No. To use your analogy, GFE meant peruvian chocolate 70% cocoa. That's it. No swiss chocolate, no Belgian chocolate, no 85 %, no 60%, no sprinkles. Nada. That's the product. As soon as you alter any of that it's not GFE anymore. There is no selective interpretation, no salespeak, and nobody gives a fuck if people are happy or not. That's not how it works, and that's not truth in advertising. That's the product they signed up for, and what was offered. You knew exactly the product you were buying, and if that wasn't what you wanted then you bought another product. Swiss white chocolate anyone? Sure, but that's not GFE. Except now, because broccoli chocolate ice cream is in vogue.
So next time you buy a coffee you're perfectly fine being served a cup of used motor oil because the barrista thinks it looks like coffee?