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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
First they demand a recount and lost, next it is the Russians that helped because the CIA said so.... Really? Next it will be that Trump is actually a Russian with a wig. So fucking glad that the crooked weasel Clinton was shown the door.... Laughed my ass off when Trump won, will probably tie on a good one the day he becomes president.
Trump forever... :usa2:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Simply amazing what sore losers liberals truly are, not all of them but the majoity i have heard and seen on the fake news channels like cnn, msnbc, cbs, abc and nbc not to mention the plethora of libtard websites.

Poor poor babies , keep :Cry: libbys, it makes all of us who laugh at you love this sweet victory even more! I wake up every day since Trump won the Presidency with a smile on my face :thumb:

This clip is fantastic! Hey Clooney, Mahar, Hanks and the rest, nice predictions! HAHAHAHAHAH :lol:

First they demand a recount and lost, next it is the Russians that helped because the CIA said so.... Really? Next it will be that Trump is actually a Russian with a wig. So fucking glad that the crooked weasel Clinton was shown the door.... Laughed my ass off when Trump won, will probably tie on a good one the day he becomes president.
Trump forever... :usa2:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Iggy that's from September. Recent reports says he is 198.

If Trump is 198 lbs, then i weigh 140 lbs.

Seriously, a few months ago he was quoted as saying he weighed around 260 lbs and he felt he had to lose a few lbs. But the medical he showed up with on Dr Oz stated he weighed 236 lbs. The moment i heard this, i immediately got suspicious. He's likely closer to 260-270 lbs.

Mr. Blowhard is extremely bloated. And very fat. Hopefullly his excessive weight will work against his longetivity.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump can't wait to sell out his base

by E.J. Dionne Jr, The Washington Post

“Watch what we do, not what we say.”

At the beginning of Richard Nixon’s presidency, that’s how Attorney General John Mitchell explained the way reporters could best understand what the country was about to experience.

It’s also good advice for understanding the administration of the billionaire phony populist who will assume the presidency next month. Donald Trump cast himself as the champion of a besieged American working class and a defender of its interests. His early decisions tell us something very different: This could be the most anti-worker, anti-union crowd to run our government since the Gilded Age.

There’s an irony here, in that Mitchell was trying to reassure journalists that despite Nixon’s 1968 law-and-order campaign, he would stay true to enforcing civil rights laws. In Trump’s case, we’re learning that rhetoric out of labor songbooks meant less than nothing. He was covering up an agenda focused on undercutting legal protections for workers and weakening their already-beleaguered organizations.

How else to understand Trump’s decision to nominate Andrew Puzder, a fast-food executive, as secretary of labor? Perhaps, in the interests of transparency, the incoming Republican Congress can rename the part of our government historically devoted to workers’ interests the “Department of Low-Wage Labor.”

The contradictions abound. One of Trump’s core promises was to restore well-paying jobs in the factories and the mines. But he’s putting at the helm of the Labor Department the chief executive of the company that franchises Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. Their workers tend to be at the bottom end of the pay scale. Puzder’s passions have been invested in cutting wage costs. If Trump wanted a corporate type at Labor, might he at least have tried to pick someone from the manufacturing sphere?

Ah, but Trumpworld is also a land of cronies. Trump and the Republican Party could not say enough about the “corrupt” intersection of donors to the Clinton Foundation and the policies that Hillary Clinton would pursue as president. Yet here comes Puzder — joining a Cabinet of working stiffs with a net worth so far of $14.5 billion, according to NBC News — who will no doubt feel well rewarded for his own financial support of the Trump campaign.

A rule of thumb for the next four years: With Trump, everything that Republicans said about corruption and conflicts of interest where Clinton was concerned is now, to use the Nixon-era word, inoperative.

The labor secretary is responsible for enforcing laws that protect employees. But as New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman noted, “the fact that Mr. Puzder has now reportedly been selected to lead the same agency that uncovered wage theft at his restaurants is a cruel and baffling decision by President-elect Trump.” How closely will the Republican-led Senate look into this issue?

And you get a clear sense of how anti-union Trump threatens to be when you combine the Puzder pick with Trump’s attack on Chuck Jones. He’s the president of the United Steelworkers Local 1999, which represents workers at the Carrier plant in Indiana where Trump claimed he saved 1,100 jobs. Jones used colorful language to say that Trump had “lied” about the number of jobs protected and had given Carrier workers “false hope.” The real jobs number was closer to 800, and layoffs are expected in 2017.

