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USA – Super Power … but Super Smart?


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
Ziggy Montana said:
Amusing but the same exercice has been done here in Canada and elsewhere with more or less the same result. I hope everyone understands that this is all entertainment.
As far as I know Rick Mercer was the first to do this with his Talking to Americans... he was eventually asked to cease and desist since he was offending too many people. :rolleyes:

The article mentions that "Nightline, the American television news program, did a segment on Talking to Americans in 2001. It concluded by sending a crew to Toronto to ask Canadians about their national politics; ironically, very few interviewed by Nightline could identify Prime Minister Jean Chrétien." Ouch...


Oct 11, 2005
I am always amazed by men that are liberal. Liberalism is a woman’s ideology. Do your own study and personal observations of liberal men and you will find that most are sissy’s. Are you (guy’s?) actually girls trapped inside a man’s body?


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
beautydigger said:
And I'll only point out that there are studies that demonstrate that liberalism is a mental disorder.
beautydigger said:
I am always amazed by men that are liberal. Liberalism is a woman’s ideology. Do your own study and personal observations of liberal men and you will find that most are sissy’s. Are you (guy’s?) actually girls trapped inside a man’s body?
Therfore women have mental disorders? :rolleyes: Or people with mental disorders are women? Or... I give up, it's useless to reason with people like you.

BTW that would be sissies and not sissy's[sic]. You've already made this mistake in the past, learn from your it.


Oct 11, 2005
I have also in the past stated that a person that has to correct someone’s spelling is scrapping the bottom of the barrel, especially on this board. I guess this would make a liberal loser feel smart. Anyway, why don’t you liberal men start a thread on your first homosexual encounter, since this is so prevalent among the girly men.

P.S. What does learn from your it mean.


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
beautydigger said:
P.S. What does learn from your it mean.
You got me there... I mean to say 'learn from it' and figured it sounded wrong so was going to write 'learn from your mistakes' but that was repetitive, so I was going to go back to 'learn from it' and didn't erase properly... my thoughts must have been muddled...

Since we are having a discourse in written form, I think it's worthile expressing yourself correctly... and you've demonstrated that you still don't understand the concept of plural vs possesive.

No, seriously, the bottom of the barrell, is calling people sissies, women, homosexuals, girly men insead of actually debating the topic at hand. How old are you? I surmise young enough, at least intellectually, to be offended if I call you a woman too. (Besides, as if being a woman were a pejorative thing.) Re: previous quote from the article I posted: "People who were conservative at age 23 had been described by their teachers as easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable at age 3. The reason for the difference, the Blocks hypothesized, was that insecure kids most needed the reassurance of tradition and authority, and they found it in conservative politics."

If you'd like to discuss facts, I'm willing to do so, otherwise shut up, you are simply digging yourself deeper into the hole you came from.
beautydigger said:
And I'll only point out that there are studies that demonstrate that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Please provide proof so that I can further laugh at the proof and at you.


Oct 11, 2005
Agrippa said:
simply digging yourself deeper into the hole you came from.Please provide proof so that I can further laugh at the proof and at you.

There is a whole book written on it by Savage. At least real men don't laugh at me or women who like masculinity not feminity. Have you ever considered a sex change, because I'm sick of men like you disgracing real men.

And speaking of holes....I'm sure your an expert on manholes.
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Oct 11, 2005
btyger said:
It's not an argument, it's character assassination, and ironically, it's intellectually shallow. (To wit, it's stupid.) This is the definition of arrogance, which is to believe that anyone who doesn't agree with you must be an idiot.

Yes, but what is really stupid is to link liberal to Democrat and Republican to conservatism. I am an independent conservative who did not vote for Bush or Kerry.

Doc, everybody knows there are gay Republicans, but being gay is not a conservative value.
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C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
beautydigger said:
There is a whole book written on it by Savage. At least real men don't laugh at me or women who like masculinity not feminity. Have you ever considered a sex change, because I'm sick of men like you disgracing real men.

And speaking of holes....I'm sure your an expert on manholes.
LOL, I figured you and the proof would be laughable, WOW a whole book by some idiot nutritionist (go ahead read the article, you might enjoy learning some facts about Savage) arguing how morally corrupt liberals are. Do you have enough brain cells to read a whole book? Probably not, you didn't even bother reading beyond the title of the book? Do you even know the title of the book? You weren't even able to provide it.

I presume you mean the drivel that goes by the title of Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder. It's a catchy title that might sell copies to imbeciles like you, but that's not the point of the book at all. Go read the summary at the link. Nowhere is a psychological argument made, just the usual whining.

