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Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
I realize that there are many bad things to say about either of these two politicians but is there anything good to say about either of them. Even a short list if that is possible.

It may be difficult to come up with anything positive to say about Trump and his record. The more his business dealings are investigated, the more fraudulent they appear. But there are plenty of good things to say about Hillary. It's important to look beyond the Republican attacks on her (many of which are simply nuts) promoted by an irresponsible right-wing media campaign, and consider the actual record. She is, to many, a flawed candidate with a penchant for unnecessary exaggerations and inventions, and her ties to big money and Wall Street is disturbing to some. But regardless of whether or not you agree with her political positions, she has a formidable record of public service. She spent years promoting family and children's law; her record in the senate for eight years was serious and respected; and her work as secretary of state offers many accomplishments. While Trump has no experience with governance and apparently little understanding of world affairs, Hillary has one of the stronger records of service among presidential candidate in years.

I understand that people don't like her, and certainly that they don't like her policies; and I wish that she didn't create unforced errors. But, really, the Republican attacks are ludicrously out of proportion to reality and history. I don't consider myself a particularly enthusiastic Hillary supporter; I would much rather have someone bring new ideas and new blood to the white house. But she is certainly qualified and has many accomplishments to her name.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Rise of Donald Tramp is the best thing that could ever happen to Hilary. Considering her unlikable personality she would have an extremely hard time to compete against any “real” republican candidate. Is this Trump phenomenon just purely accidental? May be not, considering a very cozy relationship between Tramp and Clinton clans before election and no connection of Trump to Republican Party before elections. I have strong impression that Donald just plays the role of a spoiler and has no real intention to be elected. However, watch him to make billions on infrastructure projects that Hillary will initiate after she is elected.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Trump's true reasons of seeking the presidency are become more & more obvious as time goes on. But why am i even surprised that the reasons are mostly financial?

Before Chris Christy became governor of New Jersey, Trump's casinos owed the state $30 million, which they refused to pay. They were sued by the state. And then, the moment his good buddy Christy became governor, a deal was made and Trump wound up paying only $5 million in taxes. In other words, the state and its tax payers got screwed by Trump once again. Here's the story:

Trump tax debt reduced once Chris Christy took office

Donald Trump is an awful businessman. He's a con artist and a mega bullshitter. We've learned that he owes a massive debt to a Chinese bank. This is equally massive leverage for the Chinese over Trump if he ever becomes President. They'd have him at their mercy. People wonder why many of his financial debts are to foreign banks. The reason is that he can no longer get loans in the States because of his unstable financial situation. Sure, he has a lot of assets. But he also has a whole lot of debt. And that's just one of the many reasons why he'll never release his taxes. Especially now when it looks he'll lose the election in a landslide. With the election likely lost already, why should he bother exposing himself more by releasing his income tax?

Another reason may be that he'd be incriminating himself if the government and other tax experts get to have a better look at his tax reports. My opinion is that he's hiding a lot of stuff and belongs in jail.

The guy is simply a bad guy. He's smeared and attacked everyone who he perceives as an enemy or whom he doesn't recognize as an equal. He lies all the time.....fact-checking has proven that he lies 79% of the time he opens his mouth. And this is a guy whom many regard as a truth teller who tells it like it is?? Please!!!!!

Hillary Rodham Clinton isn't perfect. No one is, including all of us. But she's more than qualified to become President. She was a great Secretary of State and even Donald Trump once praised her about this. She was a great First Lady. She's surrounded by political geniuses and advisors. The Benghazi thing was in reality a very minor thing & she was cleared of wrongdoing. It was nothing but a political witch hunt from the Right because she happened to be running for the presidency. Same thing with the whole email bullshit. She wasn't the first government official or Secretary of State to use such a system (and former Secretary of State Collin Powell even suggested she use such a system) and had she not run for President, we would never have heard about it.