Jones was quickly assailed by Trump (on Twitter, of course) for having “done a terrible job representing workers.” Further, Trump blamed the union for the job losses. “If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana.” Trump likes to talk about workers but hates it when they talk back.

Jones, tougher than Trump when it comes to absorbing criticism, shrugged off the president-elect’s tantrum, saying Trump didn’t know “what in the hell he’s talking about.”

But the rest of us — and particularly workers who cast ballots for Trump in the hope of better days — ignore the Tweeter-in-Chief’s behavior at our peril.

Fake populism is an old story, and it often involves dividing workers against each other along the lines of race, religion, ethnicity or immigration status. Trump has already proved himself a master of this sort of manipulation.

Over the long run, though, workers will rely on the content of their paychecks and the quality of their living standards to help them decide whether Trump’s word to them was any better than his promises to the students he fleeced at Trump University. They won’t need John Mitchell to tell them to keep a close eye on what this man actually does.

Trump can't wait to ditch his base

Doc says: "Great article by one of America's most gifted columnists. I really feel bad for all of Trump's supporters who were fooled into thinking he represented them and would cause positive change to their lives. Change will happen, but not the one they hoped for. They were meticulously manipulated by a professional con man. May God help them."

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Donald Trump’s Campaign Paid $11 Million to Trump Businesses

The mogul’s vast network of hotels, restaurants, clubs, and golf courses were paid millions during his presidential campaign.

by Olivia Nuzzi

Over 17 months of stumping for the presidency, the Donald Trump campaign spent an astonishing $11,355,406 patronizing businesses bearing his name, according to a review of filings with the Federal Election Commission.

That total includes payments to The Trump Corporation, The Trump Security, Trump Cafe, Trump Grill, Trump Hotel, Doral Golf Resort, Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing, LLC, The Mar a Lago Club LLC, Trump Plaza LLC, Trump International Golf Club, Trump National Golf Club, Trump Old Post Office LLC, Trump Park Avenue LLC, Trump International Hotel, Trump Restaurants, Trump SoHo, Trump Tower, TAG Air, Inc., Trump Virginia Acquisitions, LLC, Trump CPS LLC and Trump ICE LLC.

It includes rent to Trump properties, but not disbursements listed as “in-kind” rent. It also does not include $55,000 paid by the campaign to Barnes and Noble to purchase Trump’s own books at retail cost, which potentially artificially inflated his book sales.

Five dollars at the Trump Cafe in Trump Tower here. A $1,271,944 flight on a private jet there. On one occasion, $79,043 at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, $139,616 another time.
The everyday expenses of politicking while The Donald add up.

And it is a phenomenon unique to The Donald—no other presidential candidate in American history spent so much money at their own hotels, apartment buildings, restaurants, golf courses and airlines.

Not that they’ve had the option.

By law, candidates can’t profit from their campaigns—unless the campaign was paying fair market value for the goods and services purchased. Complicating matters is the fact that Trump funneled quite a bit—though not as much as he claimed—of his own money into his coffers. The result was unprecedented: a candidate putting money into his campaign, then paying his business, then potentially making a profit back.

Not that the Trump transition was eager to provide proof that they paid what any other customer would have for the luxury of the Trump brand: an inquiry from The Daily Beast about how, exactly it was determined what the campaign would spend to, for example, lodge at the Trump Hotel in Doral or dine at the restaurant in Las Vegas, went unanswered.

Of course, the Trump campaign was always a marketing exercise, a test of how strong the brand really was (quite, it turned out, in certain Rust Belt states).
From the day of his formal announcement onward, Trump often weaved sales pitches for his businesses into stump speeches and interviews about the campaign. In the beginning, his divisiveness seemed like poison for his business: Macy’s, NBC, a home decor company in Dubai and Turnberry all pulled out of deals with the Donald. But at some point, as the campaign dragged on and he began to win, it seemed to level off. By October, he appeared at the ribbon cutting ceremony for his hotel in Washington, D.C., dragging his press corp along with him for what amounted to a corporate advertisement.

Because his pitch to the country hinged on his alleged business acumen, he got away with it. He was showing voters that he could be successful for them because he was already successful for himself. In the end, it worked.

