We can sugarcoat it anyway we want but the bottom line is money talks bullshit walks.

Completly agreee with that. It is just a business issue. We pay... We fuck.... We dont pay... we dont fuck.

However in business you have to stay away from your financial limits and accept a level of risk, over cost, lost, etc. In business, last minutes changes are a daily issue.... we have no choice but accepting this fact.

If loosing your hotel room, or having a bad experience, or even a no show, is an unaccepted financial lost for you... that just means that your are not boxing in your category. Go down to your financial category, the one in which you are able to deal with the risks and the lost when it occurs.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
Maybe my english is not good enough but to me what I said was clear : some SPs fucks ONLY for money, some have other sources of motivation.
Money is always in the equation yet I'm inclined to think that money is only the instrument of deeper, far more complex and always so human motivations.


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
Daringly said:

What you say maybe true, perhaps you do enjoy having sex with strangers. However every lady that has ever posted on these boards have all said that they enjoy it also. Being the skeptic that i am i do not believe for a second that this could be possible for everyone but what else can they say.To say other wise wouldn't be good for business.

Elizabeth might belongs to the 0.001% of escorts who fuck with us for pleasure... it is a pity that she retired... since there is no more in Canada now !!! :D


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Linda Richman and Nietzsche

Elizabeth said:
You think it's always the case?

Would you tell us more about your theory?

In french if you prefer. :) (I know I do :p)
La critique nietzschéenne du capitalisme est rafraîchissante, même aujourd'hui, en comparaison à la sempiternelle (j'aime un peu trop ce mot ces jours-ci) critique marxisante de l'argent. En ce sens et par analogie, une telle critique, qui se propose plutôt d'éclairer les ressorts affectifs du Capital, nous renseigne, entre autres, sur ce que Nietzsche propose d'appeler "la volonté de puissance", thème récurrent dans son oeuvre et que j'ai retrouvé en renouant avec "Aurore" et "Par delà le bien et le mal".

Sans pousser plus loin, je proposerais une disposition affective de l'escorte qui pourrait bien être le véritable moteur de son métier: "le pouvoir", spéciquement le "pouvoir sur les hommes".

Je lance l'idée en espérant que celle-ci attire le témoignage de ces dames.

C'est une idée intéressant, je pense, mais qui s'inscrirait dans une sorte de paradoxe, du moins dans mon esprit: l'escorte serait à la fois autant la victime d'un modèle d'affaires résolument orienté vers le profit rapide qu'elle chercherait en même temps à assouvir une soif de pouvoir.

Comme disait Mike Myers jouant le personnage de Linda Richman: "discuss!"


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Aie coudonc', pense que je vais rassembler tous mes posts dans un bouquin que je vais vendre en librairie sous le titre: Je m'écoutais parler tandis que mon condom s'enfuyait. Temps de rentabiliser... :p

p.s. Un tel livre ne saurait cependant entrer en compétition avec The Book of Revelation, le grand exposé sur la prostitution montréalaise dont on nous promit, jadis, la publication, mais qu'on attend toujours, nous agneaux du Grand Prêtre! :p
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
Anyway, your logic is flawed. :)
Not that flawed, money remains nonetheless in the equation. Whether it is the main focus or simply the instrument of other motivations, your understanding of your personal motivations for escorting would lose a great deal of depth, should you simply dismiss the money factor. Something to ponder.
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
Bon, laisse-moi tout d'abord valider si j'ai bien compris :

Tu crois que la femme (l'escorte) tenterait de prendre un certain pouvoir sur l'homme (le client) à travers l'argent?
C'est un scénario possible que l'expérience personnelle de chaque escorte pourrait confirmer ou infirmer.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
But you can't dismiss the money factor! Prostitution is about sex and money.

Take one or the other away, it's not prostitution anymore. :)
From a business standpoint, this statement goes without saying. From the psychological standpoint (i.e. once "money" is introduced in the mental network of symbolic significations), I'm not all that convinced that the money factor is just an obvious item.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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where did the money go?

Elizabeth said:
Since then, I have been at least 4 months without working at all and about 4 months where I have been working around 15-20 hours a week. Now, I don't want to make anyone cry but let's just say that things have been very hard financially. :)

I've always wondered what happens 'after' its all said and done for the girls in the hobby...sp's, mp's and strippers alike. There's bound to come a time when their body/age just doesn't get the attention and money it used to pull in.

I remember years back this hot little tiny stripper at a club I frequent....found out later that she took all her earnings and bought rental property and is living pretty good off that income.

Its good to hear from the girls that their going to school, etc...but you wonder just how much of the story is true. Drugs play a huge role in why the girls are doing what they are doing...but having kids and no support is also a motivating factor. You just never know what's going to happen down the road.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
Is she still being an actress or is she really arroused?? ;)
We've discussed this issue many times and every time I reach the same conclusion: the actress/non-actress dynamic is not the appropriate model to describe accurately the provider's psychological dispositions.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
Even from a psychological point of view...

La prostitution est intrinsèquement reliée au sexe et à l'argent. C'est impossible d'analyser cette activité en ignorant l'aspect monétaire.
Je n'ai jamais prétendu le contraire, seulement proposé que, dans le cadre psychologique d'une escorte, l'argent n'est pas une fin en soi mais bien l'instrument de quelque dynamique plus profonde. L'argent est toujours dans l'équation, quelque soit le niveau, sauf que, justement, dépendamment du niveau, celui-ci prend des significations qui peuvent différer les unes des autres.

Au niveau du business, la signification de l'argent ne soulève pas de doute: il s'inscrit dans la logique marchande qu'on connaît. Au niveau de la psychologie, de l'affectivité, peu importe comment on voudra le dire, il est fort possible que l'argent prenne une valeur symbolique. Je ne parlerais pas de "sublimation" parce que je m'aventurerais dans un domaine de spécialisation dans lequel je n'ai aucune compétence, mais je n'hésiterais pas à définir l'argent comme l'instrument de quelque chose d'autre.

Quand une escorte dit: "je ne le fais pas pour l'argent", elle a à la fois raison et tort. Certes, il doit exister en elle des motivations qui outrepassent de quelque manière le domaine de l'argent. Ceci dit, elle a tort de suggérer, en définissant ainsi ses motivations, que l'argent ne soit pas intimement lié auxdites motivations, celui-ci en étant probablement l'instrument.
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