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To which extent an escort/courtesan has the right to choose her clients?

To which extent an escort/courtesan has the right to choose her clients

  • She has the right to choose and/or refuse a client, no matter what her reasons are

    Votes: 65 81.3%
  • She has the right to choose and/or refuse a client, but she needs specific reasons to do so

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • She must remain professional at all costs, unless her safety is clearly at risk

    Votes: 8 10.0%
  • I don't care, as long as she does not refuse ME!

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
companions, the word

Here the word ``companion`` has both the lexicologic age of a neologism and an archaism. Mid-16th century usage of the high-class prostitute associated with upper-class men disappeared from everyday usage late 19th Century. From that point on, at least in France, usage of words with pejorative connotations, like ``demi-mondaine``, ``cocotte``, etc., instead, increased significantly.

In the merbite lexicon of SP, provider and escort, ``companion`` sounds refreshing.
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Jul 25, 2003
Visit site
Elizabeth said:
But you can't dismiss the money factor! Prostitution is about sex and money.

Take one or the other away, it's not prostitution anymore. :)

Elizabeth, I think equating prostitution and sex is taking a very narrow view of the term. A broader view is that prostitution is selling your "ideals" (for lack of a better term) for money.

For instance, speaking as a lover of music, when I see a talented musician and a great songwriter dumbing down their music for broader appeal, that to me is prostitution. They're selling out their talent for acceptance and money.

To the other extreme, every one of us is a prostitute. We all sell our talents and services for money. We just call it a job so it's more palatable.

To me, the true definition of prostitution is selling ourselves below our capabilities just for a few bucks.


Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
voyageur said:
To the other extreme, every one of us is a prostitute. We all sell our talents and services for money. We just call it a job so it's more palatable.

Nope, not me, I'm a Mercenary :D


Nov 6, 2005
voyageur said:
Elizabeth, I think equating prostitution and sex is taking a very narrow view of the term. A broader view is that prostitution is selling your "ideals" (for lack of a better term) for money.

For instance, speaking as a lover of music, when I see a talented musician and a great songwriter dumbing down their music for broader appeal, that to me is prostitution. They're selling out their talent for acceptance and money.

To the other extreme, every one of us is a prostitute. We all sell our talents and services for money. We just call it a job so it's more palatable.

To me, the true definition of prostitution is selling ourselves below our capabilities just for a few bucks.

Hmm... I would say that "prostitute' can have several meanings, and the full sense governed by the context.

One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts.
One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose.

Now enjoying your body would hardly constitue an unworthy purpose , nor accepting that which i wold love to pay you constitute an unworthy payment.

So taken objectively, accepting money for sex, is a non-judgemental matter. Now , there is good sex, good money and of course the opposite. In a prior email, Elizabeth said she would prefer that a guy not go further with her if he didnt like the body type. I agree, though I would be embarassed I think to just leave. As to asking questions, while you might think it is a slam bam guy, I dont agree. I am looking for certain things.. ok, sex without condoms with an sp is not a good idea , but if i dont like condoms, I do want to know just what she does offer beyond sex with a condom. I admit that it makes it a little to brutal, being romantic and all, but I do think there are ways to express your talents so that I get an idea, without getting a menu...

Obviously I have to bow to your judgement on guys, but speaking for myself, money is relatively inconsequential at these levels.... rather it is the quality and extent of the loving care she has to offer that I would be searching.. Blowing me off as slam bam , bargain hunting , or whatever is a terrible


Nov 6, 2005
Maria Divina said:
Hum, Mr.Voyageur, je remercie qui, déjà, les Égyptiens, si je ne me trompe, qui ont inventés la monnaie, beau concept, pour maintenir les esclaves au travail en leur donnant l'illusion qu'ils avaient plus de choix de cette manière....hahahaha..Histoire très simplifiée, mais, il est vrai que de penser qu'on a le choix fait de nous plus des prostitués que des esclaves de nos jours...On choisit qui sera notre maître, c'est tout. Ben de la misère avec les maîtres, moi...GRRRRR......hahahaha:D

Maria Divina xxx

Well, true it is.... the fact is that when a slave , the master continued to feed you , house you, etc... when all he does is pay, well you are on your own... slavery might have been

make sure you are saving money..llol


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
There's definitely a political correctness component to terms such as "hobbying" and "service providers". "Hobbying with service providers" sounds a lot more... hmmm... palatable and easier to swallow :D than "having sex with hookers".
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