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Using a Merb Handle for Discounts

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Come on guys, stick to the proper thread...

Oliver, breadman,

Why don't you guys copy and paste your posts in breadman's thread? This thread was started by Anik and the subject is not about agency ladies vs. streetwalkers. Please delete your posts here and stick to the proper thread.

>>Special K,

So if you do not partake in this activity, I gather you're critical of it. Do you think this is an activity that is widespread? If so, how are we to know whose partaking in it and how credible their reviews really are?


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Repeat clients should get a discount...

Karma said:
On the other hand, I understand this business strategy might give you success... But have you thought what would happen if you have a bad experience ? We all know there ARE compulsive-obsessive/dysfunctionnal/rough hobbyiest here...

My point is, its not because a guy is a "senior member" or even a "productive" member that he is one you wanna spend time with.

Far from me the idea of telling you how you should run your business, don't get me wrong. I just wanted to point out that there's LOT of sides you should consider before applying discounts for members of a board.


I agree with your thoughts here. I would also suggest a good strategy for indies is to apply discounts to clients after they have repeated with them (i.e. on the third encounter). This would encourage a client that you trust to think strongly about where he'll spend his money. If he likes you and wants to see you again, he'll probably be enticed by this discount.

So how would this work? Let's say you charge $500/2 hour encounter. You tell the client that if he sees you after he repeats, the rate will fall to $400/2 hour encounter.

I believe that this form of discounting should also be applied in the industry (for 2 hour encounters only). It promotes loyalty and it is safer for the ladies.

just my two cents.

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Special K

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General Gonad said:
Oliver, breadman,

Why don't you guys copy and paste your posts in breadman's thread? This thread was started by Anik and the subject is not about agency ladies vs. streetwalkers. Please delete your posts here and stick to the proper thread.

>>Special K,

So if you do not partake in this activity, I gather you're critical of it. Do you think this is an activity that is widespread? If so, how are we to know whose partaking in it and how credible their reviews really are?


First of all enough of this shit in this thread between Ollie & Breadman, Oliver take it over to the other thread and leave it there.

GG, yes I'm very critical of that activity! It's been rehashed here innumerable times but my feeling is there's no way someone will write an honest review if they've had a bad time with a companion when they're being given discounts from the agency owner, it's absurd to even think that. I know first hand people that seek out discounts and to me their "reviews" mean zero, unfortunately though there's far more out there than the few that I know of.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
So what do you think of discounts for repeat clients?

I would like your opinions on what I posted above - i.e. discounts for repeat clients (starting on the third encounter and only for two hour encounters).


Special K

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May 3, 2003
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oliver kloseoff said:
Special K
your one member
who i respect his posts,and enjoy reading them
because of your integrety and honesty!
i apoligise to members for hijacking this thread
my arguments have been moved to


Thanks Ollie, I appreciate it.

General Gonad said:
I would like your opinions on what I posted above - i.e. discounts for repeat clients (starting on the third encounter and only for two hour encounters).


This sounds like a feasible possibility, so long as it`s made public on the website of the provider offering this service. Then I see no problem in it. If you`ve already seen the lady twice and enjoyed being with her chances are a small discount for a 3rd appointment will only be better marketing strategy for the lady, small being the operative word here, I`m not talking about 1/2 off the appointment or even better yet a Board Stiff discount :rolleyes: :cool:



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Interesting feedback

My intention has little to do with reviews - let me just start like that, and if a negligable amount like 20$ or 30$ would buy a better review. well, then some gents come really cheap!! lol!

As I mentioned, it is common in the US to do this - as ladies we can then look at the reviews the gent has written, the ladies that respond to him (in the US - I would even be able to email the ladies he reviewed for references -ones he might not povide normally), the advantage there is to verify I would require use of a service only available to PAID members, here that means seeking out the RED names... but since that is not really the same thing here, I was looking into anothe method.

Part of it is screening and I know Montrealers are not used to sharing as much information as US guys - so why not find a way that could make each of us more comfortable? Merb is an idea - it does 2 things - provides advertising for merb and directs visitors from the US to this local site from my own, and would allow me to find the few Montrealers I am interested in seeing but who have, up until this point, not been comfy with the more indepth info I require.

