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Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Why are the sore libby losers not reporting how Trump just saved 1000 jobs at the Carrier Plant in Indiana as promised?

Ahhhhhh you gotta love the lefties and their (hidden, very well hidden) agendas :lol:

now that the facts are in, its 800 jobs (1300 still moving to Mexico) for 7 million in tax breaks and a promise to go easy on the 35% threatened tariff. Real Conservatives must be pissed that the government is picking winners and losers...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
“She is weepy, looks ten years older and is very whiny,” said one of Hillary’s closest friends. “She has been drinking wine pretty heavily, much more than usual. She mopes around all day, swimming in a sea of recriminations and complaining that her campaign managers were ‘incompetent,’ Bill and Chelsea ‘didn’t work hard enough,’ FBI Director Comey was ‘in league with Trump.’”

And what did Bill Clinton—the man Charlie Rose called “the best political animal that’s ever been in American politics”—think of all this?

Said a close Clinton adviser: “Bill thinks the recount is going to backfire as a strategy because there are probably no more than a handful of questionable ballots and they could actually wind up adding to Trump’s numbers and validate rather than invalidate his election.”

Russian fake news sites really do give Conservatives the warm fuzzies... Reagan is spinning in his grave right now...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Trump has already accomplished more than Obama has in 8 years and he hasn't even taken the oath of office yet :D

yes, low unemployment, rising real wages, low interest rates and record high stock markets really suck...

Please bring back the Bush years where the economy was shedding jobs and deficits were soaring... good times...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Do you not think that the political correctness is getting out of hand due to the Liberal view? We are moving towards having a land full of pussies, university classes shutdown due to an election, therapy dogs and coloring books. Having a law that makes it a crime to call someone a name, giving a prize for being last, sport games where no score is kept. People have to realize that things csn not go their way all the time and you have to live with it, suck it up butter cup as we say, life is not easy.

I think this is where the greatest divide between Liberals and Conservatives exist. What exactly does this mean? I really, honestly don't get it.

I think that we would get along and agree with each other 95% of the time. What is it about political correctness?

From the Liberal point of view it is Conservatives painting themselves as the victims of some sort of giant Liberal conspiracy... "I can't say ni88er or f311ot without people looking down at me..." Norms change. What is socially acceptable changes... suck it up, buttercup. I can't slap my secretary on the ass anymore... this doesn't make me a victim...

This it what scares me most with modern conservatives. I totally understand the low taxes. no free riders maxim. I even mostly agree with it. The truth is that it seems Conservatives would rather punch down than lend a hand up. (I honestly believe that most [MOST] of those using the social safety net are asking for a hand up more than wanting to game the system and live off of others...). They have identified the wrong enemies... Its the 1% who are trying to screw the rest of us over. Everything else is just a distraction...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008

total up all the pardons of the US presidents all the way back to and including Gerald Ford = 5374

Obama so far is 4054 [Mostly pot smokers burned by the 3-strikes you're out laws] by October 28th but there are a big couple of months coming and this doesn't include the Gitmo murderers such as the 5 Taliban generals [Generals?] we traded for a pot smoking collaborator and deserter. [An actual US serviceman - Leave no man behind unless he may vote Democrat?] They will go back and skin our allies alive. [reality??? is that you??? you seem very distant....] Very typical of an Obama deal. [As opposed to...
If you think — let me take that, both pieces — the area in the south and the west and the north that coalition forces control is substantial. It happens not to be the area where weapons of mass destruction were dispersed. We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.

Why do you hate the military?


New Member
May 14, 2016
It often look like the idea of "Political Correctness" is a convenient buzz word to rally those who don't like how social norms are changing. When those changes come there are going to be excesses I don't like either. Still, some segment of society always rejects changes as exemplified by the 60s and 70s when social upheaval against old norms, racist, bigoted, and sexist, etc, were being harshly contested. The progress and regression is normal on both sides, but it does get scary and dangerous when either side refuses to reject gross extremism...the recent example of "The Right" refusing to denounce neo-Nazi connections and actions.

It's extremely troubling when any group clings to the very worst sort as allies.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Geez, what is the U.S. coming to when you have CNN pretty much praising Trump for saving those 1000 plus Carrier factory jobs in Indiana?

800, but who's counting... plus the 1300 that are still leaving for Mexico despite the $7mil in tax breaks and waiving of the re-import tariff...

post-op Conservatives... cheering for their guy because he has an (R) behind his name. They would have squealed like stuck pigs if Obama had done this.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
After Obama got in the federal deficit has more than doubled and we are talking 9 more trillion dollars and annual deficitsvare now rising. Easy to throw money around and accomplish a few things, someone has to pay for that in the future and the next president has to make cuts to fix the mess left to him. Socialism does not work unless the majority of the population are high income earners.

