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U & me against the world


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Regular Guy said:
Well let's put this into perspective shall we. First off the most powerful nation on earth can do pretty much as it wishes. So let's look at our choices. If the result of the last war would have been different Nazi Germany? No messes there. Summary executions solve that problem. Nazis? Naw. The Soviet Union? Same deal. China? Same Deal. The Brits? They put up with less crap than the Americans do. I know. The Iranians. Now there's a democratic outfit. You know? We get on the Americans' case because in reality it has been a long time since we had anything to compare them to. But I will tell you one thing. They have one redeeming quality. Their system is like ours. It is a democracy. With the exception of the Brits it is the only country which will criticize its own president if they think he is wrong. They are sensitive to causing hurt to others and will speak up. They blunder at times and wrestle with keeping the more radical elements of their ruling elite from being self serving. They don't always succeed. But I can cross the border and speak my mind among them. I wont disappear into some gulag or worse. I wonder if we could do any better. Stephane Dionne to plan for world stability. Give me a break. You think we got troubles now. Just let the red army loose before the end of the cold war and watch out. They'd make any conflicts the US have gotten into look like a schoolyard brawl. So cut them some slack eh? Standing between us and those thirsty to exercise a totalitarian brand of power over us is not an easy go. And if there is a valid third world war in progress it is news to me. Did I miss a step here? Must have missed that issue of the paper.

So you are saying that America can do what it wants (it certainly has proven that in the middle east, faking evidence supporting entry into both gulf wars to excuse/obfuscate their oil grab), but they their political system is similar to ours,and so that excuses mass murder. Ok.

1,200,000 Vietnamese dead
100,000 Iraqi civilians dead Gulf War I
95,000 civilians dead in Iraq Gulf War II
Apr 16, 2005
So you are saying that America can do what it wants (it certainly has proven that in the middle east, faking evidence supporting entry into both gulf wars to excuse/obfuscate their oil grab), but they their political system is similar to ours,and so that excuses mass murder. Ok.

A couple points here. First off. Yes the gulf war as fomented by George Bush was predicated on falsehoods. No question there. It has resulted in notoriety for him and the label of the most hated president in US history. That sentiment has been expressed in print all throughout the US. He and his group have been totally discredited. Now find me any nation on Earth where its ruler wouldn't be able to do the same, right up from the banana republics to China. And in the totalitarian regimes don't look for voices of dissent. And not to put too fine a point on it the US doesnot get one drop of oil from Iraq, ever. Oil interests in Iraq are totally sewn up by the French and the Russians.

1,200,000 Vietnamese dead
100,000 Iraqi civilians dead Gulf War I
95,000 civilians dead in Iraq Gulf War II
You forgot all the German soldiers they killed in WWII. What a bunch of criminals!
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