ound: i make too much sense for you to understand is what it is

ound: God luv ya Doc Holiday, in character or not i will always be your friend unless you do not pay your losing bets to me. Hey i just realised something, Trump becoming President was like the 2nd time i ever won a bet against you, maybe i should quit while i am ahead lol, unless you want to give me another no bainer of a bet? I still remember making/taking that bet, it was right after VIP-5 ended and the bars closed and you invited Reverdy and myself to your hotel for a nightcap and we were talking politics and you said no way would Teflon Don
ever win and i said "wanna bet" and you jumped at the chance to "win $1OO" Ya know there was a time when i thought i would lose that bet since the horribly biased mainstream liberal media did everything in their power to get the killer elected but remember this my friend,
never underestimate the silent majority. $1OOUS is only worth $132 today so hurry before it goes down anymore will ya? Oh, and nice doing business with you my friend, always a pleasure :yo:
If i use our friend Iggy as an example, he's continuously bashing what he is. It's like people who hate what they are and are in total denial. It reminds of the gay Republican lawmakers who claim to be anti-gay when we later found out that there were no bigger gay people Washington than them.
It's an old tactic: to deflect suspicion in regards to something you despise about yourself, you openly attack & ridicule what you really are. It's like a white supremacist making fun of the KKK. Then someone would point to him that he's no different than they are and he replies "But they're racists!!"