Debt's gone up but the deficit is decreasing. Think of it this way... Obama inherited a maxed out credit card but he slowed down how much is getting added to it monthly...

If you are truly worried about the debt, why vote Republican? Reagan tripled it and Bush the Lesser doubled it again. Obama has actually done a bang-up job considering the wreckage the Repubs left behind...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Went after the black vote and bought them like former Klansman Robert Byrd.

BTW - I do not like the red = Republicans and blue = Democrats legend. I think it ought to be red = democrats. Red is the color of the Soviet Union and Red China. To me, the US democratic party is much closer to the communists than the Republican Party. Ok, so maybe pink ought to be the color for the democrats?

ironic that Trump is a Soviet stooge...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
It would be idiotic for anyone to think you can release emails that have already been deleted. But i'm not saying that.

By the way, she DID release her medical records. I guess you must have been busy watching Fox News and reading fake news at the time. ;)

Today would be a great time for Donald Trump to release his taxes.

yes, because e-mails only exist on 1 machine ever... all those people on cc or forward... figments of the conservative imagination that was ever an actual scandal... You know how you can tell? No charges have been filed. Conservatives like to pretend that that is the result of some vast conspiracy instead of the Occam's razor explanation that it was all bullshit from the get go...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Trump is the type to get along with every world leader that will want the same, he is willing to work with and make fair deals with everyone but he is putting his country first and that is exactly what the people of any country would want from their leaders at the top.

Not sure about those stats but how many people has Trump let die/murdered because he could not be bothered at 3am? Ummmm None, Killary 4. Yes indeed, we do have a winner and his name is President Trump (gosh, that never gets old) :thumb:

this is why we can't have nice things... 8 (republican-led) congressional investigations disagree with your statement... but I'm sure the guys at Infowars and Breitbart know better...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
There's no way China will want anything to do with him if he continues communicating with the leader of Taiwan. But we know what it was all about: having a Trump property in Taiwan.

What % of the 3+ trillion in US dollars they are holding does China have to put onto the markets to tank the US dollar?

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Tell those 1100 people who got a early Christmas Present in Indiana that and see what they say ;)

800... 300 were never scheduled to leave. What do you have to say to the 1300 who are still leaving? Good thing Trump is such a good negotiator? :hail:

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
You are absolutely right.
Nobody will ever be able to accuse Trump of falling asleep at 3am, that is usually when he is brainstorming on his golden throne and coming up with his famous tweets.
He will not dump his responsibilities on someone else.

Well, other than producing a budget...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008


New Member
May 14, 2016
PIZZAGATE! Give T-Rump full credit for this one because using faux information/lies was a huge part of his campaign.

In case you don't know what this is, I didn't, it's a fake news story like the very phony garbage T-Rump spread about millions of illegal voters except it's far more perverse. It's so crazy it's a wonder any sane person could take it seriously. But with so much totally fake stuff being pushed as fact and so many people who are either thoughtless or want it to be true. The consequences of such nonsense came home when a guy with guns drove hundreds of miles and entered the a D.C. pizzeria to investigate with violent intentions that could have cost many innocent lives.

A Washington pizzeria is the home of a child sex abuse ring that includes people including Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief John Podesta, reports claim. Those reports are entirely baseless and there is no actual evidence that the Comet Ping Pong pizza restaurant is anything but a popular pizza place, but that doesn’t matter.

At least the fact that it is entirely untrue doesn’t matter to the thousands of online conspiracy theorists and trolls who have promoted the false rumour. And nor did it matter to the man who walked into the restaurant late at night reportedly brandishing a firearm, hoping to “self-investigate” the reports.

T-Rump's pick for National Security advisor Lt. General Michael Flynn was partially responsible for tweeting the same story of perversion, though it was not directly about this pizzeria, then his son tweeted it all had to be true. Their line was PROVE IT'S FALSE.

During the campaign a lot of right wing people said they were disgusted with how the media was irresponsible for slanting the news, even when it used video showing someone doing exactly what they said. Now the Faux Media wants everyone to disprove any accusation they create with no information or fact basis at all. This new wave of totally baseless disinformation seems so much like the propaganda methods of outlaw regimes. It's becoming a whole new market of complete corruption very fast.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
In the future before we vote we should pass a little test in the voting booth. Like you need to identify the fake news on 3 differents news presented to you. You fail you do not get to vote. If you are too stupid to identify a fake news, you do not get to decide the future of others. You are better that way anyway ;)

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