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Underage Escort


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Jan 28, 2004
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I wasn't sure whether or not to post this but felt that my fellow members would deal with it in the right manner.

Last Friday as I usually do I was going through the ads on 123 and as my ATF wasn't available I was looking for something new. I saw an ad and sent off a text asking for more information. Services provided, rates, location etc. and received an answer pretty quick. As the pics looked good I thought I'd take a chance and the worst that might happen is that I would walk away if it wasn't the girl in the pics. She booked a time and then asked me what I wanted , specifically, as to services. I replied and she said ok, text me when you're close you're going to love me, I'm 16...................................WTF ? I wasn't sure if this was what she intended to send so I asked the question. You're 16 years old ? The answer came back, Yes ! I replied that what she was doing was illegal and I'm sorry but I wasn't up for doing anything illegal. Subsequently she then sent me a picture of her, full face which was not in the ad. I again said that I wasn't interested and left it at that.

So, really underage ? Police sting ?

Ideas and has anyone else come across this ?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just my opinion but it could be a police setup,since they told you she was 16 and if you would have went you could have been charged right away, if no age was mentioned it would have been hard for them to charge you. I could be wrong but......


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
I agree with STN and Patron. This is one of the main reasons I don't venture on BP or anything similar, too many risks.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Patron they did used that technique in Laval and Quebec city last year. They did not wrote in the add that the girl was minor. Only they sent a text after the meeting was setup that said the girl was minor. 12 still pursue... and got caught. They are under trial right now.



Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Avoid, avoid... yes it's a Police's trap!. I saw on TV couple of months ago, they did same thing in a few towns in GTA, I think it's Brampton and Markham, they put fake ads in Craigslist or Jayxlist then set-up appointments, telling them underage gal, they still come, then busted them at the motel ! They arrested 50 ppl !


Sep 4, 2006
I think it was a sting. I am hoping the cops are diligent about cracking down on underage people in the sex trade, but I think its just for the GP this weekend to maximize PR potential.

Just an FYI, some sites like Eros (while mainly for indies) have strict requirements for the women proving they are of legal age. The woman has to provide unblurred versions of the ad's photos and a copy of their photo ID. Its not fool proof, as a trafficker might use a real woman's pics and info but then have underage girls open the door, but its more effort to get around.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't seeing any escort now (18 & over) considered ILLEGAL under the law?

You see this is where i tend to have a problem with the law, i have read articles that have been posted on merb and have tried to follow these things, but Doc, the law stipulates more on the sex trade then actually seeing an escort, i do believe it is ok to receive payment for companionship like a dinner date, am i wrong? I believe this is why most agency's advertise on this nature and follow it with whatever happens after between two adults is not their responsibility.

Doc, let me know your take on this, also from a legal point of view, EB i would like your opinion.

Thor Jr


New Member
Nov 29, 2011
La police de Québec a utilisé le même scénario ces derniers mois . Un coup rendu sur place les clients étaient avisés une deuxième fois que la fille était mineur et si le client acceptait , il l'arrêtait . De plus cette procédure d'annonce sur les sites est présentement contesté car selon un avocat de la défense il s'agit d'un attrapment. Donc a suivre et et a fuir


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
What you describe is clearly an LE operation. Is it a good thing?

On the pure ground of ethics, I think the assholes paying minors for sex should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However, professionalized ans politically independant police services do not operate purely on the ethical ground. They would normally build a strategy, apply it and evaluate the results. In this case, the question asked would be: did our operation contribute to lower the incidence of minors' prostitution?

There exists no scientific evidence that it does... or that it does not. It would be logical to think that the number of buyers should drop since there may not exist many such buyers. But history has shown us that sex drive is not altered even by such fatal potentential consequence like AIDS in the 1980.

What we know, however, is that these types of operations often have unintended consequences that are hard to evaluate. One is pushing the transactions in further ungrounds where they are hard to observe for LE. The second, much more contentious, is the impact on the minor providers themselves. It was established, in NYC among many cities, that most minors in sex work, contrary to what we beleive, are there on their own volition and have no pimps. Groups working with sex workers, including minors, did attest that in Montreal and Totronto. For these girls sex work provides revenues that help their subsistance and, sometimes, drug habits. When you cut those revenues you often push them to acquire that money through other illegal means that may have more serious consequences.

This does not make paying a minor for sex more acceptable. It simply says that there are probably better ways to held those minors, which the ultimate purpose of the public action.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well the way "she" said it clearly show that its a sting. lol

Personally if they go after the peoples trying to have sex with minors, im fine with it. Like there its clearly said even before the guy get there. I would had do just as you at the first mention of underrage. Not interested good bye.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You see this is where i tend to have a problem with the law, i have read articles that have been posted on merb and have tried to follow these things, but Doc, the law stipulates more on the sex trade then actually seeing an escort, i do believe it is ok to receive payment for companionship like a dinner date, am i wrong? I believe this is why most agency's advertise on this nature and follow it with whatever happens after between two adults is not their responsibility.

