Were learning more about the incompetence of the police at the scene of the Uvalde shooting. For 1hr there were armed policemen (aka the "good guys") with guns around the scene and did absolutely nothing. Texas governor Abbott himself saying he is livid and was misled by the events of what happened. Ironic enough as he himself is the one who LOOSENED gun laws in TX just abt a year ago.
Then a few days later at the NRA convention no guns allowed. But why? I thought more guns in the good guys hands=better safety? Truth is the gun industry know they are full of shit and pour millions of $ into the politicians pockets (mostly republicans) to preach that more guns is needed for self defense.
Keep in mind, if were talking strictly about the US, very few are calling for taking away anyones guns, just common sense laws to make so that it doesnt end up in the wrong persons hands.
Unfortunately in the US, very little will be done as Republicans wont be on board for any meaningful gun legislation as they are bought by the gun industry while the Democrats are extremely weak to get anything done whatsoever, just saying nice words to try and avoid the catastrophe theyll likely suffer in the next midterms.
Expect a few more mass shootings til year end, "thoughts and prayers" for victims, and the cycle continues.