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I recently read an article regarding women in prostitution. Apparently 80% of women who are or have been in the business as an SP admit to having started at an age less than 18 .


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Do you not worry about the slippery slope aspect of the police taking out fake ads?

In my understanding, prostitution cause very minor problems here in Canada. From the LE perspective, it is not an important issue. To my knowledge, no police service has ever said they need more money dedicated to it. They never asked for C-36. As a matter of fact they know it would lead to more serious problems if they applied the law. That’s why they don’t. I have yet to see an arrest on and only on, buying sex from a consenting adult. Their main action continues to be on street solicitation, minors and criminal organizations. It’s been like this in Montréal for the last 15 years, nothing relative to C 36.

But then why do they go for these inefficient operations? Because parliament votes laws and because politicians respond to moral panics by literally throwing money at LE. For politicians, it has a double purpose: get rid of the responsibility to do something about the false narrative going on and to signal virtue. Do politicians over blow the “the problem”? The answer lies solely in public relations. On that ground, the issue is not sex work, it is with kids running away from the centres jeunesse.

The frontiers protection police clearly use the moral panic to get the money they lack for ground operations. Fine. The RCMP, the federal police, works closely with the frontiers police on these issues and that’s where most money goes to. In simple words, immigration control. Provincial police forces in Ontario and Québec work on provincial competences, a job for which the other provinces buy the service of the RCMP. As far as I know, but I may be wrong, not much money has gone neither to the SQ or the OPP. The other police services are municipal. These are very well funded. And when they need more to deal with an issues, they get it.

The thing, here, is that the SPVM did not need the money. I’m not saying some municipal police services did not. Apparently, in the Peel region of Toronto, they had a serious problem. Here, they did not. But they have to show they are doing something. So they went for operation that do not destabilize the industry: public relations campains that are totally useless and the fake ads for services provided by minors.

A slippery slope? I don’t think so. Even the much more conservative parts of the USA they have yet to go the way you fear. The fake adds all strongly suggest you re dealing with a minor or forced prostitution. I agree that you’ll frequently see massage parlors closed. But that’s a different issue.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I recently read an article regarding women in prostitution. Apparently 80% of women who are or have been in the business as an SP admit to having started at an age less than 18 .

That was debunked so many times. If you insist, show the article and I'll tell you the problem.


Dec 19, 2012
Looks like TC dodged a bullet :

Some excerpts:
Police target massage parlours, stage sting operations

As they did last year, Montreal police and partners like the RCMP and the Canada Border Services Agency are joining efforts to “thwart demand for sexual services” during the Grand Prix.

“We know that there’s an increase in sex services being offered when there’s a major event,” said RCMP spokesperson Camille Habel. “There must be a higher demand because otherwise they wouldn’t bother getting more girls in.”

Last year, in the days leading up to the Grand Prix, police raided 31 massage parlours and 11 strip clubs and organized sting operations via websites.

More than 1,000 customers were identified at the massage parlours and strip bars, as were almost 350 workers. Six people were arrested. Twenty-seven sex workers were identified via websites selling sexual services, as were six people who worked with the sex workers. One of the assistants was arrested.

Habel said the arrests were not related to sex work, but she could not specify the charges. The arrests may have been sparked by such things as outstanding warrants.

Police also placed ads on online classified sites offering sex with girls under 18, Habel said. Just over 120 people answered the ads, three of whom were arrested for purchasing sexual services from a minor.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I recently read an article regarding women in prostitution. Apparently 80% of women who are or have been in the business as an SP admit to having started at an age less than 18 .

I seriously doubt there's any truth to this claim. Whoever did that so-called 'research' must have had an anti-prostitution bias to begin with. And how would such a research be performed? By the so-called 'researcher' booking every single escort in Montreal, Toronto, Canada or throughout North America?


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
"334 personnes auraient tenté par divers moyens d'obtenir des services sexuels de mineurs depuis la semaine dernière."

So that's pretty much that.

I certainly have no sympathy for people who want to buy sexual services from minors, but I have doubts on these operations. Money and human resources are limited, as taxpayers, is this the best way to fight exploitation and make society safer and more just?
Also, isn't this entrapment? You have real people right now online trying to entice and groom children, or actively searching or searching to produce child pornography: I know law enforcement already put a lot of efforts to fight that, but wouldn't it be better to focus on that, first and foremost? These people are really good at preying on children and teenagers, forget the old guy who don't leave his mom's basement, you have tech-savvy people who know how to hide their tracks and distribute the stuff. I know it's less spectacular, but please fight this instead.

Hell, it's a show de boucane. You and I know it, sex workers know it, Stella knows it, cops know it too. Show de boucane, I guess it's appropriate for a Grand Prix.