And so Trump and his staffers dined at the Trump Cafe and Trump Grill, cavernous Trump Tower dining establishments where tourists now go to gawk. There, you can get the famed taco bowl, “seasoned ground beef, pico de gallo salsa, Dago’s famous guacamole, shredded iceberg lettuce, sour cream and shredded cheddar served in a crunchy tortilla bowl” and the Ivanka’s Salad, which is just a plain Greek salad, for $18 each.

And Trump spent millions flying in his own fleet of planes—a Boeing 757-200, featuring 24-carat gold plated seat belts, a smaller jet, and two helicopters—operated by Tag Air, Inc., where he is CEO. The bill for just June 16, 2015 was $506,846.

And hundreds of thousands at his own hotels around the country, where the TVs have a special channel that’s just a reel of Trump and his family talking about golf and Eric, the one with the weird face, talking about charity.

And hundreds of thousands more for work and living space in his luxurious, tall buildings where some staffers, like Corey Lewandowski, were given apartments.

All of this, partially on the backs of many small dollar donors who contributed to Make America Great Again.

Trump's campaign paid $11 million to his businesses

Doc says: "Trump's campaign was a very lucrative venture for his own businesses. I laugh when i hear claims that he financed his own campaign. He didn't lose any money. He made money."


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Why would the Russian's want to tilt the election against the Dems? Putin walked all over the lilly-livered Obama? Why would they want the Republicans in power when they have proven that they can dupe the spineless jelly fish of a community organizer turned president Bracka Hussain Obama? Obama gave him all he wanted in the Ukraine. He drew lines in the sand and then stepped back and drew another line and another. The Democratic party for the past 40-50 years has been the party of self-loathing, apologizing collaboration with the enemy but it has never been more anti-American since Obama was elected. I do hope there is an investigation because I do not get it? I welcome an investigation.

Is this fake news like the time Killary said that a video caused Benghazi or that she was under sniper fire?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Why would the Russian's want to tilt the election against the Dems? Putin walked all over the lilly-livered Obama? Why would they want the Republicans in power when they have proven that they can dupe the spineless jelly fish of a community organizer turned president Bracka Hussain Obama? Obama gave him all he wanted in the Ukraine. He drew lines in the sand and then stepped back and drew another line and another. The Democratic party for the past 40-50 years has been the party of self-loathing, apologizing collaboration with the enemy but it has never been more anti-American since Obama was elected. I do hope there is an investigation because I do not get it? I welcome an investigation.

Is this fake news like the time Killary said that a video caused Benghazi or that she was under sniper fire?

Shhhhhhh. This is not what Liberals want to hear, they only listen to one news channel. May Trump live long and prosperous as well as the Americans with the new governing party. Stock markets are still good and oil is going up. Ontario will see no benifit with Trump though.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Why would the Russian's want to tilt the election against the Dems? Putin walked all over the lilly-livered Obama? Why would they want the Republicans in power when they have proven that they can dupe the spineless jelly fish of a community organizer turned president Bracka Hussain Obama? Obama gave him all he wanted in the Ukraine. He drew lines in the sand and then stepped back and drew another line and another. The Democratic party for the past 40-50 years has been the party of self-loathing, apologizing collaboration with the enemy but it has never been more anti-American since Obama was elected. I do hope there is an investigation because I do not get it? I welcome an investigation.

Is this fake news like the time Killary said that a video caused Benghazi or that she was under sniper fire?

My friend, you're an intelligent guy and it's shocking that you get so easily fooled by 'fake news'. Putin absolutely despises Hillary Clinton (like you do) and accused her of meddling in their elections back in 2011 when she was Secretary of State. He's been on a personal vendetta since. Also, trying to influence foreign elections is the Russians' modus operandi. They've done the same thing all over Europe for years.

Two, Obama imposed severe sanctions on Russia after he invaded Ukraine and shot down a jumbo jet. He and Obama are certainly not friends!

And finally, Putin knows Trump loves him and it's not hard to realize this since Trump has publicly praised him over and over. Trump also has very strong ties with Russia and Putin knows he's got him in his back pocket and clearly has a lot of leverage over him now. Putin knows that Donald Trump is his puppet. And intelligence sources have also claimed that Russia has been working for the past few years to get Trump to run. I have news for you: Donald Trump IS the Manchurian Candidate.

