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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
As for Brian Mulroney, i never much liked ol' shovel face when he was PM, but i always respected him. Loved his wife's looks and they seemed to have raised good children.

In about 4 years you`ll say the exact same thing about D.T.


New Member
Nov 15, 2016
Didnt sander win popular vote in some states vs HRC. I saw no protests odd. Popular vote is a convienant excuse.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Supporters of T-Rump who are addicted to bashing "Liberals" had better watch out.

If i use our friend Iggy as an example, he's continuously bashing what he is. It's like people who hate what they are and are in total denial. It reminds of the gay Republican lawmakers who claim to be anti-gay when we later found out that there were no bigger gay people Washington than them.

It's an old tactic: to deflect suspicion in regards to something you despise about yourself, you openly attack & ridicule what you really are. It's like a white supremacist making fun of the KKK. Then someone would point to him that he's no different than they are and he replies "But they're racists!!"

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Aren't liberalism and hypocrisy the same word?

So you're now referring to yourself as a hypocrite??? Come on, don't be too hard on yourself. I know realizing that you're a 'libby' like the rest of us is hard to accept, but once you've accepted who you are your life will be much better and you'll be a much happier person. Liberals are happy people! :amen:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Didnt sander win popular vote in some states vs HRC. I saw no protests odd. Popular vote is a convienant excuse.

You didn't see any protests??? Were on you Mars?? Or are you simply deaf and blind??

And i don't now what you're talking about (or maybe you don't). He won the popularity vote 'in some states'?? Sure, he won several states during the primaries, if that's what you're referring to. Ted Cruz also won several states over Trump. So what's your point?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Its kind of pointless to debate politics here, a person's world view won't change too much after his/her 20s.

I don't think Doc cares about debating, he is just trolling us, and now he even self-declared winning the bet, cuz HRC won the popular vote.:rolleyes:

I disagree. People's views of the world constantly change. And i've been actively been converting people successfully in regards to religion. I made them realize that all this religious stuff was very childish and a bunch of nonsense. That there was no 'God' or 'after life'. I explained my reasons. Several people i've tried to give a wake-up call to did eventually admit that i was right and they no longer waste their time going to church or talking with an invisible friend.

By the way, Hillary Clinton's lead over Trump is now 2.7 million votes. The majority of American voters wanted her as their President by a considerable margin. She is the people's choice, the people's champion. She is the true winner of the last election. Trump only won on a technicality and with the help of the communists. This election was indeed very rigged, as he himself has said over and over. I definitely won all my bets.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Its kind of pointless to debate politics here...

True. I'd ask how T-Rump addicts feel about him backing off of so many key pledges and changing his views on policies:

1. Dropped prosecuting Hillary.

2. Brought in career politicians and Washington insiders instead of draining the swamp.

3. Backed off deporting all illegal immigrants.

4. Backed off building a Wall and making Mexico pay for it.

5. Admits torture is ineffective.

6. Admits climate change might be man made.

But all that ever goes on is denial and name calling.

Amazingly Breibart had the rarest moment of reality by calling out the "BROKEN PROMISE" on Clinton, but they too let everything else go.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Popular vote is a convienant excuse.

Before the election T-Rump called the popular vote legit and the Electoral College "a disaster for democracy".
now he calls it "genius". This "T-R-U-M-P" is how you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Before the election T-Rump called the popular vote legit and the Electoral College "a disaster for democracy"
now he calls it "genius". This "T-R-U-M-P" is how you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E!

Actually, that is quite correct. Trump did say this many times during the campaign.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
:pound: i make too much sense for you to understand is what it is :pound: God luv ya Doc Holiday, in character or not i will always be your friend unless you do not pay your losing bets to me. Hey i just realised something, Trump becoming President was like the 2nd time i ever won a bet against you, maybe i should quit while i am ahead lol, unless you want to give me another no bainer of a bet? I still remember making/taking that bet, it was right after VIP-5 ended and the bars closed and you invited Reverdy and myself to your hotel for a nightcap and we were talking politics and you said no way would Teflon Don ever win and i said "wanna bet" and you jumped at the chance to "win $1OO" Ya know there was a time when i thought i would lose that bet since the horribly biased mainstream liberal media did everything in their power to get the killer elected but remember this my friend, never underestimate the silent majority. $1OOUS is only worth $132 today so hurry before it goes down anymore will ya? Oh, and nice doing business with you my friend, always a pleasure :yo:
If i use our friend Iggy as an example, he's continuously bashing what he is. It's like people who hate what they are and are in total denial. It reminds of the gay Republican lawmakers who claim to be anti-gay when we later found out that there were no bigger gay people Washington than them.

It's an old tactic: to deflect suspicion in regards to something you despise about yourself, you openly attack & ridicule what you really are. It's like a white supremacist making fun of the KKK. Then someone would point to him that he's no different than they are and he replies "But they're racists!!"

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trumps the best of the worse. Hillary was terrible...shes no Bill.

Trump's a fucking clueless asshole cocksucker rapist racist misogynist bigot who is totally unqualified to be President and he knows it. He's already damaged the country considerably by legitimizing racism and bigotry and he's not even President yet!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
:pound: i make too much sense for you to understand is what it is :pound: God luv ya Doc Holiday, in character or not i will always be your friend unless you do not pay your losing bets to me.

As i mentioned in the other thread, you're the one who owes me money and i explained why. But let's call it even since you already owed me money anyway (okay, it was twice the amount of the bet but who's counting, right? lol). I'm a good guy, so we'll call it even. Sorry your guy lost, but that's the nature of the US election.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And your prediction was a landslide something well into the 3OO electoral votes to barely 2OO, i must say you were right about the #'s, just wrong about the person with that LANDSLIDE Victory! :thumb: Stop crying ya baby, Doc Holiday never cried!! There is no crying in politics!
Actually, that is quite correct. Trump did say this many times during the campaign.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You are a funny guy my friend but welsher is not a tag i would ever put on you, just donate $1OO in Victorias Secrets Gift Cards for the ladies at VIP-1O and we will call it even my good man :yo:
As i mentioned in the other thread, you're the one who owes me money and i explained why. But let's call it even since you already owed me money anyway (okay, it was twice the amount of the bet but who's counting, right? lol). I'm a good guy, so we'll call it even. Sorry your guy lost, but that's the nature of the US election.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
And your prediction was a landslide something well into the 3OO electoral votes to barely 2OO, i must say you were right about the #'s, just wrong about the person with that LANDSLIDE Victory! :thumb: Stop crying ya baby, Doc Holiday never cried!! There is no crying in politics!

It is true that i predicted she'd get over 320 electoral votes. What can i say? I didn't expect Russian hackers to hack into voting machines. Actually, i did, but i didn't think it would actually happen. Don't worry, you don't owe me any money from the bet you lost. You already owed me $$, so i'm calling it even since you're a good buddy of mine. No whining, now! ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You are a funny guy my friend but welsher is not a tag i would ever put on you, just donate $1OO in Victorias Secrets Gift Cards for the ladies at VIP-1O and we will call it even my good man :yo:

Ah, come on. I never bothered you once for the money you owed me already. Plus i won our bet. Sure, Trump won the election, but i won our personal bet. Clinton had more votes and that's what the bet was all about. Who would get the most votes. I must admit that i thought she'd also win the electoral college, but it didn't happen. But i still won our bet. :D
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