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What has happenned to the Massage Scene?


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
Someone needs to kick that dumbass Denis Coderre. That moron is governing like a dictator enforcing family values on everyone. First his stupid pitbull ban. All the experts recommended against it but this moron is still going with it. His wasting millions of dollars to light the Jacques-Cartier bridge... There are surely much better way to spend tax dollars.

This guy needs to be booted out. When is the next municipal election?

Election is November 5th, are you registered to vote? :director:

Pitbull ban is infantilizing and pointless. :baby: In 2017, it's gonna cost $1M more in animal control services because of that, plus an initial $275,000 in court fees. And that's only the beginning. Wait until someone start to argue with an inspector (underpaid students and security agents with a tranquilizer gun) and has their dog, pitbull or not, seized for no reason: bang another lawsuit, and we're gonna pay for the court fees. Wait until they actually start seizing dogs and putting them down: bang, Berger Blanc raising their fees, and we're paying for that on our tax bill. It happened every-fucking-where, and Coderre think it's gonna be different here. Breed-based bans don't work, period, and waste money like you wouldn't believe it. What they say again about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Insanity.

Any mayor or political party will spend our money, I'm afraid. Except Coderre is spending our money for his reelection and his own personal fixations. Let's spend money on the metro or something. Even if we go over budget, as we always do, at least it will be for something worthwile, instead of lights on a bridge that we don't need and not gonna care about in 6 months from now.

Coderre like to take a selfie with you and will ask you to tweet it, but don't you dare going to the city council and express concern about something. He doesn't listen to citizens. I never saw that level of contempt from any Montreal mayor before, dating back to Doré. A trip to the council once in a while will show you just that. His arrogance and contempt are on display for every Montrealer to see.


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Jan 28, 2004
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All I can add to this is that he seems to be a media hound more than an effective mayor. His statues on Mount Royal which amount to expensive tree stumps, I second the stupid ban on specific breeds, putting lights on the JC bridge, it appalls me that citizens vote for people like this. We saw the stupidity of Trump being elected in the U.S. and now it appears that a Canadian ego maniac O'Leary will gain the leadership of the conservative party and mayors with a lack of integrity like Coderre

Mr. Banana

New Member
Nov 16, 2011
Let me make a prediction. Our fat mayor will intensify scrutiny on massage salons as we get closer to the election.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
it appalls me that citizens vote for people like this.

It would help if the turnout was more than 42% (turnout in Montreal in 2013). In 2005, it was 35% in Montreal!

It baffles me that people don't care more about municipal politics, as it is much, much easier to give hell to your local politicians and keep the pressure on them when you're unhappy. Try to reach your federal MP, most are nowhere to be seen. City councillors, meanwhile, they have a hard time hiding from you. But Coderre, Samson, Copeman and friends, they expect 65% of us to stay home on November 5th, they don't bother listening.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
That's a general statement johnhenrygalt. Of course few citizens would not care having a MP next door. It all depends where they are located. I doubt abyone would care having a MP on a commercial street with discrete signs. That's how it works in Québec City and no one is complaining.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
TOf course few citizens would not care having a MP next door.
I had one MP across the street :pound:

Unfortunately got busted 4 years ago!
It was not very discreet., hence probably some neighbors complaining and the bust!
Honestly it never bothered me lol

Ponce de León

New Member
Feb 9, 2011
The economies in the world are consolidating and so is the local economies. Small companies are disappearing, the ones that are still around are shrinking and struggling to exist. Twenty five years ago people can jump from one job to the next. Today there are guys that worked all their lives for one company and find themselves out of work with no other prospects. Hobbying is the activity that will take a hit before the necessities. Old hobbyist are hobbying less and young guys get their jollies easier than we did. That is why massage salons are less popular these days.


New Member
Apr 4, 2017
The economies in the world are consolidating and so is the local economies. Small companies are disappearing, the ones that are still around are shrinking and struggling to exist. Twenty five years ago people can jump from one job to the next. Today there are guys that worked all their lives for one company and find themselves out of work with no other prospects. Hobbying is the activity that will take a hit before the necessities. Old hobbyist are hobbying less and young guys get their jollies easier than we did. That is why massage salons are less popular these days.
I used to go to the SC with my buddy, at the time they were great. I knew very little about the massage scene. One day I made the jump from sc to mp and never looked back. All the sc that I used to go to have either burned down or just closed down. The mp I frequented are all still open like exotica, absolut, penthouse, mascarade and the cream of ypg. So I don't believe they are in for extinction. By far mp are better value than sc. I also discovered outcall agencies but dropped this very quickly because I discovered the Indy companion site and their incall place. I keep going back to ypg because it's really tops and price wise just a little cheaper than Indy companion (just a bit)
Sep 16, 2010
Coderre is using massage salons to get votes. He was using this issue before he was elected and this summer he will use it again. The 8 salons targeted in Rosemont is just the beginning. It seems very unlikely that one district gets hit hard and then he leaves the other districts alone. I predict that shit will hit the fan before the summer starts and then after the summer. Just in time for the fall election.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I used to go to the SC with my buddy, at the time they were great. I knew very little about the massage scene. One day I made the jump from sc to mp and never looked back. All the sc that I used to go to have either burned down or just closed down.

This is so true. All those great underground stripclubs where I had lots of fun at are pretty much gone. Also these new strippers are just lame. They are boring and too straight.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
If Coderre and Trudeau thought there were votes to be gained by repealing C-36 and adopting hobby-friendly bylaws, they'd both be there for the ribbon cutting ceremony when the next parlour opens.

Exactly. North American society does not support prostitution.


Apr 12, 2010
The MPs is that there is no consistency this days. You might get a lady you like but a few weeks later she is gone and you do not have a good time as the last. The owners of salons rotate ladies thinking that if they provide variety that will bring in the clients.


New Member
Apr 4, 2017
This is so true. All those great underground stripclubs where I had lots of fun at are pretty much gone. Also these new strippers are just lame. They are boring and too straight.
Omg the best was sc studio in rosemere before it burned down. Nothing came close, if you hit it off with one of the dancers you would be able to get a cbj at no extra even without asking for it. It was a blast!!! And some of the ladies were nice looking too :)Once it burned down the search for the equivalency was futile as nothing else came close. I did try lol , and that's when I decided to jump to the mp scene and hence never looked backI have tried many mp from exotica , absolut in Laval , mascarade , penthouse to ypg. The mp far exceeded anything after studio. Depending on your price and if you hit it off with a girl at an mp you'd be in heavenNow I have discovered Indy companion and I really like ypg:) can't go wrong


New Member
Apr 4, 2017
The MPs is that there is no consistency this days. You might get a lady you like but a few weeks later she is gone and you do not have a good time as the last. The owners of salons rotate ladies thinking that if they provide variety that will bring in the clients.
In my experience the ladies that stay around are those that offered a great service , those that don't offer a good,great service don't stick around. At ypg the ladies stay around for a while (well the ones that offer at least a good service). Always have a great time over there. This is my goto place after having been a fan of exotica in Laval. I also believe the more repeats the better service. It hasn't failed me yet.

Toucan Sam

New Member
Nov 29, 2010
Place are closing up left and right outside of Montreal, I was in Granby last week and all the old places that use to exist there are no longer there. So things are happening not just in Montreal but all over and in the SC business, massage and I would not be surprised if the escort business is down too.
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