It never happened to me that a gentleman greets me by shaking my hand but I think I would perceive it as an indication of great nervosity. Just my two cents.
What are you talking about? Where did I say anything about shaking hands? I never shook hands with an escort in my life. Obviously nobody gets what I was talking about. Most new clients have not chosen me, and do not know me. Instead, they are referred/assigned. It's essentially the same as meeting a stranger which is exactly what you do when you meet an escort. In my business when you meet someone for the first time they are meeting you because some third party has told them to, about something that is a cause of great stress in their lives, have great consternation about, and usually do not understand. If you are not good at putting them at ease you don't end up doing it for hundreds or thousands of clients for 20 years. It's a communication skill, and it translates into other parts of your life. Reading through some of the responses here all I can say is they are pretty clueless about what exactly my business is and it's likely different than everyone else's. I was more talking about the conversational aspect than the semantics. I think notions of canned lines was floated earlier in this thread, and they are never a good conversation starter. I do, however, have canned lines that are designed to explain concepts that most clients do not understand, and which break it down so they can. Those get used as we develop a working relationship.
At the end of the day, what the client wants to see is someone who not only knows what they are doing, but most importantly, is confident and has a plan. Confidence is the single most important thing for a man with any woman, whether it's an escort, girlfriend, SA girl, or one night stand girl you have met at a bar. It's in your body language and demeanor, it's in how you dress, and it's in how you talk. That's what I was getting at. Stuff like shaking hands is not what tells the client he or she has a competent and confident professional, it's everything else I mentioned. Someone once mentioned to me something I never forgot, which is that you should never be seen fumbling around a file, rummaging through papers or looking for something, which leads to an automatic negative impression that you are disorganized and "scrambling." Do it in Court in front of a jury, and you are dead meat. If you can't find your condom or that bottle of wine or the box of chocolate pretty quickly, an escort will form the same impression. If you can't find a quick and easy way to build some common ground and fumble around for words, the same.