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What is the best recent movie you’ve seen.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

Saw "Cloverfield" the other day. I wasn't sure how long i'd watch it for since i was supposed to go to bed early. But the movie kept me interested from the beginning due to its unique movie-making style. The plot revolves around a monster attack in New York as told from the point of view of a small group of people. Think "Blair Witch Project meets Godzilla." Here's the movie's synopsis:

Cloverfield follows five New Yorkers from the perspective of a hand-held video camera. The movie is exactly the length of a DV Tape and a sub-plot is established by showing bits and pieces of video previously recorded on the tape that is being recorded over. The movie starts as a monster of unknown origin destroys a building. As they go to investigate, parts of the building and the head of the Statue of Liberty come raining down. The movie follows their adventure trying to escape and save a friend, a love interest of the main character.

Another movie i recently saw was "Resurrection of Eve". I believe it was Marilyn Chambers' second movie. Johnny Keyes also co-starred in it. It was pretty boring, to tell you the truth. It was about a young couple who begin to attend orgies. She hates it but does it for him. Eventually, the tables are turned & she's the one who gets hooked to that type of stuff. Hubby doesn't seem to appreciate Marilyn getting screwed by Johnny Keyes while he himself is 'occupied'. Marilyn Chambers was beautiful back then. This was a rarity at the time for people connected to porn.

Other movies i saw & highly recommend: Juno, Vantage Point, In the Valley of Ellah.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
I enjoyed cloverfield alot when I saw it in theaters, looking forward to the

up coming prequel or sequel.

Last good movie I saw was harold and kumar escape from G Bay.

Hilarious comedy


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Kiss kiss bang bang by Shane Black was one of the rare few cinematic gems of the last few years

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ariane Valmont said:
Have you seen "No country for old men" by the Cohen brothers? If so, what did you think of it? I was a little bit dissapointed. I liked Fargo a lot better.

I liked the movie, but not as much until i read a synopsis of the movie that was posted on a movie forum by a reader. It was brillliant!! Prior to reading his synopsis, i had understood maybe 50% of it. The synopsis filled up the blanks & made me watch it again!

It's too bad that i forgot to bookmark the site where i found that reader's synopsis. Other forum readers were also blown away at the reader's high degree of perception. This reader alone made me understand why the movie was chosen as the best picture at the Oscars, even though i preferred the underrated masterpiece "Atonement", which i consider brilliant movie-making.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ariane Valmont said:
I'm usually pretty good for understanding movie's plot (I've watched so many!) but I didn't get the last scene with Tommy Lee Jones.

I didn't see Atonement. Sounds good but I'm not a big fan of Keira Knightley.

Did you guys see "There will be blood"? This one I really liked!!

Which scene are you referring to?

Keira Knightley isn't the main star of the's James Macavoy & the two actresses portraying Keira's sister.

I hated "There Will Be Blood" about a boring movie.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ariane Valmont said:
Seriously, I thought "There will be blood" was so good! I loved the script and all the actors were great. Especially Daniel Day Lewis, of course. Nice to know that Keira isn't the main star in Atonement. Now I may rent it. :)
I also thought DDL was great in that movie. It wasn't me who wrote that he over-acted. But the movie was so slow & so long....heck, it made a movie like Atonement sound like Die Hard! ;)

Atonement is basically a love story gone wrong. I'm a sucker for such movies....heck, The Notebook is one of my favorite movies of all time! I also loved "Price & Prejudice", with Keira Knightley & Colin Firth. I still have a tear or two when i watch the ending of "Love Story". :rolleyes:

I can't remember the last scene in "No Country for Old Men"...i'll have to re-watch it.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ariane Valmont said:
hihi... You're sweet. I loved the Notebook too. There was very good chemistry between Rachel McAdams (so beautiful) and Ryan Gosling (so sexy). No wonder they ended up dating for a long while!

