Montreal Escorts

Weapons in USA

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
The "right to bear arms" people always ignore the aggressor's element of surprise is as much a potent weapon as the gun themselves.

It doesn't matter if you're equally armed or if the cops show up in minutes. It's impossible to anticipate a mass shooter every waking minute of every hour. The Buffalo grocery store had an armed security guard (ex-cop too). It didn't matter because the shooter had already cased the store. Element of surprise wins every time.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I'm a parent. The idea that several parents only sent their kids to school today and some of those kids aren't coming back was too much for me to process without getting emotional. I'm tired. I'm so fucking tired.
I have children, and seeing all these young lives go by so quickly makes me more than emotional.

I understand you so much.
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Isn’t there a reasonable compromise here?

A person between 18 and 25 has to pay significantly more to rent a car because it is accepted that he/she is not as responsible with a car as an older adult. Same with auto insurance.

But we have a ridiculous system allowing 18 year old males with mental illness buy assault rifles. I can’t believe there isn’t a way to change things without eliminating all gun ownership.
Has it already been reported that the shooter was mentally ill? (I'm purposefully keeping myself at arms length from the details). Even if it was mental illness, if there hasn't been some adjudication process about the illness, the background check won't catch it. Apparently, you're also excluded for mental health reasons if you've been involuntarily committed. I don't doubt that some mentally ill people buy guns (even if most shooters are mentally competent), but the real problem is there's no weeding out beyond the court stuff.

While we're talking about mental health, there is no national follow-up via licensing/license renewal. If you buy your gun then become mentally ill and go untreated, the system misses those people too. That's almost certainly the case with the NY shooter that set off smoke grenades in Brooklyn mid April. All of this is to say there are more than enough loopholes that most (if not all) mass shooters legally acquired their guns.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The right to bear arm could certainly save lives but handguns are mostly ineffective against a shooter wearing bulletproof vest.
Will americans have to bear arm and wear bulletproof vests every time they get out of their home ?
Gun control seem impossible now and as been for at least a few decades.
If that is what is needed to protect yourself then so be it. I think we need to reexamine the real issue here as minutemenx pointed out, there is socioeconomic issue here and it needs to be tackled at the root. Furthermore in a lot of these mass shooting crimes, mental illness seems to be a pattern. Not enough resources are put towards mental illness, more psychologists and community organizations are needed not more gun rules. Politicians response is always more paternalism/prohibition. None of that works instead it usually made things worse. Illegal abortions drive women to the blackmarket, illegal prostitution does not stop human trafficking, illegal booze made crime go up and there was bootlegging gangs everywhere, illegal drugs keeps organized crime active. What more proof is needed? Your last sentence hits it right on, gun control will just increase the black market. Those who want to kill will do so either with illegal guns or use other things as a weapon like the incel some years ago so used a rental van to ram as many women as he can in Toronto. I find it so strange here in Canada I am not even allowed to defend myself with pepper spray. What can I do if a 250Lbs muscle dude attacks me? I got no defense. If someone breaks into your house are you going to hide under the table and hope police arrives while your kids are at risk? Or would you not prefer to have a tool to defend your home and your family. I know the element of surprise gives these attackers an edge but being unarmed gives them the biggest edge. Having a weapon is better then nothing. At least you have a fighting chance.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Only if ppl were allowed to bear arms, that teacher who got killed in the Texas shootout protecting the children would have had a chance to defend herself had she had a rifle. Armor penetrating rounds could be used and these types of rounds are available for handguns also. Everyone person should take firearms training and be able to defend yourself because your life is worth defending. Punishing law abiding owners for criminals and psychos is nonsense.

What do you find so funny here? You think people getting shot is funny? Explain yourself. Show us what you really think. If someone broke into your house, would you rather hide under a table with your kids at risk to wait for police to uphold your far-left ideology or would you rather have a gun and be able defend yourself and to protect your family?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Isn’t there a reasonable compromise here?

