Montreal Escorts

Traveling to Montreal from the States . . .


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
From experience, I've seen guards really not caring much what you answer but rather how you answer. This explains EB' "why?" giggle. They're also trained to watch for body language and, some are better than other.

I crossed to the US at Trudeau a while ago and an old chinese lady with a canadian passport was behind me. I got asked what I was going to do there, reply was "meetings, training and if lucky, sight seeing." "You're done" was the answer. Total time, about 20 seconds, and there was no line up. The old lady went to same agent and got questionned 2-3 minutes. Speaking to her later on, she told me she had problems understanding and replying to questions so she started to panick. Once they smell fear, they're like animals! :)

You must tell them the truth or, if they find out, they might prevent you from crossing in the future but, if they don't ask, you don't have to volunteer. They ask sometimes vague question, give them direct answer. I often go across to do specialized work, mostly same day in-out, and my company is still struggling with visa. They ask "business or pleasure", I reply business. "What kind of business?: "meetings and training" and I'm out. Never told them I was going to work, never been asked so, I'm not lying.

Am i going to meet peoples? No, I'll stay in my hotel room all the time, order room service and hide in a closet when they deliver... Of course I'll meet peoples! ;) (don't answer that!!) Never had this question asked!

future canadian

has canada on speed dial
Mar 27, 2003
south of the border
Visit site
I was crossing the border in Washington (at Sumas) and I was pulled over for an 'inspection'. This was back in 2000 or 2001. I wasn't really concern but I had a portfolio in the front seat. Some 20 minutes later, the Canada custom dude ask me who are the ladies and what do those numbers mean? I just said I know some ladies in Vancouver and that is just a personal rating system (in reality, the numbers ranged from 2.0 to 3.0 and they were the escorts' one hour rates!). After that, I learn to just make a word doc in small font and keep it on myself when I drive cross the border. Now, I just email the info to my hotmail address and pull up the info when I'm in Canada.
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