Montreal Escorts

Traveling hobbyists?


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
I used to live in Mtl. Moved to the US for study, work, later got my GC. I used to come to Mtl about 5-6 times/year.

Usually, the custom officers don't ask much on both sides as I am a Canadian citizen and have valid status in the US. Nonetheless, I find that the Can. side usually ask more questions.

I was referred to secondary inspection on the Cdn side 2X. They asked all kinds of questions, why are you here? Seeing friends...Who are you friends? I want names, telephone #! Show me your laptop, cellphone! I thought being a Canadian citizen, I have the right to come and enter the country. :confused:

I have no idea what they can do to you if they think you are suspicious. A tertiery inspection with lie detector.:eek:


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Big Daddy, what you suggest is to lie and lies can come back and bite you.

All anybody need when crossing borders is to stay as vague as they can, while seemingly being precise. Answer questions, nothing more. Stay polite, look at the officer in the eyes, not in a defiant way. If you look confident about what you're saying, usually questions will be short and sweet.

The plan for custom officers is to destabilize peoples so they can detect lies. Thay can ask you ANYTHING and really, they often don't care about the answer, unless you say something important. Sometimes you can even get away without answering! What they look is what peoples look like when answering, or how they react when avoiding the question.

Example: the officer doesn't give a damn about how much money you make in a year but, he can ask you anyhow. If you are a drug dealer, you might finch at that question since your revenues are illicit. A finch, no matter how small, will probe more questions. A straight answer with eye contact will stop the trend or, if you are better with words and human interactions, you can deflect the question and the officer will still be happy because, what he was looking for was a reaction.

Hey! I was even asked, on a trip to USA, if I was carrying a bomb! Like if the officer was expecting a truthful answer if I was in fact carrying one... He wanted to see a reaction. (He did get one! Wide eyes, lost for words... Followed 2 seconds later by a resounding NO! You should have seen the guy's face! He was certainly proud of him and found it funny as hell! A few second later, I agreed with him but it certainly got me totally off-balance!)

Last; they can detain you for a while. I don't know how long but I'm certain it can be long enough so it would be totally and absolutely unpleasant.
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Big Daddy

New Member
Mar 16, 2003
Visit site
metoo4 said:
Big Daddy, what you suggest is to lie and lies can come back and bite you.

Doesn't have to be a lie. You can attend the conference if you want. Most conferneces have on-site registration.


New Member
May 23, 2005
I was sweated really badly at the border once. Silly as it sounds, all I could think about was that they'd search my bag (they made me bring it in to immigration when they sat me down and sweated me for half an hour) and my biggest fear was that they'd open it and make me explain why a man crossing the border would have a bag of lingerie with him (which I bought for SPs I would be seeing).


Sep 4, 2006
I don't go to Montreal frequently, but some of my trips have been 4 weeks apart. I am a Canadian living in the US though, so I don't think I can legally be denied entry to Canada. I do get asked what I am doing in town. I just say 'to enjoy the city' or 'just some R&R'. They have asked me once how much cash on hand I am bringing, which I readily disclose. I obviously don't disclose everything I plan to do in Montreal, but I do not lie. Nothing I am bringing with me discounts the fact that I could be enjoying a couple of strip clubs and perhaps clubbing in the hopes of a one-night stand.

I can see lingerie being an issue, especially when the size is too small to pass off as cross-dressing. If you say its for a friend you plan to meet, I imagine they might ask for contact details. You can't claim its a sample for items you are trying to sell, as you would have had to declare the purpose of the trip to be business, not pleasure. Not sure how I would deal with that one. On the rare occasion I do buy a gift for an SP, I purchase it in Montreal.


Village Idiot
Aug 23, 2005
NYC's armpit
I've always driven into Montreal.

On our way in:
BP: "What is the purpose of your visit?"
BP: "Enjoy!"

On our way out:
BP: "...(looks at all of us in the car hung over and half asleep) Ok, which one of you knuckleheads is getting married?"

I've never had any trouble crossing the border.
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