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What is the obsession?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
It's not that they're "fucked in the head'; it's just that they're professional liars. I don't believe what they're telling me.
You know, your degree of hypocrisy is just beyond comprehension. The fact that your statements are routinely contradictory is totally lost on you.

What we've learned from you:

1. SPs never tell the truth. (None of them. Ever. They're all liars.)
2. SPs tell you what you want to hear.
3. SPs have had open and honest conversations with me, telling me how much they hate their clients and the business.

And this, of course, after you've dragged it out of them, making it perfectly clear that that's exactly what you want to hear. And, of course, despite the fact that they're all liars, preprogrammed to tell you exactly what you want to hear, what they've told you is nothing but the truth, because you're respectful and well-groomed.



clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
*sigh* For the record, I did attempt at one point to help steer the thread back on topic... poor fool, me.

rumpleforeskiin said:
How does one choke on a flaccid pecker?:D

It's not the length, it's the width... whether it be "actual" width or the result of folding. :eek:

(Sorry, sorry, I finally cracked, but after this:

General Gonad said:
There was an SP who once got mad at me on the boards and wrote that I was a few inches short of satisfying her. This came as a total shock to me as all I remember was she was so dumb that I made sure she was choking on my manhood so she didn't continue spewing out more bullshit. There were enough inches to shut her up for two hours.

What little respect I had left went out the window, floated down the street, fell gently into a puddle of slush, and disintegrated pretty quickly after the first couple of cars drove by.)

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:
You know, your degree of hypocrisy is just beyond comprehension.


Far too many things in this biz are beyond your comprehension.:rolleyes:


P.S. Hurry up for your next home equity loan...:eek:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
Far too many things in this biz are beyond your comprehension.
Quite probably true. After all, unlike yourself, I do have other things in my life and I haven't made a study of the sex trade my life's work.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:
Quite probably true. After all, unlike yourself, I do have other things in my life and I haven't made a study of the sex trade my life's work.

LMAO.:D That was a good one Reggie.:D



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
You know, your degree of hypocrisy is just beyond comprehension. The fact that your statements are routinely contradictory is totally lost on you.

What we've learned from you:

1. SPs never tell the truth. (None of them. Ever. They're all liars.)
2. SPs tell you what you want to hear.
3. SPs have had open and honest conversations with me, telling me how much they hate their clients and the business.

And this, of course, after you've dragged it out of them, making it perfectly clear that that's exactly what you want to hear. And, of course, despite the fact that they're all liars, preprogrammed to tell you exactly what you want to hear, what they've told you is nothing but the truth, because you're respectful and well-groomed.


Hello Rumples,

Given that one continues to hobby while everything he preaches shows his loathing for SPs, we are left with "the great question". Why does he do either? Such a deliberate masochistic cycle of encounters and loathing must have a unique enjoyment that totally eludes me.



General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Korbel said:
Given that one continues to hobby while everything he preaches shows his loathing for SPs, we are left with "the great question". Why does he do either? Such a deliberate masochistic cycle of encounters and loathing must have a unique enjoyment that totally eludes me.

I do not loathe SPs; I only loathe delusional old men who think they're hot shit.:D Besides, I am almost at the two week sobriety test. A little shakes, but so far so good.:D



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
I do not loathe SPs; I only loathe delusional old men who think they're hot shit.:D Besides, I am almost at the two week sobriety test. A little shakes, but so far so good.:D
Sober, perhaps, but no less a coprocephalic.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
Sober, perhaps, but no less a coprocephalic.

LOL Rumples,

Interesting word. Did not know that one, but I guessed exactly considering the context.

Bad boy,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
Interesting word. Did not know that one, but I guessed exactly considering the context.
A number of years ago, a friend and I spent an entire evening creating words based on the Greek copros. We later found out that quite a few of these words actually exist:

There were dozens more.

