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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
You don't like what I say so you immediately call me names and fling insults? Typical Liberal, they always revert to the same playbook.

Hey gnikerohw ( whoreking if you look in the mirror)
If you read my first post on this thread, you`d know that I was no f`n liberal.


Sep 1, 2016
Hey gnikerohw ( whoreking if you look in the mirror)
If you read my first post on this thread, you`d know that I was no f`n liberal.

Regarding your first post, have you not heard the theory of "Incrementalism". It's something that both parties have totally forgotten. Otherwise we'd be coming off 4 years of Romney and still be bitching about open boarders. Some feel it's compromise, while the wise understand the long game.

P.S. At least one presidential candidate apparently doesn't have the "Clinton Cash" to hire others to do her crimes: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37292570

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Fox News Roger Ailes 2 for 1 Sale. Reinforce "White is Right" in America and get molested too...just say "HEIL!!!"

Seriously, when an ahem "news" station is backed by the White Nationalist Party they should be honest enough to wear brown shirts. No wonder they love Trump.

Or white hoodies! ;)

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I read virtually everything, thus why I'm so well rounded in my opinions and fully informed. I'm the gatekeeper for Kool-Aid Drinkers, misinformed idiots, low information voters, low information sycophants and internet trolls.

It's quite obvious that you're a fucking genius. Someone with your great intelligence is wasting his time on this board.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I actually miss my little buddy....where's he been? :noidea:
I dont't know. He was gone when I ask if beyond political post there was any post from him talkging about the hobby... To which a senior member answered no, they did not recall him talking about girls...

We do come from many different culture and political views, but this forum is first of all about our love of woman and escort right? If not, why be here?


Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I dont't know. He was gone when I ask if beyond political post there was any post from him talkging about the hobby... To which a senior member answered no, they did not recall him talking about girls...

We do come from many different culture and political views, but this forum is first of all about our love of woman and escort right? If not, why be here?

I wasn't aware he had been away. I do remember him talking about a girl once in the past, years ago when he first joined the boards. He referred to a girl named Daphne @GOF and his thoughts about her pretty much reflected mine. But i don't believe he ever talked about girls again. Sad, since women make our world so much better and i firmly believe the world would be much better if women outnumbered men 50-1 and ran most of the world's countries.

Needless to say, i still miss my little buddy.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Last night's NBC Presidential forum......

Clinton looked presidential and didn't run away from answering tough questions. She was tough and performed admirably.

Trump was asked softball questions by Matt Lauer and was allowed to lie over and over without being called for it. Lauer has been taking a lot of flack since then for his poor performance and many wondered why Chuck Todd wasn't chosen over him.

Trump also praised Russian President (and gangster) Vladimir Putin over and over. I swear, his cock quadrupled in size everytime he'd utter his name!! He praised Putin and trashed President Obama and the current US generals several times, which enraged many former generals and other military personnel watching the show. Trump clearly embarrassed himself and looked not only unpatriotic, but treacherous. I'm really starting to believe that he is indeed THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.

On another note, it was interesting to see him defending his stance on the military in regards to the high number of rapes over the past years. It was interesting considering we all know about his questionable past in regards to these types of 'sexual issues' and also the fact he's aligned himself with a serial sexual predator (Roger Ailes) and has defenced his character over and over.

And finally, today would be a good day for Donald J. Trump to once and for all release his taxes and prove to his fellow countrymen that the presidential nominee is not a crook.

p.s. It's now understood that he likely has not paid a dime in federal income tax over the past 25+ years, using all loopholes available to him in order not to pay taxes like all of us do.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Most fair minded people think that Matt Lauer did a chicken shit job by repeatedly interrupting Clinton and not once challenging Trump when he lied..

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Most fair minded people think that Matt Lauer did a chicken shit job by repeatedly interrupting Clinton and not once challenging Trump when he lied..

I agree. And he spent 10 minutes questioning her about the whole email b.s. again where we now all know the questions and answers. Many found her hostile to her and give her credit for her responses and keeping her composure.

Trump got softball questions, lied and deflected answering the questions without Lauer calling him on it. I remember one Iraq war veteran asking him a question about what he'd do if he managed to wipe out ISIS as he promised, since it's expected another terrorist group(s) would fill the vacuum. Trump ignored the question and deflected, talking about the US should have 'got the oil' out of Iraq when they invaded. Lauer never asked him how you'd pull this off. Just invade an oil country and take their oil. It'd be considered a war crime for one. You just can't invade a country when you feel like it and pillage it without the rest of the world reacting to it. But of course, Trump has a big hard-on for his mancrush Putin, who's already done it and trying to repeat it. But Trump was never asked to elaborate by Lauer.

Still waiting for the Trumpster to release his taxes......


Sep 1, 2016
Most fair minded people think that Matt Lauer did a chicken shit job by repeatedly interrupting Clinton and not once challenging Trump when he lied..

He kept interrupting Clinton because she continually broke her promise to avoid badmouthing Trump. She shattered her own record of breaking her promises by committing and then breaking the oath literally one paragraph later. If Lauer had any real guts he'd have called her down on it, but then he'd be finished with the Liberal Media. Yup, he'd have been fired quicker that Doctor Drew was for contemplating Hillary's heath. If Lauer didn't challenge Trump on what you term as "his Lies", at least he treated them equally then. You see it's a matter of perspective. Cloudsurf (a liberal whether he knows it or not) & Doc only see things through the prism of their biases extreme liberal bias.

