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Using a Merb Handle for Discounts


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Mar 12, 2003
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Your contention that a regularly stated price or one prior to a discount is over inflated or over priced is quite a leap to say the least.
Take as an example shopping center retailers, they must sell regularly priced (non discounted) full mark up items in order to turn a profit. It's at the beginning of the end of a season, for those items, is what's called planned scheduled mark downs begin to occur or if a particular item is what's called a dog & they do whatever is necessary price wise to get rid of it, ie mark it down as much as possible over a shorter period of time to remove it, as there is a price for everything.
Where coffee shops are concerned, if they are giving you a fifth cup of coffee free on an accumulated card they are basically giving you a 1/5 discount. You are absolutely correct in that a minority of the cards are redeemed as this is the accepted standard in retailing that these things aren't or the majority of them aren't redeemed so the cost of the card although it exists shouldn't be taken into any consideration as it may have been the cause in part of a client going into their establishment to purchase their product thus increasing their market share & that client who doesn't ever redeem the card has not received a discount. Take Canadaian Tire money, they are basically giving their cash paying clients (not cc's) 10% off but only for those that don't lose their money or can't find it in the bottom of their junk drawer until next July when they move again.
The Gap clothing stores didn't offer discounts or have any announced sales at all for many yrs of massive popularity only becasue they didn 't need to, as they sold out all their merchandise at full regular price & consequently racked up huge bottom line year end profits. This was considered by all other retailers to be a complete aberration & something that had never been seen in modern retailing, post WWll. I told you to invest in The Gap way back then.
Now as far as agencies are concerned, you'll never see any of them offer a discount when they are busy. They do it to ramp up business for them number 1 & also at times when they need to get their SP's more business so as to keep them. Are the prices inflated ? Sure we'd all like to pay less, no doubt but can they sustain a permanent price decrease over time, I say no as the SP's will leave to go elsewhere in search of the higher wage thus leaving that agency.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

StripperLover said:

Your contention that a regularly stated price or one prior to a discount is over inflated or over priced is quite a leap to say the least.
Take as an example shopping center retailers, they must sell regularly priced (non discounted) full mark up items in order to turn a profit. It's at the beginning of the end of a season, for those items, is what's called planned scheduled mark downs begin to occur or if a particular item is what's called a dog & they do whatever is necessary price wise to get rid of it, ie mark it down as much as possible over a shorter period of time to remove it, as there is a price for everything.

Please reread your paragraph above.Your point applies to virtually all retailers not only shopping center retailers.Now "planned scheduled mark downs" are possible only if they are amortized in the original selling price from the beginning.This contributes to a higher initial price - my point.Thank you.

Past a certain shelf life there is a sliding discount scale as profits are averaged downwards to an acceptable level.Then everything is liquidated.Take a look at big box or mall book sellers.Inevitably they get merchandise on a guaranteed sale or consignment basis.When they liquidate it is simply a question of cost/benefits - what costs less returning the unsold product or liquidating it?What brings people into the store discounted product or packages waiting for a courrier pick-up?

As for discounts within the industry.No one disputes that you have daily,seasonal,regional ups and downs.Similar to a store where your Tuesday morning may not compare favourably to Saturday morning in terms of volume.Since both need employees and both have fixed costs such as advertising,the smart operator has to figure out a way to get employees
interested to come to work during the slow periods(if a commission is involved or profit sharing) and then the situation has to be mitigated by attracting customers.

Canadian Tire money is an example of the consumer financing a retailer.Instead of getting 10% when the purchase is made the customer gets it when the Canadian Tire money is redeemed down the road.Does wonders for the cash flow and is alot cheaper to maintain than paying interest on a line of credit with a bank or financial institution.

The Gap was and still is a vertical operation so they have much better control over all aspects of a retail operation.They were not dependent on licensing agreements,pro sports nor did they have to compete for product space and positioning in retail outlets.Other clothing retailers/wholesalers who tried to control availability of the product and price point failed miserably - most notably in pro sports marketing.Brands like Starter,Apex,Pro Player
went bankrupt mainly because they were not vertical.