The Grand Prix should be a week off for local hobbyists anyway. This event is for tourists, not for locals, who unless they're big F1 fans avoid the downtown area for the weekend every year. Likewise, we should take the week off and hobby next week.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
What I was getting at HM was that fake ads by the police to combat underrated prostitution sets up the apparatus for the police to eventually use fake ads to combat consensual adult prostitution, which is what happened in the U.S. Once a vice squad is established, they have quotas to meet and concerns about job security and potential transfers to more dangerous lines of duty, so the desire to start targeting consensual adult prostitution, particularly since c36 does exist, is very realistic.

Right now it is selective enforcement meaning they can bust on consensual prostitution at any time. Keep in mind we now live in an era of political correctness and there has been a mass resurgence of conservatism. It slowly seems to be moving more and more toward paternalism. If it gets the politicians votes and makes them popular they will bust on it.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
. Show de boucane, I guess it's appropriate for a Grand Prix.

Good one!

Patron, you're absolutely right IMHO about the difference between procecutors in the two countries. Any serious american law scholar should advocate for the system we have here and I don't say that in a chauvenistic way. The DPCP is a model for the world. It has total independance from the political sphere. The same thing could be said about LE even if it's far less than perfect. The RCMP is doing a job they should not do: a mouth piece for politicians. The information they provide about trafficking is over the top considering their knowledge. Part of the reason is their obligation in regards with international treaties and the pressure put on Canada by the USA.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
hey doggylover,

so the ad was on 123? I guess the ad is gone? or is it still there? can you tell us more?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
... Keep in mind we now live in an era of political correctness and there has been a mass resurgence of conservatism...

In recent years, the hysteria about "sex trafficking" and underage prostitutes has been driven just as much by feminists and their liberal allies in the media as much as by conservatives. Stop blaming only "conservatives" as the only supporters of the anti-prostitution movement. :rolleyes:


New Member
Mar 11, 2011
I think this is a bandwagon topic. People jump on to this matter because it is politically correct. Even Jean-François Lisée of the PQ jumped on and made a statement on the mews to say that everyone should be concerned about this matter, as they should but did he do so to get votes or was he genuinely concerned? The police have to appear to be doing something, the reporters jump on to exaggerate a story, and the feminist have to strut around with their imaginary hard ons screaming exploitation. Certainly this problem exist but at this time during the Grand Prix with all the publicity of crack downs only a fool would tempt fate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Stop blaming only "conservatives" as the only supporters of the anti-prostitution movement. :rolleyes:

Are you the conservative white knight or are you on their payroll? You are so self-absorbed by your right-wing protectionism you did not even get the meaning of my sentence. Conservatism as in paternalism more strict rules more regulations. I was not even referring to any political party. Take a look around you but things were much more liberal during the 60's. There were far less rules, regulations, and need for permits and licenses. Now the city wants to control and regulate everything. As the years go rules are more numerous and stricter. During the 60's Montreal built Expo 67 and the metro within a few years. They drafted the plan and within a few days the plan was put into action. Now it takes 20 years for minor projects to go ahead. It has to go through study after study, analysis after analysis, and through a lot of bureaucratic bs that delays time and inflates the price to enormous levels.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I think this is a bandwagon topic. People jump on to this matter because it is politically correct.

Yep that is pretty much what I wrote. We live in an era of political correctness. Everyone is too concerned with being politically correct instead of speaking the truth.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
There are always two sides to a coin.
Wish they would have taken 20 years to study the Olympic Stadium, maybe then they would not have built the mother of all white elephants, that we are still paying for.

With this you do make a good point


New Member
Jul 31, 2014
100% A STING so that the police can release a press release saying they are fighting against prostitution during the grand prix.


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Jan 28, 2004
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I'll answer a couple of questions.
First, I didn't dodge one as someone said, the response from the text I said came back and clearly identified the young woman as 16. I don't ever fuck children ! I would never go down that road and even as I get older have a problem with the young 18 yr olds. I prefer a woman in her late 20's or early to mid 30's. The body is still firm but the talent and patience to please is super.
Second, yes, the ad is still there, not current mind you but still there. I will not post a link in any way as I think this is best left alone.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...Now it takes 20 years for minor projects to go ahead. It has to go through study after study, analysis after analysis, and through a lot of bureaucratic bs that delays time and inflates the price to enormous levels.

And why is that? It's because Montreal and Quebec have been governed for decades by left wing governments.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
And why is that? It's because Montreal and Quebec have been governed for decades by left wing governments.

It was a right-wing conservative government that made Bill C-36. Never forget that. This bill would have never existed had we had a centrist party like the liberals in power in fact the NDP is the only truly leftist party and they are for legalizing prostitution. The old British laws had been untouched for years till the sex workers decided to go against those old laws with a conservative government in power. Like it or not most of the lobbying against prostitution is coming from the right. I still see you are in denial. Lol
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