Maxima, I am semi-retired, I still see a few people here and there. I do however, feel that I have given Montrealers a bad-break and I am thinking of testing the waters to see what comes of it.

I like keeping things community-ish, that is why the discounts at TER and TBD - you become familliar with the characters on the board, there is some familliarity which makes meeting a new person more comfy - thus the idea f meeting people from a particula board and encouraging this.

Higherlover - who are you?

GG - repeat clients almost always get a lower rate with me, they also get fist choice of tou appointments as I let the guys I know already know about my tours before I ever post them on the boards. I PREFER clients I know already...

Who knows, but I was hoping to get some ideas like this and alot of important questions have come up:

Who is a senior member (do we go by posts or reviews or how long one has been a member?)

If it doesn't matter, then how does this help in screening?

There are a few unsavory characters on the boad, as on other boards - but the funny thing is I have met people on other boards that I assumed were a little rough around the endges and they turned out the be the sweetest - who knows!

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Actually it's none of our business if agencies or indies want to give discounts for any reason, whether it's for repeat business or multiple hour bookings, with one exception... I don't think that discounts should be given just due to the fact that a client is a member of any board. The thing that is most important is that any discount is mentioned in the review. This is a free board, we don't pay to become members here and we should not receive any benefits other than the information that we share with each other. And that information should not be tainted due to discounts or freebies. There are mp's in town that give cards for discounts or free sessions and no one has ever complained about that practice on the board. It should be no different for any other aspect of the business.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Techman said:
This is a free board, we don't pay to become members here and we should not receive any benefits other than the information that we share with each other. QUOTE]

You are right here - this is the first time that it wouldn't be a PAID member of a boad discount... something to think on

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Just-ass-weet said:
GG - repeat clients almost always get a lower rate with me, they also get fist choice of tou appointments as I let the guys I know already know about my tours before I ever post them on the boards. I PREFER clients I know already...


I agree with this practice because it promotes loyalty and it's safer for the SP. Clients that repeat often should get discounts regardless of whether the SP is an indy or whether she works for an agency.

As far as their reviews are concerned, they should disclose this, but in the end, actions speak louder than words. If he's repeating, it means the SP was well worth it so I would expect a favorable review.



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Oct 3, 2004
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Poll idea?

Perhaps a poll on this subject would be appropriate to find where the majority of us stand as far as what is acceptable and what is not.

So far it sounds as though discounts available to the general public are OK. I also saw Techman mention that its really important that any discount is mentioned in any subsequent review. I want to agree with that sentiment but I hesitate to do so because I think we need to add to that the REASON for any discount given as well.

I still feel strongly that in the eyes of the readers of our reviews, our credibility will take a massive hit if we reveal we are receiving discounts just because we are members of this board. It will look even worse if it is known that only "Senior" members of this board are receiving this sort of "Celebrity Shwag." For the appearance of complete objectivity, only complete abstinence from discounts based on Merb handles will suffice.

I do believe that SP's have the right to do what they will with their scheduling priorities and if they want to give a good client a free hour or a free date thats their prerogative. However, why does Merb ever even have to enter the discussion, at any point, for any reason?

Excuse the melodramatic reference but, we should be as ghosts!


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Mar 12, 2003
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Slippery Slope

Any discounts received are & will always become a slippery slope as to how a hobbyists reviews an experience.

If anyone thinks that they can totally & objectively review any experience where & when there has been any sort of compensation, other than what has been publicly offered, such as points, pr promos, etc, I say you're a blatant dreamer as no one is capable of doing so.

How would it be if SL announced that he was finally going to start from this point on to write reviews but with the same intentioned honesty, integrity & objectivity (good or bad) ? Do you think that SL would be contacted by agencies & offered discounts ? Only ignorant agencies wouldn't or those who have fears as to their providers. My guess is that the best and/or most reliable providers would be offered. I have considered this many times but so far I have not wavered on the fact that I owe no one in this biz anything. I only feel a debt to my fellow hobbyists to always tell the whole truth & not leave an ounce of detail out.

I may at times ruffles a few feathers as I must tell it like it is, just the facts, not an opinion, as I will always keep that to myself. Even when I discuss in private about my regular, with those that I meet, I never express anything other than she's as horny a pig as I am & it will always stay that way.


