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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
So what you are saying is that Trump is about 8-9% points ahead of hillary :pound:

Make sure you have that $100 available when i come collecting come November. ;)

There's no way that lying con man of a rapist who bribed his way to the top wins the election!!! :mad:

p.s. I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow for the Trumpster to release his taxes.


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
But the wicked witch from the west? Lord help us all if she somehow gets elected. What's worse is if her health continues to fail "IF" she becomes President, the alternative is that goof ball Tim Kaine, oy vey....

By hook and crook, Killary will win the election. Looking forward to Bush II 5th term aka Obama 3rd term and war with Russia...welcome to the party pal! yippy ka yay m*****f****r!

Anyone noticed the two blobs she coughed out into her water glass in Cleveland on Labor Day during her coughing fit or her ear piece she wore during the CIC Forum with Matt Lauer?


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
By hook and crook, Killary will win the election. Looking forward to Bush II 5th term aka Obama 3rd term and war with Russia...welcome to the party pal! yippy ka yay m*****f****r!

Anyone noticed the two blobs she coughed out into her water glass in Cleveland on Labor Day during her coughing fit or her ear piece she wore during the CIC Forum with Matt Lauer?

Video was clearly doctored by American Nazis. If anything, she simply has some mild cooties


New Member
May 14, 2016
Put away all the very nasty and ugly labels that fit so well onto Trump. Misogynist, racist, xenophobic, ego maniac, unstable, hyperbolic, raging, combative, control freak, unrepentant liar, shady businessman, etc. Let's say there's none of that and the only thing you know about him is who he admires. That says a lot about who a person is inside. It's a great measure who who you want to be like. So who comes up most often. VLADIMIR PUTIN.

What is Putin like? Oppressor, dictator, murderer, international aggressor. Someone who wants complete control in everything and has no scruples about how he does anything. Much of that can be seen in Trump already. He believes he knows more than anyone in how to do anything, including the top trained career generals and commanders. He closes himself to any differing view and attempts to crush all dissent. Anyone who challenges him might as well be labelled an enemy. None of that matches up with anyone who wants to be President of a DEMOCRACY or preserve it, but it matches up pretty well with the concept of being a Caesar.

[h=1]Kaine rips Trump camp for praising Putin[/h]

Hillary Clinton’s running mate said Friday his “heart sunk” when he heard Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence say Russian President Vladimir Putin is a stronger leader than President Barack Obama.

“What about invading other countries is leadership? What about running our economy into the ground is leadership? What about persecuting LGBT Russians is leadership? What about setting up journalists and imprisoning them and killing them is leadership?

There is a difference between dictatorship and leadership,” Kaine said, appearing on CBS This Morning. “If you didn’t understand that you wouldn’t get out of a fifth grade civics exam.”

The comments Pence made in California on Thursday followed Trump’s comments during NBC’s Commander-In-Chief forum on Wednesday night, in which he praised Putin.

Kaine, when asked if he believes that Russians are trying to hack and influence the outcome of the election, he said “it’s very clear” that Russia was behind the hack of DNC emails.

Their motive, he said, is “to delegitimize the election.”He also compared the Republican nominee to former President Richard Nixon for comments he made following the DNC hack, in which Trump suggested — sarcastically, he noted, after the fact — that Russia find Clinton’s deleted emails.

“When Donald Trump went on the air publicly and said to the Russians ‘hack away and if you find something that helps me out, let me have it’ … we impeached a president for what he has encouraged Russia to do.”



New Member
May 14, 2016

Trump in hot water over Putin embrace

The nominee's overtures to the Russian leader are alarming his fellow Republicans.

Donald Trump’s extraordinary embrace of Russian President Vladimir Putin has put his campaign on the defensive for a second straight day, coming after the Republican nominee praised the Kremlin strongman and appeared in an interview on a TV network backed by Moscow.

Trump's warm words for Putin have raised the hackles of fellow Republicans and put his allies in the awkward position of claiming their party's standard-bearer is not really praising the Russian leader. It has particularly alarmed the GOP's hawkish national security wing, which hews almost universally to its longstanding view of Russia as an implacable foe of the United States.

Trump inflamed the situation Thursday evening by criticizing U.S. foreign policy during an interview broadcast on RT America, a television network owned by the Russian government that often toes the Kremlin's line. He even dismissed U.S. officials' concern that Russia may be seeking to disrupt the Nov. 8 election as "pretty unlikely," though he went on to say that any such interference would be "inappropriate." (Trump's campaign manager said the interview was meant as a "favor" to host Larry King, whose show is syndicated and broadcast on RT.)



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
The official song of the liberal media aka CNN (Clinton News Network) cbs, abc, nbc and their sister stations :pound:

"Twist again like we did last summer, like we did last year"??? Wth is Chubby Checker talking about, the libby media has been twisting for the last 3 decades at least hahaha


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
Video was clearly doctored by American Nazis. If anything, she simply has some mild cooties

Not buying it...Killary is not well.

