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USA Nervous About Vote On Scotland's Independence


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The vote on independence was 55% No to 45% Yes, perhaps not a resounding victory for Scotland remaining in the UK, but certainly a very solid majority.

Halloween Mike, if one only looks at the economics of both Scotland and Quebec situations, Scotland has a better case for independence as they are giving about the same amount of money as what they get. Quebec, on the other hand, is way in the red on federal monies coming in vs. what goes out. Don't you think that picture has to change before independence can realistically be discussed? Where are those net surplus monies coming in to Quebec going to come from once they are stopped? Sol Tree Nutz says that the eastern provinces are leeching off the western provinces' wealth. Can they be self sufficient? The numbers at this time do not suggest this.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Sol Tree Nutz says that the eastern provinces are leeching off the western provinces' wealth..

Leeching is a word I have never used. Eastern provinces have their provincial parties to blame for monies short coming and no one else, easy to blame Harper for all the things going wrong but he has nothing to do with it.
As for the Scots, IMO it was the right choice, their oil supply was to run out in 40 years and the cost to run your own country is very high, they would need permission to use another countries currency, need to get accepted into the UN, trade agreements and the list goes on. You can not become independent and piggyback off the country you left as Quebec wanted to do. All debts must be paid.
As for the equalization payments I think the formula needs to be changed, if a province can make more but refuses to ( Quebec & Nova Scotia banned fracking which would have brought in billions in royalties plus high paying job taxes ) plus having perks no other provinces have ( Ultra cheap education, $7 daycare, $24 beer, $8 cigarettes, the male partner gets paid maternity leave also plus more ) If you give your people these perks your payments should be reduced ).... Again, this is my opinion..... I do not mind supporting another province that need it and is willing to make some sacrifices. The student protest a couple of years ago was a joke...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all
I have lived in many different Provinces of Canada through out my life ,economics varies , laws varies ,I presently invest in BC and Quebec ,
I do have a preference for Canada the way it is .
Just recently Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard offered Prime Minister Stephen Harper to sign the constitution is anwer was no .Harper comes from the west .
Time will tell if the Scots made the right choice



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The thing is with econemics is that they are always ways to cut, they just don't do... look at all that money, (les primes versé) given to those governement people, there just so many waste in our province/slash country. And i think only with the electricity we should be able to make enough money...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The thing is with econemics is that they are always ways to cut, they just don't do... look at all that money, (les primes versé) given to those governement people, there just so many waste in our province/slash country. And i think only with the electricity we should be able to make enough money...

Every political party is out for themselves and will look for loop holes to get more. In 2012 our government system cost Canadians 13 billion. We do not live in a democracy as we work for our politicians. I wish Quebec & Ontario would be Conservative for a couple of terms to get turned around financially, there has to be cuts to make progress and the cuts will not come in lower political costs. Basically we are getting fucked by all, even Harper who I voted for is fucking us but I believe he fucks us less than the rest would and gives us a better economy.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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One of the big problems we have in the USA is that Congressmen only get re elected if they bring federal money back to their districts or states in the case of senators. It is impossible to curb spending in such a culture. And the Republicans who campaign on curbing spending are often the worst violators like Ted Stevens and his bridge to nowhere. But tax revenue by state or province is something that can be computed as can federal money out to that state or province.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
From a Ontario News Paper ,by the way I am from Ontario and I live in BC thats in the west last time I checked .

An Ontario newspaper is a liberal newspaper same as an Alberta newspaper is a Conservative newspaper. Just dislike false quotes ( you seem to be the google master here, I am sure you can find the Ontario paper that said the comment ) plus am really happy that you know BC is in the west.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
An Ontario newspaper is a liberal newspaper same as an Alberta newspaper is a Conservative newspaper. Just dislike false quotes ( you seem to be the google master here, I am sure you can find the Ontario paper that said the comment )
Ok so news papers and news media does not influence public opinion.I guess I don't live on the same planet my is full of polka dots

plus am really happy that you know BC is in the west.
If its going to make you happier I will revise my statement ,I know noting ,I see nothing ,I hear nothing,I understand nothing I was just a st....d escort booker ,that happened to be lucky .

Happy Hobbying none the less

Just be Happy

Kind Regards

Booker L is for ......

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I wish Quebec & Ontario would be Conservative for a couple of terms to get turned around financially, ...even Harper who I voted for is fucking us but I believe he fucks us less than the rest would and gives us a better economy.

Conservative are the worst, just look at this stupid law they want to pass about the escort world. I am not saying there is a good party, but somewhat i would trust more on Mulcaire than Harper personally.
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