New Member
Mar 11, 2003
It would be a sad situation if everyone who got a private discount hid that fact in their review, using the excuse that revealing it would encourage extortionists. Unfortunately, the community has no way of discouraging this since only a small fraction of such reviewers get outed. Perhaps it would help if we emphasized that discounts are good if they are not hidden. Everyone should accept a discount offered and they can pass it to the escort on as an extra tip if they don't want it.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Bottom line...

If you accept discounts that are not available to other members, you're being used by the owner/SP for posting favorable reviews. It's that simple.

Here is an exchange with an owner that I can recall from an unsolicited PM from him:

Owner: Hi General, I noticed you would like to meet my VIP, Destiny.
Me: Yeah, she looks sexy and what an ass. But I noticed you bumped her rates up to $300/hour and $500/2 hours.
Owner: General, for you, I can shave off $50 for the hour and $100 for two hours.
Me: I am not interested in discounts. Besides aren't you sleeping with her?
Owner: Never...please consider my offer
Me: I have and I will only see her at regular rates and not while she works for you. Please never PM me again or I'll report you to the Mods.

The very thought of haggling for a rate reduction is mind-blowing. I will haggle for consumer items but not for humans that offer me sexual services.

But then again, for every SL, SK, EB, GG and many others who do not accept discounts, there are plenty of opportunists that continuously haggle for lower rates in exchange for favorable reviews. This is another reason why in general reviews are full of shit.


Special K

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May 3, 2003
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General Gonad said:
Here is an exchange with an owner that I can recall from an unsolicited PM from him:

Owner: Hi General, I noticed you would like to meet my VIP, Destiny.
Me: Yeah, she looks sexy and what an ass. But I noticed you bumped her rates up to $300/hour and $500/2 hours.
Owner: General, for you, I can shave off $50 for the hour and $100 for two hours.
Me: I am not interested in discounts. Besides aren't you sleeping with her?
Owner: Never...please consider my offer
Me: I have and I will only see her at regular rates and not while she works for you. Please never PM me again or I'll report you to the Mods.

LMAO!! I wonder who this owner is? :p


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Oct 3, 2004
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Hello, this is EB, I would like my discount. Merb identity theft!

Consider that if discounts were available and advertised on this board then pretty much anyone could call up any agency at any time and claim to be EB, and who would know the difference? Only people who actually know him well and recognize the sound of his voice with certainty. I have a hard time telling voices on the phone if there is any sort of noise in the background at all and I gather EB is not well known to all 3-5,000 escorts in Montreal or the agency owners since he doesn't reveal his handle. So its really a chance to rip off agencies and their girls for any oppurtunist with the balls to do it. In addition, once agencies did catch on, EB would lose his ability to get his discount since no one would believe anyone claiming to be him. What a clusterf**k this system would be.

Another observation of interest is that it isn't just the reviewers objectivity we should be concerned about, it is the honest reflection of service from the SP/Agency as well. Juxtapose the escort business and the restaurant business and consider the following story I saw and heard first hand from the latter of the two.

I remember once in a restaurant I frequented I overheard a conversation at the bar between the owner and his managerial staff. He said he wanted to be alerted to when the local restaurant critic arrived so he could go to the kitchen to oversee the preparation of his meal. I thought to myself, how the hell does he know who the critic is? The local paper claimed his visits were anonymous and that if an unsatisfactory experience was had, the restaurant would be given a second chance within a week before anything was written in order to give an "honest" review of the establishment in case they just had an "off night."

