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What is the biggest gift you gave to an Sp?


Lily from Montreal

Well, to tell you the truth when I meet I do not wear any in case my scent can cause trouble at home so I favor soap.. favorite gifts to receive are more of the chocolate or jewelry (costume) type...
the wines or champagne I rather share with my date


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
My frequent sp likes bio foods and cooking. Seeing I have a large bio garden she gets spoiled at harvest time. She especially enjoys my wild game harvest. She enjoys the bear skin rug.


Aug 22, 2009
A fantastic week in Vegas and then, to continue in the same vein, a long weekend in New York with the same gorgeous girl.
But there, it turned out to be a disaster, since she spent the four days in a New York hospital after food poisoning ( from our first and only meal in a famous restaurant ), with no health insurance.
$7,500 US per night! After negotiating with the hospital my total bill was $17,500 US.
A weekend I'll never forget.
Navy 69:amen:
I have received many types of gifts...Lingerie, chocolates, candles, roses, hockey tickets(2 rows up from the ice) and probably other I have forgotten over the years but the most expensive gifts I have received was 2 pricey jackets. Both retailed over 950$ each.
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Mar 31, 2006
Actually the perfume and the stun gun were at her request. It was specific perfume. The Victoria Secret's was my idea.

I have requested that she never use the stun gun on me.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
When I was working as a dancer a customer took me to Vegas - it was amazing, I had a generous allowance to spend each day shopping, at the spa...then we had fabulous dinners and saw shows at night. I also had a gentleman pay airfare for my daughter and I to go to Hawaii once.
As a provider the most generous gift I have received was a TV. (and no, he did not bring it to our appointment, lol). One of the most practical gifts I have received has been an Amazon gift card; they have so much to choose from on Amazon, I ordered my favorite perfume.

I have been asked a couple times if I would put a wishlist on my website, but have been reluctant to do so because I don't want to seem pushy, or to imply that gifts are expected.
Any thoughts on wishlists? Do you find them helpful? Offensive? Don't care?


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I prefer no wish list. Like you say it might look greedy, and I won't buy a gift on the first date. By the time I start bringing little gift it's because there's a good friendship and I should have an idea by then what you like. I might bring wine on a first time, so that's good to specify which ones you like when presenting yourself. Same for food if you offer dinner dates. Those I don't really consider like gifts. They're just part of the date.


Sep 4, 2006
I have only ever given gifts to providers I repeated with a lot and the stuff was not too expensive. I maybe once went overboard and bought a $250 bottle of perfume. Other times they were items that were $100 and lower, ranging from scarves to figurines to portraits. I never needed a 'wishlist' because these were women I spent so much time with I felt I knew what they liked and wanted. If they misrepresented themselves and their interests to me there is nothing I can really do about that. I find picking an item off a wishlist to be so impersonal.

My personal opinion is that people who buy really expensive gifts are trying to force an emotional connection with an SP, and I think that an SP that accepts something very lavish will develop problems with said client down the road


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

My personal opinion is that people who buy really expensive gifts are trying to force an emotional connection with an SP, and I think that an SP that accepts something very lavish will develop problems with said client down the road

I was reading posts then only a few seconds before I got to this line I was thinking, geeez, I hardly got any gifts for her except for small things for the lady I saw over almost 7 years. I was thinking, was I cheap, did she just not care, or was the way we handled it just right to keep the relationship going in the right balance of business and personal attachment/detachment? It worked out for so long even though there were very few gifts, so I guess it was something else that made things work out. I think you're right rollingstone. Trying too hard to make an impression probably indicates feelings or a view that indicates a problem. No that there's anything inherently wrong with giving great gifts, but going too far can be a tricky thing that might be an issue in you or her.

Sexy black lace lingerie consisting of a bra + panties + nylons + garter belt, along with a box of fine chocolate. She looked stunning and I got to do my first photoshoot of her :)

Ahaaaaaaaaaaa, a gift that gives back to us. SMART! I let a lady pick out something sexy to buy, I also brought her some lingerie I purchased, as well as just going out. Yeah, it's great when it benefits both. "Sharing is caring". ;)

Good luck,



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I remember one infamous allegedly "high end" escort with no compunction about double-dealing anyone, and who probably amassed quite a collection of gifts. Large gifts can quickly become hopelessly entwined in sexual and emotional politics. Both parties can exploit and both parties can feel exploited. I think it's fine and a natural part of extended meetings to show some generosity and appreciation, but it can be very tricky to keep it balanced so that each person feels very comfortable with being part of gift giving in what is always still a business relationship. Some ladies will always take and some will run away because of the emotions it implies, and the guy may just want to show gratitude or he may be displaying excessive intentions. It's very tricky.




Sep 4, 2006
This was actually a topic of discussion on another review site I am a member on and one of the SPs said that one of the best gifts she got was a chocolate orange. The client had somehow managed to insert her donation in there and she had to smash it to get to it.

For a truly Canadian twist, I could put it in a bottle of maple syrup. Will be interesting to see how well that is received.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

...a chocolate orange. The client had somehow managed to insert her donation in there and she had to smash it to get to it.

An old commercial asserted there was nothing more American than baseball, hot dogs, apple pie...and Chevrolet. I'm not sure what a lady would think of a baseball. Apple pie with cinnamon is a great treat. Now a big steaming juicy "hot dog"...lots of subliminal fun with that. But a $55,000 Camaro ZL1...drrrream on.


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