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Weapons in USA


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Sorry I misplaced my fingertip !
Trump suggested that one of the solutions for preventing mass shooting is to put firearms in more hands.
Naturally hands of mentally healthy people.
What guaranty that those persons will remain mentally healthy ?
Republicans politicians put the problem on mental health.
It's often if not always the problem.
But a mentally ill person with an assault rifle, 7 high capacity magazines, hundreds of ammo and a bulletproof vest is certainly more dangerous than one with his bare hands or a knife !


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
How many milliseconds have you thought before posting such a bizarre post ?
Comparing police doing their job on a crazy sect to a nut job killing young kids in school ?
Bizarre thinking is the one that think the government are all righteous like you think. Almost all problems in the world is created by government. Why should citizens give up their weapons for the actions of a few bad ones? Government is never held accountable for anything? The right to bear arms is the right to defend yourself like the right to defend against government tyranny.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Most governments want the population unarmed in case their displeasure with the ruling party results in armed revolution. That's what gun control has always really been about.
However my idea of gun control is using both hands.
Exactly. Pro-Liberals support communism and want government involved in all aspect of their lives. Look at how Australia took away everyones guns and during covid packed away everyone against their will. The citizens had no defense against government tyranny. I do not think Womaniser thought even one millisecond about what he posted, he lives in a society with some freedom only if he experienced living in China and what Trudeau is wanting to do here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Guns are only for one purpose to kill, they will not protect you against government.
I can understand a single shot hunting rifle or even a hand gun for protection to be kept at home only and issued upon many security checks including an annual mental health check by a doctor and certainly not to anyone under 21. They have all kinds of checks on people for buying pain killers in a drug store but you can go next door and buy an assault rifle no problem.
There is no reason anyone should own an assault rifle that fires hundreds of rounds in minutes.

Yes we can bring up Australia and compare it to the US I have lived in both and let me tell you Australia is a thousand times safer to live in compared to the US.
The US right now is one fucked up country that is out of control with millions of guns in private hands it is not safe for people sending their kids to school going to an airport or a supermarket. Having these mass shootings on the media for days only results in bringing out more lunatics wanting to make a name for themselves.
Everything there revolves around power and $$$ perhaps this younger generation growing up will have more brains and guts to put a stop to this than we had. Hopefully they will have more to contribute than hope and prayers and condolences like the useless pricks who are governing now who can never put aside their differences, how many more innocent people need to die.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You said one key point, the US is messed up and Australia is much safer then the US. You are right. This fact makes it more important to be armed to protect yourself. Weapons availability is not why there is so many mass shootings in the US, something else is is going on. Punishing law abiding owners makes no sense. 50 years ago gun laws were more lax yet mass shootings in a school were unheard of.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yes there are other things going on. Hate media is readily available everywhere. Parents both have to work in order to have a half decent living, kids don’t get the same type of love or nurturing, too many nut cases that are easily swayed. Media hype glorifies these nut cases in their eyes and makes them famous.
Politicians can not agree on anything, people are left with choices like Trump and Bidet a horrible human being and ego maniac and a senile old fool.
The country is divided like never before and politicians will not agree on anything simply because they are either a Democrat or Republican never mind what is best for the people.
Bottom line assault rifles and guns just make it all too easy for these lunatics to be able to do these mass shootings.
There should not be any assault rifles in any hands and there is nothing wrong to start law abiding citizens having to go through a yearly mental health test to maintain their guns to start with and to ban assault rifles all over the US. It does however take guts for politicians to forsake the powerful lobbyists and $$$ to do the right thing.
You need to live in the present not what was happening 50 years ago.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Agreed with all that you said and about the last sentence, I brought up 50 years ago just to point out that available guns are not the reason for all this increased gun violence. I put the most blame on social media. Since the introduction of social media, I am seeing a lot of bad and weird things.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
You said one key point, the US is messed up and Australia is much safer then the US. You are right. This fact makes it more important to be armed to protect yourself. Weapons availability is not why there is so many mass shootings in the US, something else is is going on. Punishing law abiding owners makes no sense. 50 years ago gun laws were more lax yet mass shootings in a school were unheard of.
Let’s face it. Mass shooting is some sort of a suicide as chances of getting out alive after confronted by the police or special force are slim. Why it became popular to commit suicide taking to grave so many innocent people and even kids is a big question. With the modern technology guns are not only weapons that can be used. It can be done and was done with cars, planes, explosives, poisonous substances, etc., etc. The list is endless. It only requires troubled mind and commitment.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Let’s face it. Mass shooting is some sort of a suicide as chances of getting out alive after confronted by the police or special force are slim. Why it became popular to commit suicide taking to grave so many innocent people and even kids is a big question. With the modern technology guns are not only weapons that can be used. It can be done and was done with cars, planes, explosives, poisonous substances, etc., etc. The list is endless. It only requires troubled mind and commitment.
You nailed it, exactly what I have been saying and you bring up a good point about this being a sort of suicide attempt. Okay you ban assault rifles but those who want to kill will find other means or get assault rifles from the black market. Although I do agree about why would anyone want an assault rifle or any other kind of automatic firearm either for game or for defense? Automatic rifles are used to kill many fast. Having a handgun or shotgun is enough for home defense and for game you tend to use rifles or even a handgun for target practice. That incel who killed a bunch of women in Toronto used a rental van. Do we ban all rental vans?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
There were more than 200 mass shooting in USA in 5 months. There are around 25,000 deaths a year in USA. Around 50% are suicide. Nobody use an AR-15 to kill himself. The rest are people killing people. The black market is there anyway. But no 18 years old kid will go on the black market to buy a Rifle. Gangs and the mafia will buy there, not the average Joe who wants to blame others for his own failure. America is a very sick society and you don't allow a sick sociaty to be armed as they are. There are more weapons in America than there are citizens including babies. No citizen need an AR15.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