I stayed put with my drinking companion and watched the sham unfold. The "critic" arrived and was seated immediately and brought a cocktail without being asked what he wanted! I was like what the hell?? Then he orders and with lightning speed his food comes out of the kitchen carried by the owner himself who sits down and drinks with the guy while he eats!!! He finishes, they chat for a while and then he gets up an freakin' leaves without paying a tab :eek:

It was a complete scam! I saw this "critic" come in on several other occasions and eat and drink to his hearts content and get catered too like a Roman Emperor. The prettiest cocktail waitress with the shortest skirt was sent over with his drink and even told to flirt with him because he writes our "annual review." Sure enough, once a year this establishment received a review calling it one of the cities finest eating establishments. Never mind that no one else received anywhere near that level of service or quality, and thats not to say that this place was bad. I actually liked it to some degree but when they called it a fine dining establishment I used to LOL! It was your basic steakhouse with some fresh seafood and a nice bar that attracted all the pretty girls on weekends.

Moral of the story? Sweet Deals=Bullshit

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
StripperLover said:
"Sweet Deals=Bullshit" as I just think the moral could be summed up in 1 word




I disagree with you. I seek no discounts or "notoriety" yet if by using my handle name I can secure a meeting with a lady I want to meet, then so be it. This is part of the preferential treatment that I can live with. I write honest reviews and many ladies tell me that they feel comfortable meeting me because they've read my posts.

If by revealing my handle, the agency owners and ladies/ indies are put at ease and I get to meet my first choice, then I am fine with that. As I've already stated, the drawback is if the indy/agency lady gets "performance anxiety" because she knows it's me. I want them to feel totally at ease when they're with me and I work hard to make sure they are once the door closes and we are alone.

Again, my thoughts on reviews differ from many here. If I do not have anything good to say, then I do not write it. I do not believe in concealing your board handle so you can write "brutally honest" reviews. Most of the time this is just an excuse for slamming a lady for no good reason. By definition, all reviews are subjective so I do not put a lot of weight in them when deciding who I will meet. Instead, I use reiews as a gauge of the total experience and look for key attributes to help me make my decision.

>>Honestabe, identity theft is not that easy. It can happen but my thinking is that ladies/agency owners know a lot about the senior posters and they would know if someone is bullshitting.

>>Bryson, I totally agree - if you receive a discount, then fess up.

>>Special K, was it that obvious?:D

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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Extend the Reasoning

StripperLover said:

I must totally disagree with you regarding the moral of the story being

"Sweet Deals=Bullshit" as I just think the moral could be summed up in 1 word



Extend your reasoning to:



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Misuse of a handle

HonestAbe said:
Consider that if discounts were available and advertised on this board then pretty much anyone could call up any agency at any time and claim to be EB

Honest Abe
If you tried claiming to be EB outside the downtown Montreal area,the person answering the phone in French,would probably misunderstand what you were talking about and direct you to a local zoo,provincial park or a local hockey team called les Castors.

No offense EB - we talked about areas outside the downtown Montreal core.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Don't seek and ye shall find

General Gonad said:
I disagree with you. I seek no discounts or "notoriety"


Reality check GG.Do a google on your handle - top two listings linked to this board.Do the same for other handles - rarely are they on the first page if at all.
The internet has a bit of potential wouldn't you say.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Don't Threaten People

General Gonad said:

If you have concrete proof, then show me. I am dead serious about this. I am not going to meet you at HDM but you know my hotmail.

Boy, you're cruising for a bruising.:eek:


You really should not threaten other board members regardless of your opinion of them especially if you have no intention of meeting them in public as evidenced by the two quotes in your post.

By the way - on the off chance that Admiral may be right what are you offering as your fall back position?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
eastender said:
By the way - on the off chance that Admiral may be right what are you offering as your fall back position?


You obviously have a problem with SL. Don't ever tell me how I should respond to Tony. His credibility on these boards is zero. I would prefer never meeting him. Don't ask me why; it's my preference.

As far as SL is concerned, I may not know him that well, but I trust him a hell of a lot more than Tony. And I do believe him when he says he has never accepted discounts or freebies.

Finally, your credibility suffers too, eastender, when you come to support Tony. Are you that blind that you cannot see what is going on?