As for Benghazi, she was cleared of any wrongdoing after 7 Congressional hearings a.k.a. GOP witch hunts. Want to know who's responsible? Ambassador Chris Stevens. He was very negligent and naive throughout his time in Libya. It eventually lead to his death.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Stock markets are still good and oil is going up. Ontario will see no benifit with Trump though.

Because of President Barak Obama's strong fiscal policies. Wait until Trump takes over: he'll crash the stock market and my American friends will unfortunately see their bank accounts and savings crash as well. The great recession of 2008 will pale in comparison. I hope i'm wrong, i really do. But i'm very rarely wrong, unfortunately.

No one will 'benifit' from Trump. Not Ontario, especially not Quebec and neither will the rest of Canada, even the whiny Albertans won't benefit from him. The world will suffer. Hopefully he won't be in office very long.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ontario will see no benifit with Trump though.

I'll tell you who will 'benifit' from Trump: TRUMP and Wall Street. Big Oil will likely 'benifit' also. The 'swamp' will overflow! :lol:

p.s. My guess is that his slutty daughter and dick husband will also greatly 'benifit', along with the rest of his nazi-like children. The autistic one doesn't count.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

McConnell, senators unite behind investigation into Russian hacking

by Tal Kopan & Eric Bradner

WASHINGTON---Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell broke with President-elect Donald Trump over Russia on Monday, saying he supports a congressional investigation into findings that Russian hackers attempted to influence the election.

McConnell praised the American intelligence community, saying he has "the highest confidence in the intelligence community, and especially the Central Intelligence Agency" -- which Trump had recently lambasted over its findings.

McConnell's comments were an implicit rebuke of Trump, who has questioned whether Russia actually interfered with the election, including with hacks of Democratic operatives.

A bipartisan group of senators -- McCain, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, and Sen. Jack Reed, D-Rhode Island -- had on Sunday called for an investigation into the intelligence community's finding that Russia attempted to influence the election.

The President-elect on Sunday morning blasted the intelligence community anew, calling its assessment that Russia interfered in the election "ridiculous."

"I think it's just another excuse. I don't believe it," Trump said in an interview on "Fox News Sunday."

McConnell was also much more skeptical of Russia than Trump.

"Let me just speak for myself: The Russians are not our friends," McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, told reporters at a Monday morning news conference.

"I think we ought to approach all of these issues on the assumption the Russians do not wish us well," he said.

Two days earlier Trump sided with Russia over the CIA and attacked the US intelligence assessment of Russia's role.

"These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction," Trump's transition team said in a terse, unsigned statement targeting the CIA on Friday.

Though he supported calls for an investigation into Russian hacking, McConnell poured cold water on the idea -- which McCain had proposed -- of a select committee to investigate Russian hacking.

Trump, meanwhile, continued dismissing intelligence reports Monday morning, tweeting, "Unless you catch "hackers" in the act, it is very hard to determine who was doing the hacking. Why wasn't this brought up before election?"

Ignoring the conclusions of the intelligence community that Russia sought to meddle in the US election is dangerous, Sen. Angus King said Monday.

The Maine independent, who caucuses with the Democrats in the Senate and sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day" on Monday that what Director of National Intelligence James Clapper tells you, "you can take it to the bank."

"If you blow off what Jim Clapper's telling you, you do so at your peril," King said.

Clapper is a retired lieutenant general with decades of intelligence experience across administrations of both parties, King pointed out. ODNI pulls together intelligence from all of the US government's intelligence agencies.

Clapper's office, along with the Department of Homeland Security, put out a statement in October declaring that the US government and intelligence had concluded that senior levels of the Russian government had directed the hacking of Democratic political groups in the US and release of information from them with the intent of influencing the US election.

A series of leaks of emails and internal documents from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman over the weeks and months leading up to the election jolted the race, vexing Democrats and resulting in the resignation of officials from the DNC including its former chairwoman. Republicans did not suffer the same release.

The Russia involvement has been a point of contention, however. Despite overwhelming consensus between the private sector and intelligence community that Moscow was directing the attacks and involved in the leaks, Trump has continually denied that Russia played a role, saying over the weekend he doesn't believe the conclusion.