Keep resorting to ad hominem attacks... I think our last few exchanges are a case in point. My education being that of the Canadian system and yours being that of the American system. Readers, judge for yourself: Super Smart?


Oct 11, 2005
Agrippa said:

Keep resorting to ad hominem attacks... I think our last few exchanges are a case in point. My education being that of the Canadian system and yours being that of the American system. Readers, judge for yourself: Super Smart?
This just shows you can not control your jealousy and shows your insecurity.

LOL This is an acronym used primarily by women.

Laughable?? I give you proof of a book that was on the New York Times best seller list.

Idiot nutritionist??? You really need to do more research.

I’ve read the book you have not, but you know the real point of the book.

I really hope the Canadian Educational system is not too proud of you.


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
beautydigger said:
This just shows you can not control your jealousy and shows your insecurity.
You think I am jealous of you? :rolleyes: No, it provides some insight into the point of this thread. Are Americans smart? Apparently not since they win and decide elections by using ad hominem attacks much like yourself.

beautydigger said:
I’ve read the book you have not, but you know the real point of the book.
I read the summary, your premise that 'liberals are nuts' appears no where in there, therefore I conclude it plays no role in the book. The fact that something is popular doesn't make it correct or worthwhile.

beautydigger said:
I really hope the Canadian Educational system is not too proud of you.
Actually, to tell you the truth, I'm not proud of it. It has its faults like everywhere else. One thing it taught me though is that childish name calling is reserved for grade school. You're supposed to grow out of it.

If you care to respond again by calling me a woman, go ahead, it makes you look like an inarticulate idiot. I will not engage in this discussion further as it is a total waste of my time.


Oct 11, 2005

I noticed you are using the invisible option. What are you hiding from? Are you scared like a little girl.


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
OMG... Does BD live in a different world than us?

First off... NO ONE attaches a political view with a sex. It's stupid to its core. Remember 7th grade? Where all the little guys were going around asking stuff like "Does your mama know your gay?"...

You can't insult people by calling them "women", unless you assume that women is somehow inferior to men.

I think BD has a weird attachment to "being macho".

"I vote conversative because I believe doing so tells the world that I am not gay !"

No, dear... not sleeping with a guy tells the world you're not gay. And That's The Only Definitions of "Gay-ness". I don't care if you drink Shirley Temple and likes to wear bras (that means you are weird... not gay). Seriously, any normal person reading your posts are going to think less of you (please stop).

EDIT: I sense a deep hatred for women inside you. Please resolve your issues.
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Oct 11, 2005
The only thing that made any sence is that paying for sex isn't a conservative value. Now it is time for you to admit that homosexual life styles are a liberal value. Come on....try to be a man at least.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
John_Cage said:
I think BD has a weird attachment to "being macho".
I'm more inclined to think he's been living in the closet for too long and badly needs to come out.


Oct 11, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
I'm more inclined to think he's been living in the closet for too long and badly needs to come out.

So I take it that the Canadian Educational System teaches that alternative life syles are a conservative value.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
BD, not at all! Our educational system teach us not to see peoples who are different as being inferior. Who cares about what's liberal or conservative mentality? Hey! I know a few gays who vote conservative!

Really, the name-calling and all psuedo-insults about sex preference are childish at best. It's a definite sigh of somebody who's out of arguments but won't stop blabbing only to get the last word, without noticing he make a fool of himself.

Keep going, you always do a good job.


Oct 11, 2005
metoo4 said:
BD, not at all! Our educational system teach us not to see peoples who are different as being inferior. Who cares about what's liberal or conservative mentality? Hey! I know a few gays who vote conservative!

Really, the name-calling and all psuedo-insults about sex preference are childish at best. It's a definite sigh of somebody who's out of arguments but won't stop blabbing only to get the last word, without noticing he make a fool of himself.

Keep going, you always do a good job.
How foolish of me to think alternative life styles are a liberal value instead of a conservative one.
I guess you have never done any name calling here, and I am the only one doing that in this thread. You are so smart metoo4.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
My "name-calling" is very restricted, and only for certain posters I love the most... ;)

There's a difference is saying "Your attitude is stupid." and "You're stupid."
The first isn't name-calling or offensive, the second is.
Obviously some aren't gramatically advanced enough to make the distinction.

Whoever resort to name calling and other childish lines is "out of line" and should think about something good to put his point in value, unless that person have no valid point to start with...
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