If he had concrete proof that SL has accepted discounts/freebies, then I would be the first to blast SL on the boards. But he doesn't so I will not bother with him or you any longer to defend SL's credibility.


P.S. There will be enough members at HDM on Friday night to see this "concrete" proof.:rolleyes:
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Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
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The release of my exposee (not a book) has everything to do with revelations of hobbyists receiving discounts & proceeding to write reviews & the discount is about the only thing they haven't revealed.

What notoriety are you referring to ? I need none & after the release, I will not be seen or heard from in this community nor will I read any of it's backlash & furthermore, I will not care !

Oh yeah I forgot, the inner circle wants to know when you are going to support anything or anyone in this community or hobby ? Perhaps there's a mathematical or statistical formula or hypothesis to justify such.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

StripperLover said:

The release of my exposee (not a book) has everything to do with revelations of hobbyists receiving discounts & proceeding to write reviews & the discount is about the only thing they haven't revealed.

What notoriety are you referring to ? I need none & after the release, I will not be seen or heard from in this community nor will I read any of it's backlash & furthermore, I will not care !

Oh yeah I forgot, the inner circle wants to know when you are going to support anything or anyone in this community or hobby ? Perhaps there's a mathematical or statistical formula or hypothesis to justify such.

So we have established that you are not writing a book but an exposee which is progress.Trust you will adjust your signature accordingly.After all an exposee should not have a misleading foundation.

We also have established that there is an undefined "inner circle".Making a lot of progress this morning.Still not clear on your definition of community or hobby so I will back track a bit to make my point.

My basic issue with you and some of the board members has been that the extensive knowledge that you have,that Oliver has,that EB has is defined by the downtown core extending to the area bounded by LaSalle /Sherbrooke/Frontenac metro(JC Bridge)/the river.Outside this area your/Ollie's/EB's knowledge is much weaker - basically because of the limitations of French.This was evident in EB posts about the SCs on the south shore last summer where he warned members to stay away but nothing happened and on the other board he admitted as much.

Initially I made a few posts about the East End.The response was lukewarm but I became concerned that some of the PMs received revealed that posters had false expectations or would not be able to handle certain situations so I stopped.I do not believe in violence nor do I believe in putting people in situations that they cannot handle.

Basically I care about the east end and a few issues that touch us all -
violence,underage,which I believe touch every community within the hobby regardless how it is defined.Since I am well travelled I also am aware of the nuances of the eastern European view and activities over there.As for support - I am assuming that you are talking dollars.Well it is very simple I do not have to travel from afar to find what others are looking for.After all you do not travel to the east end to support a depanneur when you could walk to one near wherever you live.Why should I go to the downtown core and pay premium when some of the same ladies hang at east end clubs?Basic logic
my dear man.

When I travel to eastern Europe I am well treated - I offered some information and opportunities to you along these lines.You showed no interest.Is that my fault?


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Mar 12, 2003
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Perhaps that's exactly where you & I differ, I will not tell any agency who I am ever & as a matter of fact when meeting an agency owner at one of the very 1st parties, I was asked why I haven't seen any of their girls, to which I answered with a list of those who I've seen & that owner said, "How come I didn't know that you had?" My response was "And you will never know"

I want all aspects of an untainted treatment, delivery, service & price & the revelation of my handle will impede any or possibly all of this. Now that being said, the frequent dates of my regular is another story but there are even times with her that I am disappointed as some of my closest friends will attest if such delivery goes on for more than 7 days & the edginess begins to set in.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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eastender said:
This was evident in EB posts about the SCs on the south shore last summer where he warned members to stay away but nothing happened and on the other board he admitted as much.


That much is true, but please note that I was passing along information from a more knowledgeable source who was not on the Boards, and I believe I indicated in the original post that the information came from a third party. I have never purported to be an expert on FS strip clubs, and in fact I have never even been inside a FS strip club in Canada (I have been to FS clubs/MPs in the USA).
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