Ordered one of these as the publication just spent its second week on the NYT Best Sellers List: http://www.breitbart.com/big-govern...raphic-novel-1-on-nyt-bestsellers-list-again/

Have either of you geniuses actually read it or are you just accepting the Huffington Post critique?

moderation: gnikerohw is Vercingentorix aka CS Martin


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I wasn't aware he had been away. I do remember him talking about a girl once in the past, years ago when he first joined the boards. He referred to a girl named Daphne @GOF and his thoughts about her pretty much reflected mine. But i don't believe he ever talked about girls again. Sad, since women make our world so much better and i firmly believe the world would be much better if women outnumbered men 50-1 and ran most of the world's countries.

Needless to say, i still miss my little buddy.

"i firmly believe the world would be much better if women outnumbered men 50-1 and ran most of the world's countries."

I firmly believe so too! And I have wrote it a few time on this board. Men have done enough damage. The problem with men is often that if they are not intelligent they compensate with a big ego and over confidence...


ps give me a country with 50 woman to 1 men and I pack my bags right away :)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Jalimon you better think twice before you pack your bags.
Any country with even a 5 to 1 ratio of women to men would be filled with lesbian Amazons.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case

Town where entire population is made up of beautiful young women makes appeal for single men
More than 600 women make up the population of Noiva do Cordeiro, southeast Brazil, and they are renowned in the local area for being extremely attractive
A town where the entire population is made up of young women has made an appeal for single men - but only those willing to live by female rules.

Go right ahead boys, and report back :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I am all for a woman as leader of the free world, give me Ivanka anyday. But the wicked witch from the west? Lord help us all if she somehow gets elected. What's worse is if her health continues to fail "IF" she becomes President, the alternative is that goof ball Tim Kaine, oy vey....
"i firmly believe the world would be much better if women outnumbered men 50-1 and ran most of the world's countries."

I firmly believe so too! And I have wrote it a few time on this board. Men have done enough damage. The problem with men is often that if they are not intelligent they compensate with a big ego and over confidence...


New Member
May 14, 2016
Colin Powell Verifies Clinton Claims


Many accused Clinton of lying when she claimed Powell advised her on using emails. Powell had denied that saying Clinton was only trying to justify this use by involving him. Now FOX NEWS REPORTS not only does Powell's email transcripts verify everything Clinton said about this, but clearly shows Powell's own intent to circumvent all advice by government security agencies by using a personal computer to avoid "going through the State Department servers.”


The exchange between Clinton and Powell, two days before the start of her tenure as secretary of state, shows Clinton asked him for advice on the use of a BlackBerry. He responded with multiple tips, saying he used a personal computer for government and personal business that wasn’t “going through the State Department servers.”

Of course Fox wasn't going to post everything Powell said. "Be very careful ... I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data." Showing Powell made a great effort to dodge all government controls and HIDE what he was doing on such devices. Now, WHERE IS THE PROSECUTION OF POWELL???????????


Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee who released the full email exchange, said that it "shows that Secretary Powell advised Secretary Clinton with a detailed blueprint on how to skirt security rules and bypass requirements to preserve federal records, although Secretary Clinton has made clear that she did not rely on this advice."

The Maryland Democrat also argued Republicans who have been pressing for documents from the State Department had a double standard for their concern about use of private email, saying if they were worried about the issue, "they would be attempting to recover Secretary Powell's emails from AOL, but they have taken no steps to do so despite the fact that this period-including the run-up to the Iraq War-was critical to our nation's history."

In addition to advising Clinton about government communications, Powell gave his assessment about the security protocols, not just for email, but for movements. He bristled at the restrictions they wanted on him, and recommendations that he be accompanied by agents.

"You will find DS driving you crazy if you let them," he said. And in what may be a reference to Madeleine Albright, he says: "They had Maddy tied up in knots."

Powell said he wouldn't let security agents live inside his house so they had to find a garage nearby. He also revealed "on weekends, I drove my beloved cars around town without them following me," which he said they "hated" and made him sign a letter "relieving them of responsibility if I got whacked while doing that. I gladly did."

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Now i'm hearing that an NBC executive agreed that Matt Lauer's performance last night was sub-par and actually described it as a "disaster".

Matt Lauer seemed unprepared to interview Trump and seemed to have been caught off-guard to counter his many lies and exaggerations. It's almost like he hadn't been watching the news this year. Hallie Jackson (whom i adore!) would have been better qualified to interview the candidates. The very well-informed Chuck Todd would have been the more appropriate choice by the network.

Matt Lauer has had quite a career interviewing people, but he had a sub-par performance last night and maybe it's because his work doesn't involved US politics as much.

When you have a candidate like Trump who's been proven to only say the truth 8-9% of the time, you need an interviewer who is well-versed and who absolutely must challenge his subject when his subject deviates from answering the initial question or totally lies about stuff.....especially when many of the listeners & people in the live audience are fully aware that they are lies.
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