Correct on all counts! :D

I agree that Rachel (oh how i love thee!) & Ryan were great together. Did you know that they were born at the very same hospital (St-Joseph Hospital in London, Ont) & were from the same hometowns (St-Thomas, Ontario)? Talk about a coincidence!!

He was brought up nearby in Cornwall & his parents moved to Orlando, FLA when he was a kid in order for him to be part of the Mickey Mouse Club.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ariane Valmont said:
Since then, Ryan has been linked to Kirsten Dunst... Such a step down from Rachel, tsk tsk.

Rachel's career seems to be stuck in neutral right now. Ryan's is skyrocketing!

I bumped into Kirsten Dunst last year at Da Emma's & i must admit that she looks extremely plain when seen in person. What the hell did Peter Parker see in her anyways? ;)

Mr. Wiggles

New Member
Jan 4, 2007
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Unless you are a teenager or younger, skip Indiana Jones. It is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The talents of Spielberg, Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett and John Hurt are all wasted in this film.

What's wrong? George Lucas is what's wrong. It's unfortunate he wrote the story. It seems like he was writing it as they are filming. Lucas never was a good story-teller for adults. When I was a teen, I enjoyed everything he put out there. Well I'm a grown up now and his directing (of Star Wars, not Indy) and his writing are just the worst in the business.


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis
Recent movies I have seen in the theatre:

Atonement - loved it, and the ending too. Very moving film.

Iron Man - well, I had to download the wallpapers and the screen saver after seeing that one, off the Iron Man Movie Website. So obviously, I enjoyed it :D


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
As far as I'm concerned, There Will be Blood is not only a fantastic film, it's the best American film of the decade. It's epic scope and mastery of the cinematic language are not there to impress you, but to serve the story and the characters. A reminder of the great classics of the Golden Age of American cinema, this is a film that will be remembered 50 years from now.

For those who care, here's my review, minus the boring technical DVD details. My apologies to the french challenged. :)

Nous sommes dans les années 1940-1950 et je suis confortablement installé dans un siège du célèbre "Grauman's Chinese Theatre" à Hollywood. Les lumières s'éteignent, le rideau s'ouvre et je me laisse envoûter par Casablanca ou On the Waterfront. "I coulda' been a contender..." lancera un Marlon Brando résigné, juste avant mon réveil. Rêve récurrent de cinéphile, empreint de la nostalgie d'une époque où la maîtrise du langage cinématographique côtoyait les personnages mémorables et les grandes performances d'acteurs. Et voilà que parmi l'excellente cuvée 2007, nous arrive "There Will be Blood", une oeuvre épique réalisée par Paul Thomas Anderson (Boogie Nights, Magnolia), qui nous rappelle les grands classiques de l'Age d'Or du cinéma américain.

États-Unis, 1898. Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis) est un prospecteur indépendant qui découvre, presque par hasard, un gisement de pétrole. Charismatique et impitoyable, son parcours vers le succès est habité par une haine incontrôlable envers autrui et l'obsession de voir ses compétiteurs échouer. Apprenant l'existence de terres riches en pétrole dans la communauté défavorisée de Little Boston, en Californie, il s'y rendra avec son fils adoptif H.W.. Projetant l'image du bon père de famille, il réussira à obtenir la majorité des terres à petit prix en manipulant les propriétaires et en promettant le progrès et la prospérité aux résidents. Mais le jeune prédicateur de l'église locale, Eli Sunday (Paul Dano), possède ses propres ambitions pour son diocèse et les profits de l'or noir. Alors que les conflits entre les différents exploitants s'intensifient, Daniel Painview verra son ascension vers le pouvoir et la richesse accompagnée d'une descente inexorable vers la folie.