Many who have a negative impression of her have been drinking the right's kool-aid. They believe all the lies and smears about her. But even if true (and it ain't), she's still a much safer bet that Donald Trump, who potentially could be the world's most dangerous person should he ever manage to win the Presidency. There's nothing good about this guy. He's a bad man. A very, very bad man. Were i a religious person (i'm not!!), i'd say that this guy is going straight to hell. And there is quite a history of mental illness in the family. His father suffered from dementia/alzheimers at Donald's current age. From my personal observation, he already suffers from a form of dementia. But that's another story.

But i get it. He's very popular among angry white middle-class men over the age of 35 with no college/university education. He's very popular among the right wing's fringe....the wingnuts. I get that. He's also very popular among bigots and racists... aka 'white supramacists'.....i get that. He's told them what they've wanted to hear. He's made them feel like he's one of them. I get that. I also get that many in the struggling middle class might take a liking to him because he's also told them that life will be great under his presidency and they'll be wealthy again......i get this because they've failed to do their homework and don't realize what a gigantic lying bullshit con artist this guy is and he's in reality a failed businessman who has faced thousands of lawsuits from disgruntled contractors, workers and former tenants, among others. The government even once sued him for racial profiling. And believe it or not, his ex-wife Ivana once accused him of once brutally raping her. I kid you not! This guy is a world-class scumbag and it shouldn't be a surprise he's in love with some of the world's most brutal dictators. He has a lot in common with these sociopaths.

Were I an American, i'd vote for Mickey Mouse instead of voting for Trump. Yes, even if i'd be a Republican. My love for my country trumps everything else. I'd do it for the love of my country, and my fellow Americans. And most important, my love for the world as a whole.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
“We are the demographic Trump is appealing to”: Whether the establishment likes it or not, white nationalists still power the Trump train

Republicans must now reckon with what it means that their party's nominee "is the darling of white supremacists"

by Alex Kotch

Read on

Great article and it shows what i've been saying all along about Donald Trump.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Melania Trump: Take It Back Or I Will Sue!

The threatened Melania Trump lawsuit for defamation against news organization who said she worked as an escort in the 1990s is interesting on many levels.

First of all, I do not find it defamatory at all, because I love escorts. So if I am on the jury I say no to defamation.

Second, any attorney who knows a bit about defamation jurisprudence will shop for the forum that has the most beneficial defamation laws on the books affording the greatest possible damage awards. Problem is that those states are not likely to be Trump country.

Third, on the defense side, it would be exceedingly hard to prove the truth as it would require a male client to admit to criminal conduct or conduct which could be criminal, depending on the statute of limitations. I suppose there are other ways to prove truth (former employers or work colleagues).

So basically this is a bit of a legal adventure on both sides.


New Member
May 14, 2016
After hearing Fox News has been showing and pushing a FAKE report that claims Clinton has dementia and suffers from seizures I was wondering about the possibility of a libel suit against Fox. Of course they can claim they were only putting the phony document out there for examination and clarification but that's not how they are handling it. I have a feeling they will find some loophole to skirt by their responsibility but it does seem putting out such claims after Clinton's doctor has stated the contrary and said the documents are fake would give plenty of cause to claim libel.

Fact check: Leaked Clinton medical records -- real or fake?

Conservative media outlets have only bolstered Trump’s claims with their coverage, disseminating photos online of Clinton’s purported medical records originally published by a now-deleted Twitter account.

The medical documents, which were purported to be from Clinton’s physician, said she showed signs of “advancing Subcortical Vascular Dementia” and “frequent Complex Partial Seizures.” It said she complained of “blacking out for short periods of time” and had suffered from “uncontrollable twitching.” A brain scan image circulating online also professed to show there was an abnormality in Clinton’s brain tissue.


One problem: The documents were all fake. And according to the Democratic nominee’s physician, Clinton is healthy enough to occupy the Oval Office.