The latest dust-up has come over a report from The Washington Post that the CIA has concluded Russia didn't just seek to sow discord in the election, but actually sought to get Trump elected, following an earlier report by CNN.

King said while questions remain about the Moscow's intention, there's little doubt about Moscow's involvement.

"I think (Trump) ought to sit down with some of the top people ... and take a deep breath and listen to this," King said. "I think he's too defensive right now, and I can understand that. This is serious business, but you know this is not a partisan issue."

King also supported the efforts of his colleagues McCain, Schumer, Graham and Reed to hold bipartisan hearings on the topic.

McCain and Schumer appeared together on "CBS This Morning" to discuss the need for the hearings. They, too, agreed the evidence is clear Russia engaged in hacking, though the intentions are still under question.

"I can't reach that conclusion yet, which is why we need a bipartisan effort to uncover the whole situation," McCain said. "It's another form of warfare and the entire issue is going to be examined by the Armed Services Committee because it's a threat to our national security."

Schumer said the seriousness of the situation calls for a bipartisan approach that doesn't devolve into politics.

"We need to get to the bottom of this in a fair, nonpartisan, non-finger pointing way," Schumer said. "This is something that should unite Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, patriots."

McConnell breaks with Trump over Russia

Doc says: "Good for Mitch McConnell to finally show some balls and put his country first, unlike many other chicken-shit Republicans."

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Ex-CIA operative suggests there should be another election should it be proven the Russians meddled with the election

Ex-CIA operative calls for another election due to foreign meddling

Republican ex-Representative Joe Walsh of Illinois live on CNN moments ago declared denial by T-Rump and Republicans "ALMOST TREASONOUS". Walsh declared Dumpster was acting like "a 3-year-old.

There are 17 separate investigative agencies who agree Russia interfered interfered to help T-Rump and that close associates of Dumpster were in contact with the Russians throughout the election campaign. Walsh characterized the interference was an invasion, an "AN ATTACK ON THE UNITED STATES" the entire country should be outraged about. Walsh further alluded that siding with Russian claims versus U.S. intelligence agencies (17 of them) was tantamount to "TREASON".

Some have indeed suggested there should be another election or the Electoral College should be given more time to vote so that ALL THE FACTS can be exposed and accounted for. Republicans Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have also called for further investigations.

No wonder Dumpster is in denial if he was directly involved and it threatens the election results.

McConnell, (Republican) senators unite behind investigation into Russian hacking

Washington (CNN)Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell broke with President-elect Donald Trump over Russia on Monday, saying he supports a congressional investigation into findings that Russian hackers attempted to influence the election.

McConnell praised the American intelligence community, saying he has "the highest confidence in the intelligence community, and especially the Central Intelligence Agency" -- which Trump had recently lambasted over its findings.

McConnell's comments were an implicit rebuke of Trump, who has questioned whether Russia actually interfered with the election, including with hacks of Democratic operatives.

A bipartisan group of senators -- McCain, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, and Sen. Jack Reed, D-Rhode Island -- had on Sunday called for an investigation into the intelligence community's finding that Russia attempted to influence the election.

Now let's see the board members accuse the Republican winners of crying. Of course don't care about TRUTH. They swallow T-Rump's mantra DENY DENY DENY no matter what...even it's so close to "Treason".


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You know what they say salty, three strikes and your out lol, ahhhhh those libbys, they are the gift that just keeps on giving and giving and not just at Christmas time but year round.
C.I.A. ...... That group that is backing Clinton, the same one that claimed WMD in Iraq. Almost as reliable as the Toronto Star or CBC or Teletoon.
Millions spent on recount and the skank lost, trying for 3 in a row?


New Member
May 14, 2016

Rex Tillerson, Dumpster's reported likely nominee for Secretary of State, will be facing key opposition for both sides of the aisle, Republican and Democrat, for his very close ties to Russia including receiving a Russian award the Order of Friendship from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Information is coming in that Tillerson's closeness to the Russian dictator means his nomination may not even make it out of committee.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
C.I.A. ...... the same one that claimed WMD in Iraq.

You are probably completely wrong on that. CIA was probably the one telling Bush there was no WMD in Irak but he shut them down. Or top CIA (which was put there by Bush) told his agent not to reveal anything, or to reveal the opposite. Bush needed a reason to invade and he got it.

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