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Trip report - China

Bob Binette

Nov 9, 2003
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Was recently in China and decided to do some homework to pre-arrange my entertainement for the evenings.
Searching this site was not too useful but Google was.
I checked out and the girls seem legitimate but I did not pursue as I was able to get it for free.
I also found two sites where you can place ads. The first one - - did not produce any results. I did not contact any of the ladies but posted a profile including a picture (I figured nobody knows me there!). No rsponse after four days. Deleted my profile to focus on this next site that was keeping me very busy.
The other site - - was amazing! I placed an ad (note that you have to pick the city) which included a picture. I was contacted by over 25 ladies who wanted to meet with me. I chatted with many of them on MSN to figure out the best prospects. The trick is not to be too agressive, too obvious. You go slow to put them at ease and eventually you introduce the fact that you enjoy kissing and see their reaction. If they appear interested in the kissing part you know you'll get it all. So you weed out the not so good looking ones and those who really just want to be tourist guides and improve their english. I ended up with more girls than I had evenings available. Most are the girl next door type. Typically secretaries that have internet access at the office. Age does not bother them. As I look young I told them I was 45 (I really am over 50). All the girls except one were below 30.
I think that the fact that I posted a picture (I deleted the ad after 3 days due to the high response rate) made a big difference. If you are reasonnable handsome you will generate a lot of interest. You also need to invest some time on MSN. I had to built a speadsheet to keep track of who was who! The chinese girls really like the western guys. They find us "romantic". They also like our superior equipment (;-) ) In half the cases, the girls stayed overnight.
On a different front, coming out of my hotel in Shanghai I was approached by a young girl offering a massage. After turning her down she then proposed sex. I asked for her price. 900RMB ($125) was her opening bid. I am sure she would have gone for a third of that but i did not pursue.
So in the end, if you don't get laid every night, there is something wrong with you!!!
Hope this helps. This place is a candy shop!!!

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
In China, its very easy to get good looking girl friends because many, many, many Chinese babes want out of China & want in into the western countries (the rich countries). And Chinese girls get horny. The quest for riches is a great aphrodisiac.

Bob Binette

Nov 9, 2003
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You are right. Half of the ads on the xpat site are from ladies looking for marriage. But there are plenty others just looking for thrills.


Feb 24, 2005
Not only in china but at my eyes Thailand and Philippines girls look much better than chinese... recently I went to thailand and then china and I should had do the opposite.... big downgrade in china from my point of view.

Apr 16, 2005

Was toying witht the idea of working there for a year or two. May just look into that;)


Feb 24, 2005
Corleone said:
they also are much more feminine (also true for Myanmar and Laos) and they don't spit the meat fat they are chewing on the table, eructate in restaurants, or make embarassing noises vacuum cleaning their soup, like chinese girls do.

Ahhh man so bad memory :) been there 6 days I think and went 3-4 time in local restaurant rest was one of thoses 3 choice: KFC, McDo and Pizza Hut...

If someone need to go China and want visit rest of asian he should start definetely by china and do rest of asia after... not opposite... especially if he's looking for some 'poump poump'.


Edit: Btw if you plan going china especially with a girl and planning spending lot of time outside your hote bring some toilet paper... friendly advice!
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Bob Binette

Nov 9, 2003
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The food was excellent. I only went went once to MacDo for breakfast. Otherwise you can get excellent food for $5-6 including beer. Obviously you need to be a little adventurous. For sure if you are the typical American tourist and only want safe bets (such as american chain fast food) you can pay a little more and go to some and go to some western restaurants. Tons of good ones especially in Shanghai.
All the girls I met were good looking and university educated. If you pick-up "working girls" around the hotel that may be a different story. There are plenty of girls available that are educated, have good manners, have travelled and even lived abroad (some were also educated abroad).
Some of the comments above may apply to SPs. I am talkling of regular girls that you don't need to discreetly sneak into a 5-star hotel.
Been to Thailand and have hired pros. But I don't think that in those countries you'll find too many UK-university educated girls there that you can take out for dinner, go out to a club and bring home for a session. (for free except cost of meal)
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