Upon arrival I notice that a nice chunk of the door frame is missing by the lock , like it was rammed or kicked in. Should've walked right there but this beautiful girl opens the door ,like she just stepped out of the Victoria's secret catalogue. Kiss-kiss ,hug , intro, hands me a towel, off the bathroom I go. The journey begins....
Filthy environment but I mean disgusting, bathroom and tub that hasn't been cleaned for month, pubic hair on the soap, dirty bath mat , linen used from the previous night - I've managed to add some cum stains to that later, spots all over the carpet, basically a ghetto. She was beautiful , I stayed , but couldn't function. We're kissing at one point shes jerking me , I go stop-stop , she adds another 2 strokes , here I come into my own hands and all over the bed, the carpet, her stockings.But I mean one of those slow motion cums ,when you're trying to hold it back but not a chance. She hands me a roll of toilet paper

, I tippy toe to the bathroom like a ballet dancer because I'm barefoot and it's fu.kin dirty, but realize theres no soap, towel to clean up. Back to the room , shes wiping the cum off her legs . I got dressed around the 40 minute mark, we had a 10 min recap of conditions and such and I exited.
@ a top Montreal agency 2014