Mental freeze:

Mental freeze with Mystery Diazepam Man:

Can't even climb stairs:

Yeah, Killary is in perfect health! Her health rumors is a vast right wing
Nazi conspiracy!


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005

Trump in hot water over Putin embrace

Putin is not Mother Theresa but it's the USA (Bush II and Obama) that has been provoking Russia. Putin put gangsters in prison and turned his country around. Hello, Russia is fighting ISIS. If the DNC wikileaks came from SVR, I say "Спасибо". I can't wait to see the leaks coming out next week! Full disclosure: I am not Russian or paid by SVR.


New Member
May 14, 2016
it's the USA (Bush II and Obama) that has been provoking Russia.


If you believe that nonsense go to the Ukraine or a Ukrainian bar and repeat it. Let us know if you left with your head in place.

Putin is not Mother Theresa but it's the USA (Bush II and Obama) that has been provoking Russia. Putin put gangsters in prison and turned his country around. Hello, Russia is fighting ISIS. If the DNC wikileaks came from SVR, I say "Спасибо". I can't wait to see the leaks coming out next week! Full disclosure: I am not Russian or paid by SVR.

I must say you are actually absolutely right. We have been provoking Russia. We admitted several states to NATO formerly conquered by the Russians in 1940 or occupied under their tender loving dictatorship care after WWII. How dare those enslaved states seek to join NATO and how dare NATO admit them against their will. Good thing the Ukrainians decided to remain unaligned. Then the Russians could generously invite them back lovingly like lost sheep...with soldiers, tanks, bombers, and terror.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Putin is not Mother Theresa but it's the USA (Bush II and Obama) that has been provoking Russia. Putin put gangsters in prison and turned his country around. Hello, Russia is fighting ISIS. If the DNC wikileaks came from SVR, I say "Спасибо". I can't wait to see the leaks coming out next week! Full disclosure: I am not Russian or paid by SVR.

Yes Putin put some gangsters in jail....but only so that he can give other gangsters ( his cronies ) their stolen wealth

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Yeah, Hillary is in perfect health! Her health rumors is a vast right wing
Nazi conspiracy!

Nah, just a Trump conspiracy. Actually, that's pretty much the same thing! ;)

Speaking of the Trumpster, today would be a great day for him to release his taxes.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Yes Putin put some gangsters in jail....but only so that he can give other gangsters ( his cronies ) their stolen wealth

Putin has also raided his country's treasury and transferred billions into his Swiss bank accounts. He's also imprisoned and killed political rivals and journalists who criticized him. Before he came into power, his country was on the fringe of becoming a true democracy. Lizard-face brought it back to a totalitarian regime. He's a fucking monster!!!

By the way, i'm hearing that Trump's marriage is on the rocks and that's one of the reasons why we've rarely seen Melania (the former NY escort) on the campaign trail.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Hillary Health Rumours, Seriously!

I really thought all the stories were just Trump spin doctors exaggerating, but I have seen several versions of this today.

Holy crap this is bad. And it is all over the internet.

Note the black dude who is always around her holding her up, whispering in her ear, standing behind her. He is a mystery. He is at every event. Is he a medical specialist?
And do they use a van instead of a limo so it can carry emergency medical equipment?

The joke of the day goes to the reporter who said Hillary was seen leaving the event walking unassisted. If by walking unassisted you mean carried, then yes.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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She has pneumonia, and yes it can be fatal but usually only with the very elderly and those with weakened immune systems. She was given antibiotics and that should do the job. It usually doesn't kill people who are south of 70.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Pneumonia doesn't get better when it isn't being treated. It has to be treated. People can have walking pneumonia which doesn't get better because it's not diagnosed and treated (in fact my sister had it and didn't get better until she went to a doctor and got treated). So now it has been diagnosed and is being treated and it will get better unless your 88 years old and your immune system is weak. In cases of older and weakened immune systems treatment sometimes fails and the victim dies, but not usually with 68 year olds.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Beav I`m north of 70 and I had pneumonia last winter. It didn`t kill me but for about a week I felt like I was about to die.
Worst part was I couldn`t see anyone even my kids for close to 6 weeks.
Now I`m back to my old form and last month I took the preventive vaccine which gives you lifetime immunity.

What`s absolutely crazy in Quebec is that the medication for the cure is covered by insurance while the preventive shot is not.

As far as Clinton`s health goes I think America now has a huge problem with her non transparent ways. She may have to be replaced at the last minute. Biden anyone?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I recently watched my friend's mother die of pneumonia at 88. She had a near fatal bout at 86, got the pneumonia vaccination, and then was killed by another bout of pneumonia at 88.

The vaccine is not an automatic savior once you get to a certain age. If your immune system is weak and can't do the job, you die from opportunistic infections. There is no such thing as lifetime immunity, if there was, people wouldn't die. We are all going to die and vaccinations may just give you a few extra years. I am not talking about you specifically Cloudsurf but the population in general.
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