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Travelling with an SP : logistics question

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
. Plus airline tickets are a lot less expensive for round trips booked in advance on the old-style Canadian carriers.

No they are not. I fly a lot and advance tickets make no difference one way or two way. I purchased my Edmonton- Montreal tcket Sept 15, changed my return ticket last week and there was no price difference, may change my Montreal flight tomorrow and the price is actually $20 lower than in Sept.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ But our tickets cost a lot more than the US, most of my Quebec relatives drive into the US then fly from there, huge savings.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ Wrong in many parts. Min 20 minute showers, do they work in sewers and not shower before they arrive? I am squeeky clean when I leave the house and have a 5 min refresh when I arrive ( 5 min is a lot of time to do this. If I was to make a 2 hr booking it would be 1 hr with 1 sp refresh 2 hrs and book a different one.
I have booked half hr when I just want a BJ and bust a nut, service is offered so why not take it. And yes, in a 30 min session I can have the most amazing experience without a 20 min shower or finding out what her favorite musical group is.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Completely agree with STN.

I mostly take 30 minutes session for many reason. One of them is repeating. Many will say how do you develop a relationship and good sexual experience in a 30 minutes session?
Well see the girl twice per month for 1 year you will see how it goes ;) My ATF (who recently retire) would not do any preliminary when I would see her. She would literally jump on me with dfk leading to bbbj before getting our clothes off.
We were always so happy to see each other. She did told me once she likes when I come fast (under 15min) so we can cuddle and talk for another 15 after.

And thanks Flirticia because calling us pervert or sex addicted is kind of a badge of honour ;) We live only once for fuck sake!



Sep 14, 2015
I think a guy has to balance how many common interests they have and whether the enjoyment of her company would outweigh just doing some vacation activities alone, and hiring local escorts while there. If she has a strong interest in shopping, that might be a red flag.

I didn’t mean to be too aggressive, I was just pointing out that your suggestion didn’t seem to balance her interests, in my opinion, while conceding that a complete concession to her interests would put him at risk of getting shafted and not only ending up their alone, but having no money to spend on Vancouver escorts.

I agree with this, if there's any doubt in his mind whatsoever about her trustworthiness, then they are not ready to do a trip together. And the second related point, if there's any confusion/difference in priorities on what the purpose of the trip is, for example if he thinks they're going sightseeing but she thinks they're going shopping, both of them will be disappointed and/or feel used.

For example with one girl I bought us tickets to an event in advance, trusting her to show up. She did show up, so if we were to do a trip in the future I would be more comfortable buying her a plane ticket because she's demonstrated that I can trust her. If he has never done anything like that where he had to trust her before, the first test should not be a vacation to another city, start smaller.

In general I'd say that unless I've become friends with the provider to the point that I would be comfortable introducing her to my friends as a friend (of course for those of you with families it's different from me as a single dude but you get the idea) I wouldn't even consider taking them on a trip. By this I mean that you know each other well enough to introduce her to your friends and be able to say something more interesting about her than just her name, which would also help protect against nosy strangers/police, if you don't need to struggle to come up with a response to "so how do you two know each other", "we go rock climbing together". It could be fun, but the alternative suggested by Patron of just going alone and seeing Vancouver girls is just so much less risky

I'm sure some experienced SPs who offer trips and are good enough to include services like "laughing at your jokes" and "being interested in what you have to say" as part of their (likely much higher) rate but an agency girl who's never done a trip with a client before, OP is the only person who can judge for himself but I suggest being very sure what you're doing. And ultimately none of us can help, he has to talk to the girl to figure it out


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
An hour is a reasonably long period of time, in comparison to the length of time most guys are erect and thrusting. I think it is incorrect to assume that guys who book one hour sessions don’t get to know escorts, particularly if they repeat. Same with escorts, every lady I have repeated with after one session remembered me the second time.