In a report Tuesday, examined the screenshots of the alleged medical records and confirmed with Clinton’s doctor, Dr. Lisa Bardack, that they were “false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts.” In a statement, Bardack added that the candidate is “in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States.”


Overall, Bardack said last year, Clinton “is a healthy 67-year-old female” with a “healthy” lifestyle -- not, as some conservative outlets would claim, a woman who suffers from advancing dementia or partial seizures.

The funniest part is when Trump makes claims against Clinton's mental fitness after all the nonsense he's spouted consistently over many months.


Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
After hearing Fox News has been showing and pushing a FAKE report that claims Clinton has dementia and suffers from seizures I was wondering about the possibility of a libel suit against Fox. Of course they can claim they were only putting the phony document out there for examination and clarification but that's not how they are handling it. I have a feeling they will find some loophole to skirt by their responsibility but it does seem putting out such claims after Clinton's doctor has stated the contrary and said the documents are fake would give plenty of cause to claim libel.
And i have it from good sources that Donald Trump suffers from dementia, Melania Trump used to be an escort, Ted Cruz' father assassinated JFK, Rudy "The Crossdressing Mayor" Guiliani suffers from alzheimers, Obama was born in Kenya, 911 was actually caused by George W. Bush and that Sandy Hook was a hoax. Heck, i even heard that Elvis might still be alive, believe it or not, and that Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash in 1967 and replaced by a Canadian lookalike.


New Member
May 14, 2016
i even heard that Elvis might still be alive,

"Elvis is NOT dead, he's just gone home." - Agent K of MIB

BTW - I heard Melania is the mystery escort at the next Indy Soiree. Rates are low because she's dying to be had by anyone with a penis bigger than a chiclet. :clap2:


Jun 28, 2015
course, Dr. Lisa Bardack is gonna say that regarding the verity of these leaked reports. I suppose she doesn't want to drop a dumb bell while pressing, or commit suicide, or get shot at by a burglar in near future.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I heard Melania is the mystery escort at the next Indy Soiree. Rates are low because she's dying to be had by anyone with a penis bigger than a chiclet. :clap2:

And a functioning penis. No wonder Trump is always angry and insulting everyone. He likely hasn't been able to get it up for years. Most regular folks could cope with this, but this guy is a lifetime serial adulterer and now he can't even use his very small penis. Put yourself in his shoes and you'd be whining and being negative all the time, right?


New Member
May 14, 2016
Der Trump had his chance to push his favorite pet project within his agenda, "I'm building a Wall". He met with Mexican President Peña Nieto today. Anyone would have expected Trump to lay down the law about immigration and the wall. What happened? TRUMP COWERED. Face to face with the Mexican President, Trump FAILED.

Trump's account: he says he did not discuss the subject of "The Wall".

Peña's account: he tweeted - “At the beginning of the conversation with Donald Trump I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall.”

It doesn't matter which happened. In one Trump cowered and failed to address his favorite issue. In the other Trump was told he would not get anything and failed to respond.

That's how anyone can count on Trump. Not at all.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Repeatedly overheard at a demonstration in Detroit a few seconds ago:




I couldn't agree more!! :thumb:

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Trump has yet to pay top staffers

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has not paid at least ten of his top staff members for their work, according to a new Reuters report based on federal campaign finance filings.

Those who apparently worked for free on the campaign include top staffers such as Paul Manafort, who recently stepped down amid scandal over his earlier business dealings with corrupt Ukrainian leaders.

In addition, Trump's California state director Tim Clark, communications director Michael Caputo and two senior aides who left in June to work for a Trump Super PAC have all not been paid, according to the campaign finance filings. Trump has repeatedly claimed that his campaign's affordability, with his team spending about one-third of what Hillary Clinton has spent, is proof of his business smarts.

It's not clear if the staffers had agreed to work as volunteers or will simply deprived of pay. At least one of those on the list, Michael Caputo, told a radio station in June that he'd never offered to volunteer, but had simply never been paid.

