SP's want to have fun in their jobs just like anyone else. You take them someplace interesting, treat them well, don't jump their bones constantly, keep yourself clean and well kept.....it ain't that hard. Typically in the $300 to $700 range. But you got to make sure they're interesting & conversive. I had one down to my Florida home for free (or as free as it gets-clothes shopping, wining & dinning, etc...etc...) and couldn't wait till she left 5 days latter. I've done Florida, Vegas, Toronto, LA and NYC this way. You should have seen the blond I brought to the Van Gogh Exhibit.
I had one agency owner whose SP had spent several days in Tampa piling up serious cash call me one day at work. The SP had seen her entire stay in Florida in the four walls of the hotel room. He asked me if I would like to take her for $500 for 24hrs. I'd seen her before and she was quite charming, so what the hell..........We enjoyed a nice day at Universal Studios and dinner at Wolfgang Pucks, where the waiters kept falling all over her....LOL. A good time was had by all.
Ahh, you did not answer my question. Where are these SP's from?
Are they from Montreal? The states?