Adaptation libre du roman Oil! d'Upton Sinclair, publié en 1927, "There Will be Blood" est une fresque sur l'obsession qui égratigne le capitalisme effréné et la religion au passage. Les cinq premières minutes, où aucun mot n'est prononcé, suffisent à cerner la détermination et l'acharnement de Daniel Plainview, certainement un des personnages les plus odieux de l'histoire du cinéma. La prestation de Daniel Day-Lewis relève d'ailleurs du tour de force. Comme Kinski dans Fitzcarraldo et De Niro dans Raging Bull, il habite totalement un homme égoïste, obstiné et cruel, pour qui la fin justifie les moyens, mais qui n'est pas pour autant dénué de complexité. Convaincant, intimidant, terrifiant, Daniel Plainview n'est pas la caricature d'un monstre, il est un monstre.

Certains ont critiqué le choix de Paul Dano pour le rôle d'Eli Sunday, arguant qu'il ne faisait pas le poids devant un acteur tel que Day-Lewis. Soyons réalistes, aucun jeune acteur ne serait parvenu à éclipser quelqu'un qui nous offre probablement la meilleure prestation de la décennie. Dano se tire fort bien d'affaire, alternant calme, introspection et envolées de ferveur religieuse, et les échanges entre Eli et Plainview font partie des nombreux points forts du film. Ils nous permettent non seulement d'apprécier les similarités et la juxtaposition des personnages (ambiguïtés morales de la religion et du capitalisme), mais aussi les différentes techniques de jeu des deux acteurs.

Quant à Paul Thomas Anderson, qui délaisse l'influence de Robert Altman pour se rapprocher de celle de Kubrick, il est au sommet de son art. La réalisation est précise et fluide, et la direction photo sublime. Son approche est délibérée et il tisse son canevas avec lenteur et minutie, comme cette mèche qui brûle lentement dans la scène d'ouverture, culminant dans une explosion de violence qui laissera le spectateur exténué. Il faut également noter l'apport de la trame musicale de Johhny Greenwood (membre du groupe Radiohead). Minimaliste et envoûtante par sa structure atonale, elle vient appuyer le ton pessimiste du film et accentuer la morosité des paysages désertiques. "There Will be Blood" est une oeuvre épique, grandiose et superbement maîtrisée, et comme dans tous les grands films, cette maîtrise est entièrement mise au service de personnages complexes qui composent l'âme du récit.

Puisque je ne porte pas beaucoup attention aux Oscars et que j'aime les frères Cohen, je ne peux pas dire que j'étais déçu quand No Country for Old Men (excellent, mais tout de même une coche en dessous de Fargo) a obtenu la statuette attribuée au meilleur film de 2007. Mais dans 25 ou 50 ans, les cinéphiles rêveurs se demanderont probablement où sont passés les classiques comme "There Will be Blood", un film immense qui n'aura aucun mal à passer l'épreuve du temps.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Ariane Valmont said:
To get back on topic : I love horror movies and yesterday, I rented The Reaping. I thought it was entertaining. I don't really understand why the critics were so hard on it.

There's been an interesting French wave of horror films that started with "Haute Tension". The more notable recent ones worth watching are:

Ils (AKA "Them") (although this is more of a thriller)

A L'intérieur (AKA "Inside")

Frontière(s) (AKA "Frontier(s)")

But the best horror film I've seen since "The Descent" is the Spanish film
El Orfanato (AKA "The Orphanage"). Fantastic film.

All these films are available on DVD in region 1.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Theater: Young couples fucking

Dvd: Juno (I usually hate oscar winners and nominees)


Mar 2, 2005
Recently saw ..

Cloverfield... some people liked it some didnt .. i say dont even bother as a rental

Rambo... sly stallone as usual didnt say much in this movie lol, very gory and graphic scenes..many will say movie was horrible.. but it makes you think of whats going on in this world ( burma ) maybe i shouldve rented the porn version rambone
either way i liked it

tonight i think ill go for some classic war movie .. dirty dozen

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Heu !... is it me but the best movies I recently saw was : Teen Cum Squad and Fishnets 2 both with Patricia Petite ! Gulp !
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