Two others, Ken McKay and Laurance Gay, told Reuters that they had worked as volunteers, though they each later received $60,000 through a Trump-backed Super PAC. Other top staffers who have not been paid include finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, national political director Rick Wiley and senior adviser Barry Bennett, according to FEC filings.

Read more:

Trump has yet to pay top staffers

The Doc thinks that Mr. Trump doesn't have as much money as he claims he has and that the campaign is broke. Many have speculated that he's seriously in debt and that two of his biggest creditors are Russian and Chinese banks.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003

Trump’s liar-in-chief: Since joining his staff, Kellyanne Conway has been living in a world of make believe

Kellyanne Conway was tapped by Trump replace Paul Manafort — and for 2 weeks she's been shilling pure fiction

by Cody Cain, Salon

When Kellyanne Conway became the new campaign manager two weeks ago for Donald Trump, she established her hallmark right out of the gate: lying.

It began with very circumstances of her hiring. Everyone knew that her appointment meant that Trump’s existing campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was out. This sort of reshuffling generates bad publicity for a campaign because such a major shake-up only two months before an election indicates turmoil within the organization.

Conway’s solution to the problem was simple: to just lie. This is really not a shake-up, she insisted. Instead, she characterized it as an “expansion.” She claimed that Manafort would remain in his job and she would merely join Manafort along with Stephen Bannon, the new campaign CEO who was also brought in at the same time as Conway. She painted a lovely picture that the three of them would work together in perfect harmony to run the campaign all the way through until the election. Two days later, Manafort was gone. Some might say that Conway deserves some leeway because such a major shake-up is a sensitive event and any new campaign manager would certainly finesse the issue to minimize the damage. Fair enough.But this was no mere finessing. This was a carefully planned lie. Presenting to the media the new false management structure of the three-person team created the impression that a disorderly shake-up was not underway. But, of course, this turned out to be a deception.Furthermore, when Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton suggested that it was a shake-up, Conway viciously attacked her for being a liar. “That was a complete lie,” Conway charged, insisting, “Nobody got fired at the Trump campaign today.” The audacity is stunning. Not only was Conway lying herself but when someone else spoke the truth, Conway attacked that person, calling her a liar.This is how Conway began her new job as Trump’s campaign manager. And it didn’t stop there. The bald-faced lies have only continued.

Some of them are so obviously false that they are laughable like Conway’s assertion that Trump does not insult people. “He doesn’t hurl personal insults,” she claimed.

This, of course, is absurd. Trump is the king of hurling personal insults. Even Megyn Kelly on her Fox News program scolded Conway for this doozy. “Now, you know that’s not true,” Kelly said.

When pushed on this, Conway has shamelessly tried to seek a moral high ground. “I don’t like when people hurl personal insults,” she said. “I’m the mother of four small children. That would be a terrible example for me to feel otherwise.” But yet there she is, stumping as the campaign manager for someone who should never become a role model for children.

After Trump flip-flopped on his immigration position by saying he could “soften” by not immediately deporting all of the 11 million undocumented immigrants who are already in America, Conway took to the airwaves to insist that Trump had not changed his position at all. This was stunning because, of course, shifting from a proposal to deport them to a plan to not deport them sure seems like a change. “I assure you,” Conway said. “Nothing has changed.” Once again, her statements simply bear no resemblance to reality.

Sometimes Conway’s statements are the exact opposite of reality. For example, Conway maintains that Trump desires to focus on substance and policy, whereas Clinton just wishes to pursue attacks and insults.

The world is upside down. Conway has it precisely backward. It is Trump who lacks substance and policies. He even said himself that voters don’t care about policies, and he mocked Clinton for producing policies. Trump’s campaign is hardly based upon substance and policies; rather it is based upon instilling fear without any regard for the truth. A recent fact-checking report determined that Trump’s claims are false or mostly false a whopping 78 percent of the time. Conway reinforces this cult of egregious lying.