BTW, for GG, I'll define another word that I used above, one for which he probably doesn't know the definition or meaning of:
friend [frend] –noun
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?
4. a member of the same nation, party, etc.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
A number of years ago, a friend and I spent an entire evening creating words based on the Greek copros. We later found out that quite a few of these words actually exist:

There were dozens more.

BTW, for GG, I'll define another word that I used above, one for which he probably doesn't know the definition or meaning of:
friend [frend] –noun
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?
4. a member of the same nation, party, etc.

Hello Rumples,

In my studies "coprolite" comes up in archeological references. So connecting "copro" and "cephalic" (brain) made a guess easy. Yes, it can be fun and a lot safer with "big words"...lol.

Happy combinations.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Maria Divina said:
In the way to put a little bit more fantasy, in an other level, (because "we are here for that, no???")....i'll share with you the last word i invented, few months ago...I was discussing with a gentleman if existing, in french or in english, a world that can convince at another level of relationship....based on sexuality and a good friendship to share it without limiting ourselves. We all know that we have amant/maitresse, but it didn't satisfy me... the word "fuckfriend" didn't satisfy me either... So, i invent "passiamore"...seems to be a kind of spanish or italian rooted word...but, describe exactly what i lived with this man....The part "amore" is for the love of the part "passia"..... Love of the passion. It used to call him "mi passiamore"......
So, this word can be used for describe the action or the people who do the action :) ....with somebody who bring you in Heaven, without any strong sentimental attach, but with a very strong good connection, and getting along very well in bed. (or anywhere else, of course.....hahahaha....)

I didn't use it since that day....but i could...Just i am not sure if saying something invented like that to somebody will really give him something more....

Hello Maria,

The first word I have heard many times and it is just terrible. It sounds like the kind of thing some guys I know would say to describe a woman who is no more good to them than their own hand; the kind of word that treats each other like a dumping container. "Passiamore" is worlds better. I conveys to me exactly what you wanted to describe. Now all I have to do it find someone to match it with.

I love your avatar. Maybe you can PM the url for the website where you found it???

Warm hugs,

Last edited:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:
BTW, for GG, I'll define another word that I used above, one for which he probably doesn't know the definition or meaning of:
friend [frend] –noun
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?
4. a member of the same nation, party, etc.


I define a true friend as someone who will be there for me during the good times and tough times. All you guys who claim SPs are your friends never bothered asking a few simple questions: What do I really know about this person? How do I know it is true? Will this person be there if I need them? Will I be there if they need me? If I cut off the money, will this person still be my "friend"?:rolleyes:

Apr 16, 2005
Korbel said:
Hello Rumples,

In my studies "coprolite" comes up in archeological references. So connecting "copro" and "cephalic" (brain) made a guess easy. Yes, it can be fun and a lot safer with "big words"...lol.

Happy combinations.


The only combination I can think for "cephalic" involves the prefix "hydro". They do seem to show up from time to time - the moronic variety I mean.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
The GG Lexicon

cockapult - An erect penis used as a catapult.
a capporno - Without porn.
zerogamous - Single. Celibate. Preferring one's own company to the terrible compromises of relationships.
gg-tard - A hopelessly random forum spammer. Someone who posts in /gg/.
d & m - Deep & Meaningful; an intense conversation (typically between two participants) that usually results in the release of hidden emotions and confidential personal information.:D
xanthopulous - That which pertains to or promotes social armageddon.
e-buse - Computer dependence, internet over-use.
vacostrasation - A vacuous feeling; that empty numbing neutrality that comes when one person in the room appears to monopolize all the available emotion. :p
führer - German for tremendous fuss.
lachrymotormouth - One who can't stop talking about his troubles.
m.a.c.h.o. - an acronym for Male(s) Acting Childish, Hormonal (and) Obnoxious. used with a touch of sarcasim.
Reggieholic One who is compulsively addicted to Regnad.
assholian - A variation on "assholic" -- behavior that is particularly in the manner of an asshole, inordinately unpleasant behavior.


some from pseudodictionary.com some more from my ass. :D
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