Also, Montreal is not Pleasantville, that fictional place in the movie Pleasantville where Geography class consisted of the various roads and landmarks of Pleasantville, with no one being brave enough to explore life outside of Pleasantville. As another poster pointed out, there are very good escorts inn Vancouver, where the original poster was travelling to. A great joy of this activity is meeting slightly different escorts with a local flavor while traveling (and getting to know them during the hour). Imagine the bewildered reaction that a regular terb poster would get if he said here on merb that he was bringing a Toronto escort on a Montreal trip because he wasn’t sure if Montreal has very good escorts.

very entertaining thread.

when i travel to other countries, i always sample a local escort. i feel that you haven't become fully immersed in the culture until you experience the local customs in the bedroom. as an amateur anthropologist, it is almost my duty.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
But what is clear Patron from US, Sol tee nutz from Vancouver try to put the cheap price for escorting service in Montreal, and Jalimon from Bell province pass the bill and approve it always.

You sure like digging yourself a hole. Where the . do you get the cheap prices from what I wrote, where do you get I am from Vancouver. This is about paying for sex, not paying to find out someones musical taste, where they go for anal bleaching or who does their hair. Do not bring cheap prices into this as it has not been mentioned. Some do not need to spend $200 extra so the SP can weave a magical spell of awsomeness to make the encounter top tier. I have met many SP's that give top service with half hour and one hr meetings, not needing to upsell talk time.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Yes. Just my opinion but to make it work properly there should be a flat no sex rate with meals included and have a set rate for each session extra. Just from what I have read here this one would end doom.


May 20, 2011
I thought i’d share a little feedback on my first trip with an SP. It’ll might help another merbite organize an escapade.

It was a 4 night, 5 day trip in beautiful Vancouver.
So I made sure to book a couple of dates with my ATF for the usual enjoyment and so that we could talk about the trip. Even if we already had a high level of comfort with each other, those conversations were essential to confirm some details.

2 things I’ve realized :
- It was also her first multi-day date with a client, so she didn’t have a preset template of questions and conditions. We had to work from scratch. You might not need that much preparation with an established indy or experienced SP.
- There’s are a lot of details to work through to make sure we had a harmonious trip, even though some details might sound trivial.

So here’s my OCD list of important elements i discussed with her :
- Airplane booking process (she did trust me with her passport info after all)
- Transportation to airport (i pick her up vs. we meet at the airport)
- Public behaviour (we decided that we would “roleplay” as a couple on its 1st anniversary trip. It actually helped us obtain some perks at the spa ;D )
- Level of Public Display of Affection
- Level of interaction on the airplane (need for time in their personal “bubble”, motion sickness issues)
- Hotel preferences (does she prefer being close to shopping, beach, park or an attraction, need for a separate bed for sleeping or a - separate room for resting, star-rating comfort level (she was ok with my clean 3 star hotel))
- Food preferences and restrictions
- Mode of transportation (walking, biking, Uber, etc.)
- Activities preferences (hiking, art, beaches, shopping, thrill-seeker or not)
- Sleeping details (snoring, sleep schedule compatibility, level of cuddling / spooning) ***super important****
- Preparation routine (how much time she needs to get ready)
- “Intimacy” schedule (spontaneous, minimum number, “fixed” schedule)
- Donation process (1 or multiple enveloppes, timing of donation)
- Pet peeves in general (body odor, personal tics, bad habits, etc.)

I might sound like a lot of hassle, but I was lucky to have found an easy-going non-diva companion with whom I share a lot of common point of views on things. It was a breeze going through the list with her and i’m sure it helped ease our own anxiety.

As a result, we had a wonderful trip where we shared lots of beautiful moments and intense sessions. It was a GFE times 100, that just beat all my other memorable multi-hour experiences. From the start, we had clear communications about expectations and boundaries. Also, it definitely helped that I was on a business trip, so during the day, it gave my SP a lot of free time to catch up on sleep and have some downtime from my overbearing affection (she already knew that I was a clingy type ;P). That way, she always was in an optimal mood for evening activities.

I’m so grateful to have met an SP with whom I can connect on a sexual and friendship level and share this travel opportunity. I know a lot of merbites don’t understand the point of paying for an SP’s sleep and companionship. But my wife doesn’t love travelling anymore, so i have a huge void to make up for. In my case, it was definitely worth it. I came back mentally and sexually refreshed. On the other hand, I can totally understand why a hobbyist wouldn’t want to go through the whole process and decides to discover the local escort scene instead. I'm sure I would have also enjoyed myself with Option number 2.
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Yup seems that you didn’t leave anything to chance , you did your homework and prepared well .
Useful information and glad it all went well .
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