A person between 18 and 25 has to pay significantly more to rent a car because it is accepted that he/she is not as responsible with a car as an older adult. Same with auto insurance.

But we have a ridiculous system allowing 18 year old males with mental illness buy assault rifles. I can’t believe there isn’t a way to change things without eliminating all gun ownership.
As minutemenx pointed out, there is something else at work here. 50 years ago laws were much more lax but mass shootings were unheard of especially at a school. Nowadays it is becoming very common in the US. Those issues got to be analyzed and dealt with. More strict gun laws will just make it easier for criminals to attack innocent people. And punishing law abiding gun owners is wrong.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The latest data: 19 children and 2 teachers died.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The killer waits these 18 years, goes to a store buys 2 assault weapon and 375 ammo.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The second amendment dates from 1776, in the past all weapons only fired once.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Republican Gov. Gregg Abbott said it was a mental health issue.

It's not the guns' fault, it's the mental illness.
And there are no financial resources for mental illness.

Except the shooter didn't have any mental illness issues.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I saw a Texan on TV who said everyone who went to church was armed.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Steve Kerr slams lack of gun control as ‘pathetic’ after Texas school massacre.
Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr refused to talk about basketball before his team’s playoff loss to the Dallas Mavericks on Tuesday night, instead delivering a passionate speech condemning gun violence in the United States.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Texas Governor Gregg Abbott has no intention of limiting and controlling guns. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Deaths per 100,000 population.
United States = 4.12
Canada = 0.50
Italy = 0.35
France = 0.32
Germany = 0.08


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
As more information comes out regarding the gunman, it slowly points to mental dysfunction. According to the sources the gunman was a lonely boy who was bullied to the max by a speech impairment and had it rough at home. The problem with the left is that they are woke and are more interested in pushing their ideology. More gun laws will not solve the issues at hand, it will only punish law abiding gun owners and remove peoples ability to defend themselves. There has been a trend to mass shootings in the US and so far the US tops the list for most mass shootings at a school. Bullying is a real issue and social media is to be blamed for that. Social media has caused a lot of issues and these things must be dealt with. No more gun laws and it will not stop mass shootings. More community organizations, more social workers, and more funding for mental issues. But politicians are more concerned to send foreign aid.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Unfortunately I don’t see anything helping in the US.
There are millions of guns out there and it is so easy to buy one.
With the mentality of Americans they will not agree to a buy back of weapons and restricting firearms that has been done in other countries as there are far too many that live with the ideology that guns don’t kill people, people do. I personally don’t agree with this but never the less don‘ believe for one minute that any government is capable of retrieving all the guns that there are out there or being able to pass meaningful gun control laws.
On top of that hate media of any kind you can imagine or want is available every minute, then you have the media hyping these mass shootings for days
which just brings out more lunatics that want to make a name for themselves.

To me the US is out of control and I would not want to be living there it is getting to the point where their kids are not safe at school, people are not safe at the shopping centre or at airports.
The answer for sure is not to put more guns in the hands of people to protect themselves as they will be shooting each other before even knowing if there is a real threat. Teachers are not marines or trained law enforcement personnel how are they supposed to protect themselves or the children it doesn’t make sense to arm them and there is not enough money out there to put trained law enforcement at every school and mall in America.
I don’t see a way out and I don’t see any politician willing to tackle this with anything meaningful or Americans cooperating either.

What a fucked up world our neighbours are living in I just hope it doesn’t become the norm here as well as we are seeing more and more gun violence both in Toronto and Montreal.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Christ, a person has to provide ID for most cold and allergy medicines to make sure he/she isn’t buying too much of it.
But you can buy assault weapons with 375 munitions without asking for any identification. And he can kill with these weapons. And it's ok.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Democratic Texas governor candidate Beto O’Rourke interrupted Gov. Greg Abbott’s news conference on the Texas elementary school shooting, saying that he was “doing nothing” to stop gun violence.

O’Rourke was removed by security as Abbott and other authorities shouted in response at him.
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