'Give me a break': Acosta reacts to Trump's NRA speech.

Jim Acosta and former Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich react to former President Donald Trump's speech at the annual NRA convention in Houston just days after a mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Faudrait rappeler à certains ici que NOS GOUVERNEMENTS sont DÉMOCRATIQUEMENT éà lire certains on est porté à penser qu'ils aimeraient qu'ici au CANADA la vente libre d'armes de tout acabit à tout citoyen soit permise...pour leur permettre de régler
ainsi leur compte avec nos dirigeants tyranniques ;) .....quel non sens MAIS encore plus....quelle façon délirante et dangereuse de voir les choses.....HEUREUSEMENT que cela ne se produira JAMAIS chez nous.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Faudrait rappeler à certains ici que NOS GOUVERNEMENTS sont DÉMOCRATIQUEMENT éà lire certains on est porté à penser qu'ils aimeraient qu'ici au CANADA la vente libre d'armes de tout acabit à tout citoyen soit permise...pour leur permettre de régler
ainsi leur compte avec nos dirigeants tyranniques ;) .....quel non sens MAIS encore plus....quelle façon délirante et dangereuse de voir les choses.....HEUREUSEMENT que cela ne se produira JAMAIS chez nous.
Unfortunately, law abiding canadian firearm owners are victims of what happen in USA.
Some politicians think Canada is USA and there are as many crazy persons here.
Valerie Plante, Montreal mayor want to ban handguns even though retired police officers all say that the handguns used by street gang members are illegally imported from USA.
Banning handguns will do absolutely nothing good.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Banning handguns will do absolutely nothing good.
Probably not but what good does allowing them do?
Guns kill, period.
I agree banning them will not stop criminals from obtaining guns but luckily criminals usually kill other criminals it is the lunatics that do mass murders. Criminals are too busy trying to gain power and money and an advantage over other criminals.
Why make it so easy for these lunatics to obtain guns, yes they may and can use other means to kill but an assault rifle will always be first choice if it is readily available.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
HARRIS today devant les familles éplorées/en morceaux.....'' we will not stand for this''.....bien d'accord MAIS.......avez vous la solution Madame ????.....avec un taux de satisfaction au avec assurément la perte du contrôle des 2 Chambres...non MALHEUREUSEMENT n"y en aura pas de facile dans ce dossier particulièrement......
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Not even halfway through the year and 146 kids (aged 0-11) were killed by guns in the US this year. 518 kids (aged 12-18) also didn't make it to their high school graduation.

Sorry kids, the Constitution says you gotta die. We haven't had any tyrannical governments try to seize our liberties but it never hurts to be prepared.
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Active Member
Dec 2, 2020
Were learning more about the incompetence of the police at the scene of the Uvalde shooting. For 1hr there were armed policemen (aka the "good guys") with guns around the scene and did absolutely nothing. Texas governor Abbott himself saying he is livid and was misled by the events of what happened. Ironic enough as he himself is the one who LOOSENED gun laws in TX just abt a year ago.
Then a few days later at the NRA convention no guns allowed. But why? I thought more guns in the good guys hands=better safety? Truth is the gun industry know they are full of shit and pour millions of $ into the politicians pockets (mostly republicans) to preach that more guns is needed for self defense.
Keep in mind, if were talking strictly about the US, very few are calling for taking away anyones guns, just common sense laws to make so that it doesnt end up in the wrong persons hands.
Unfortunately in the US, very little will be done as Republicans wont be on board for any meaningful gun legislation as they are bought by the gun industry while the Democrats are extremely weak to get anything done whatsoever, just saying nice words to try and avoid the catastrophe theyll likely suffer in the next midterms.
Expect a few more mass shootings til year end, "thoughts and prayers" for victims, and the cycle continues.
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