Clinton, on the other hand, is a decided policy wonk who has offered a healthy abundance of facts and policy proposals during the course of her campaign.

It is obvious to see that Trump’s forte is casting insults whereas Clinton’s forte is substance and policy.

Conway’s utter lack of regard for honesty is simply breathtaking. She seems to feel completely free to say anything whatsoever, regardless of whether it has any basis in truth. She appears to have absolutely no concern that lying is morally wrong. It’s like she is missing the morality gene. She will say whatever portrays Trump in the most favorable light at a particular moment, regardless of whether it is accurate.

In fact, the overall message about Trump that Conway presented to the public when she took over as campaign manager seems to have been based upon deceit as well. She announced that her new strategy would be to let Trump be Trump. This was clearly designed to reassure Trump’s core supporters that they could count on the candidate remaining true to the principles that had attracted them in the first place.

But in practice, Conway has done the exact opposite. If Trump were being his true self, he would be giving unscripted speeches off the top of his head and insulting all sorts of people. But Conway now has Trump chained to a teleprompter. This is hardly letting Trump be Trump. His “softening” on immigration is not Trump being Trump but clearly is aimed at attempting to attract Latino voters. And scaling back Trump’s insults is certainly not letting Trump be Trump.

Instead, Conway is attempting to change Trump’s behavior and positions in order to attract more voters, while simultaneously reassuring his base of supporters that Trump is not changing at all. She is speaking out of two sides of her mouth, and these two opposing positions cannot both be true.

Considering that she’s been on the job only two weeks, that sure is a whole lot of lying.

Clearly, Conway has no regard for the principle of conducting oneself with honor and integrity. As a result of her actions, she now has zero credibility. Not a single word that passes through her teeth can be trusted. If Trump were to win the election, all the lying and deception would be rewarded. This would be horrendous. For one thing, it would be morally unjust.

In fact, the lying alone provides sufficient justification for not voting for Trump. Furthermore, a win by Trump would lead to a proliferation of more and more deceitful campaigns and candidates, and thus politics in general would undergo a disastrous downward spiral.

If, on the other hand, Trump were to lose the election in an enormous landslide, this would send a very clear message that voters will not tolerate egregious lying. Subsequent candidates would be on notice that they will pay a price for waging campaigns of deceit. Voters possess the power to fix this problem at the polls by rejecting candidates who lie and casting ballots in favor of the virtue of telling the truth.

Liar liar pants on fire

Doc's opinion: "This is a very good article and shows the culture of lying that has taken over the Trump campaign over the past year."


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
More Ammo for if he needs it.
Obama just got snubbed by the Chinese.
In non diplomatic language they gave him the finger on his arrival to the G20 conference.

Hillary is a total mess ....caught up in lies and worse....incompetence.
The prospect of President Trump is scary as hell....he`d probably try to rename Washington DC to Trump DT.

I`ve never seen the US so divided and impotent.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Trump took cash from Saudis

Donald Trump reportedly sold the 45th floor of Trump World Tower to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for $4.5 million in June 2001 and the apartments later became part of the Saudi Mission to the United Nations.

This comes after Trump has repeatedly hammered Hillary Clinton for accepting money from the country through the Clinton Foundation. If the charges for the apartments and the rental space remained the same since that date, Trump has been paid a total of $5.7 million by the Saudi goverment since 2001.

Trump took cash from Saudis

Donald Trump is the least transparent presidential candidate in the history of US politics. He's a lying racist crook who has done business with some of the worst gangsters on the planet. He'll never release his taxes because it'll prove exactly this to the world. It'll also prove that he's owned by Russian and Chinese banks and owes a lot more than he owns. He's filed for bankruptcy at least four times and he'll be a disaster if he ever manages to be elected to the presidency, which we now know will never happen. There is not a chance it will, thank god!
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