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Mar 12, 2003
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I have seen my regular more than 100 times at this point & continue to do so up until a few days ago & not once have I ever received or would I accept any discount, as I want to owe no one anything.

And this is coming from a someone who will never review her.

That being said, if I would ever write a review of another provider, I would state openly that I received a discount, special rate or compensation or not. The amount is not relevant as that is between 2 bargaining parties.

Special K

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Karma said:
And don't forget, SK, that agencies owners DONT want their girls to see regular clients... What would happen if all SPs working in agencies would realize how much they are popular ?

No more jobs for owners, Im afraid:rolleyes:

You make a very good point here Karma. :) By the way, it's nice to see you back here a little bit more ;) I hope you'll stick around and offer your insight more regularly.


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Jan 9, 2006
StripperLover said:

I have seen my regular more than 100 times at this point & continue to do so up until a few days ago & not once have I ever received or would I accept any discount, as I want to owe no one anything.

So have you ever been grandfathered in at an old rate? Isn't that like a discount or at least a repeat client rate?

There is less work and risk involved with seeing a repeat client and that just makes sense to me to charge less. I have said it before and will say it again and again, for me, the hardest stuff is leading up to the meeting, after that it is usually fun.

Now, honestly, I wasn't ever referring to FREEBIES or anywhere close to that - so let's see if we can stick to the subject - there is a BIG difference between a freebie and a couple of dollars off!

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have been offered discounts by agency owners, many times, based on who I am or, I should say, who my Board "personality" is. Here is an exchange that I once had with one owner, who shall remain nameless:

Owner: I see that you are a major poster on MERB. If you are interested you can see any one of my girls for $125.

Me: If you know about my posting on MERB, then you should also know that I have stated many times that I don't accept discounts. I am not interested in your offer.

Owner: I am sorry, I didn't know that.

Me: No problem.

Note that the owner never expressly stated I could see his or her girls at $125 so long as I posted a review, although clearly that was the "unspoken expectation."

By the ways, in this scenario where the agency girl is offered at a discounted price, who absorbs the discount - the agency owner, the girl or the driver? Or is the discount prorated between the three of them based on their full fee divided by the % discount? Any guesses on this?

Now, I have also seen Indies whom I paid for 2 hours at their regular rate and who stayed way longer than the allotted time, in one case a 2 hour date became a 9 hour date, although the extra 7 hours were social time and not sexual time. I don't consider that a discount. That is a lady having made a decision that she likes the company and decides to stay "off the clock." Who am I to tell her to leave in this situation, if I also enjoy her company?

Bryson recently made the point that disclosing a discount as part of a review only serves to encourage "Board Terrorism." If this argument is accepted and I believe that it may have some merit, then my position of never accepting a discount, at least in exchange for a review or to be followed by a review, is well supported.
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Mar 12, 2003
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To answer your question or should I say both questions, NO I have not been as I now pay more than I did when I 1st started to see her.

For me the extra $20 means nothing, it's more important to me that I not owe anyone. I'm provided a service & I pay the rate asked.

I know all the arguments on both sides of the fence & I'm content to be able to say that I have never received an unannounced or unpublished discount from anyone, pointe finale !


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think you are confusing the issue of preferential treatment with the issue of discounts. Preferential treatment can be accorded to a client for many reasons: (1) he spends a lot of money on an agency or indie; (2) the agency owner or indie likes him; (3) the girls tell the agency owner they like the client and he treats them well; (4) the client knows a lot of people and gives the agency owner or indie a lot of referrals; (5) the client is considered to have influential opinions or to write persuasive reviews.

Of course there are some clients where none of the above applies and they think the whole world gets preferential treatment and wonder why they don't.

Let's not confuse the issues here.

BTW tell me about the wonderful preferential treatment I recently got from Bodylicious when I called them up. I spent two hours on the phone and let me tell you dude, I got no treatment, preferential or otherwise.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I suppose it depends on what the circumstances are. I think some would argue that some posters here EXPECT preferential treatment, and I know that is in fact the case with a few people here (and some are very unreasonable in that expectation). If such posters are getting what they already expect, isn't the quid pro quo maintained such that no advantage is gained by the agency owner, nor is a perceived benefit derived by the hobbyist, in terms of creating an impact on the resulting review that is written?
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