Doc, let me know your take on this, also from a legal point of view, EB i would like your opinion.

As Hanna correctly stated, it's illegal to pay for sex. In other words, johns like you and me can get charged by the cops & will have to go to court if we're caught in a sting. Our names will be published. But more likely than not, the main reason why we'd be charged if for LE to get us to agree to a plea bargain in order to give them ammunition against the pimp(s) they're trying to nail. If you agree to 'cooperate', they'll go easy on you. If you are stubborn and stick to your guns, they'll try to nail your ass and embarrass you.

Hopefully things will eventually go back to how they were a few years ago and we'll be able to 'hobby' with peace-of-mind.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
In the U.S. that is standard law enforcement procedure on stings. While I don't condone under aged activity, I hope that Canada is not adopting the U.S. technique of placing fake ads on lower-end advertisements boards and revealing in the text that the provider is underaged.

They already have. In the last three years I read in the news of two police setups and busted a few clients who accepted to book a girl even though she told them that she was a minor. As per the news they said that only a few accepted to book a minor. They were prosecuted. Good to know that most would decline.


Feb 22, 2004
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Can someone share the number so I can book and make them wait :grouphug:
We should book one after the other and make them waste our tax money :deadhorse:
Maybe not a great idea after all :tape:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I am not sure i understand some of you guys. So basically your saying you want to "waste there time" (i supose trough phone apps etc, but remember its the police, they CAN trace you) because there "wasting tax payer". Like really? I understand Patron's point of view that it may make true underrage pimps change tactics and miinors can still be harmed, but at the same time is it not good that SOME predators going after minors will be busted? I wish in everything things would be as easy as to "cut the head of the snake" but its not the case in most instance. Even when they bust a drug ring, oh surprise it does not change much how easy to get drugs in the futur... The reality is, the big fishes will always hide and be protected, when they cut the head of the snake there, they will only cut the head of a grunt snake... So knowing they at leats try and discourage the general dudes from pursuing this is at least better than nothing.

As Hanna correctly stated, it's illegal to pay for sex. In other words, johns like you and me can get charged by the cops & will have to go to court if we're caught in a sting. Our names will be published. But more likely than not, the main reason why we'd be charged if for LE to get us to agree to a plea bargain in order to give them ammunition against the pimp(s) they're trying to nail. If you agree to 'cooperate', they'll go easy on you. If you are stubborn and stick to your guns, they'll try to nail your ass and embarrass you.

One of the reason why i stick with well reviewed/reputed indies and agencies on merb, this completely lower the chances for this to happen. Or at least to 0.05%. Also even tough i do not want to get arrest and face the drama of going to court, have a ciminal record etc etc, i couldn't care less my name be published and this kinda crap. Oh no ... Halloween Mike sees escorts... oh wait ... now maybe 2 persons that knowns me, probably my third cousin and fourth uncle would now know i see escorts... shit :p I guess its the good side of having nothing to hide. Know what? Im at ease to be a client actually. I am completely peacefull minded and at ease with myself to pay for a service with young women doing this by there free will. Im against sex industry shaming and would be more than happy to say it loud and clear.

On the opposite side i would be more than happy to help catch any underrage predators and pimps who force women into the sex industry against there will !!!!

I think its about time these 2 things be differenciate and that the free will sex industry be decriminalized !!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If someone books an agency escort, or independent affiliated with merb, they can be sure she is an adult.
You'd be surprised that this isn't always the case. Reputable agencies can also be fooled by fake i.d. and there are underaged girls who easily look considerably older in some cases. Nothing also prevents an advertising indy from also claiming she's 18 or 19. I've also seen an indy or two advertising their age as being 18 or 19 when they had been working for a well-known agency or so for a couple of years previously. Years ago an sp i met when she was 21 confessed to me during conversation that she started to work as an sp when she was underaged and that her 'boss' was aware of it from the start. Another admitted the same thing but added that her 'boss' only found out months later but by then she had turned 18 and that's why she had spilled the beans to her 'boss' and that's why she wasn't fired. I've heard all kinds of stories over the years which only goes to show that nothing is 100% proof.

But yes, in most cases well-known reputable agencies are more careful about whom they hire and often will routinely screen better than others prior to hiring someone, but the odd time someone likely does manage to slip through the cracks and it's never wrong for any suspecting john to be vigilant if he has any doubts at all when meeting someone.
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