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What is the obsession?


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I read these boards a few times a week. Usually, in a day I will read up a few entries and then not check again for a couple of days, or so. I like to keep up on who's working where and what's going on and all that stuff that matters, but not all that much. This is my little escape to dreamland in a way.

Of course, some of you like to ruin my fantasy, and quite frankly, I am getting a little tired of reading your whining and bitching. The anal-ysis of the business, guesstimations on how much we make, profiles of the future of the business, rate projections, etc... where the hell is the fantasy?

Here is a reason why I love this business and always will no matter where I am in life. FANTASY. When working I am a vibrant 29 year with auburn hair, green eyes, fun-loving, vixen who's charming, intelligent, witty and more. I have no bills at home waiting to be paid, I have no kids, I am a student, and I live a wonderfully glamorous life that anyone would be happy to have themselves.

Here is why men love this business. FANTASY. When a client is with a good provider, she is a sexy, young, hot thing that think he is sexy and wants to fuck the shit out of him. She is passionate and when he touches her she is responsive and he can tell that she is enjoying her time with him as well. He doesn't have any bills to pay, he isn't exhausted from work... etc.

I think guys who see many different providers probably have it right. I mean, as much as I love seeing the same clients, the familiarity, the comfort, etc... it also partly destroys at least some of the fantasy. I am going to let it slip that I have kids or that I was born in the 60s. He is going to let out that he had a hard day at work... then I am not in a fantasy anymore, I am in a relationship.

I am not knocking relationships (I mean seeing the same provider over and over) but I think we have read enough about how "deceptive" SPs are - WAKE-UP call - YOU PAY US FOR A FANTASY!

I apologize for my rant - lol! Take in tongue'n'cheek - will ya! And BTW - this is a call for more of you to write reviews - I need some entertainment!

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Just-ass-weet said:
FANTASY. When working I am a vibrant 29 year with auburn hair, green eyes, fun-loving, vixen who's charming, intelligent, witty and more.
So, where's the fantasy part?;)


New Member
May 23, 2005
Well said, Anik. I just don't understand some people's view of what goes on in this business.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
I fantasize about getting back the thousands of dollars I pissed away on SPs and MPs over the last few years.:rolleyes:


P.S. Ok, some of the encounters were worth every single penny!:p

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
Just-ass-weet said:
When a client is with a good provider, she is a sexy, young, hot thing that think he is sexy and wants to fuck the shit out of him. She is passionate and when he touches her she is responsive and he can tell that she is enjoying her time with him as well.

I think you've captured well the essence of this "business" from both sides. The borderline is thin between the fantasy world and the real world and it can get thinner with repeat encounters. Being 50 and seeing SPs in their 20s or early 30s helps me I think keeps fantasy and reality into the right perspective. If I was in my 30s, I must confess I'd might have a hard time with the damn borderline...

As for the forums, they provide a great opportunity for information exchange. The content of the columns ressembles more that of the National Enquirer at time, but I've learned to skip the crap and focus on the interesting articles...:rolleyes:

Lion Heart

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Lion Heart said:
As for the forums, they provide a great opportunity for information exchange. The content of the columns ressembles more that of the National Enquirer at time, but I`ve learned to skip the crap and focus on the interesting articles...:rolleyes:

And what exactly are the interesting articles? , CIM, MSOGs, DFK?:rolleyes: It`s amazing how guys with experience won`t admit that this whole hobby is full of crap.:rolleyes:

Blinded by pussy.:rolleyes:

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Just-ass-weet said:
Here is a reason why I love this business and always will no matter where I am in life. FANTASY. When working I am a vibrant 29 year with auburn hair, green eyes, fun-loving, vixen who's charming, intelligent, witty and more. I have no bills at home waiting to be paid, I have no kids, I am a student, and I live a wonderfully glamorous life that anyone would be happy to have themselves.

Here is why men love this business. FANTASY. When a client is with a good provider, she is a sexy, young, hot thing that think he is sexy and wants to fuck the shit out of him. She is passionate and when he touches her she is responsive and he can tell that she is enjoying her time with him as well. He doesn't have any bills to pay, he isn't exhausted from work... etc.


Hey Babe,

Now THAT's the Anik I knew...yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaw! Not to mention you had a really sweet feeling touche worth many laps and were a wonderful kisser when I met you. Thanks for the trip down memory lane darling.




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
General Gonad said:
And what exactly are the interesting articles? , CIM, MSOGs, DFK?:rolleyes: It`s amazing how guys with experience won`t admit that this whole hobby is full of crap.:rolleyes:

Blinded by pussy.:rolleyes:


Hey GG,

``Blinded by pussy``...well...I sure resemble that remark...YaaaaBoy! It`s amazing how someone who thinks this ``whole hobby is full of crap`` goes on periodic sexual binges with SPs and can never get enough of the board to the point of trying to break back in while suspended/banned. Thanks for being the greatest hypocrite in board history.

Vive le roi d`hypocrisie,


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Korbel said:
It's amazing how someone who thinks this "whole hobby is full of crap" goes on periodic sexual binges with SPs and can never get enough of the board to the point of trying to break back in while suspended/banned. Thanks for being the greatest hypocrite in board history.


I was never blinded by pussy; I was just a lonely, lost soul who took a wrong detour in life. I was chasing my tail, so to speak, but I don't delude myself into believing this is a "normal" or "healthy" hobby. It is full of crap and if you accept that fact, it will be easier for you to walk away when the time is right.;)


P.S. Being honest about this biz and with yourself is not hypocritical. Hypocrisy is when people spew absurd nonsense on the boards that they know are blatant lies.:mad:


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Here we go again... Ok, we're all blind hypocrits who don't know what we're talking about or lies to ourself. We all know that. Now can we go back to the fantasy? Isn't fantasy made of nonsense by itself? Isn't fantasy the facility to accept a nonsense and make it true in our mind?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
metoo4 said:
Isn't fantasy the facility to accept a nonsense and make it true in our mind?

There is this fantasy-reality tug of war going on all the time on these boards. The fantasy is that SPs love this job and that it is all harmless fun. The reality is that with rare exceptions, SPs hate this job, Johns are lonely souls and that neither money nor sex bring you lasting happiness.;)



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
metoo4 said:
Here we go again... Ok, we're all blind hypocrits who don't know what we're talking about or lies to ourself. We all know that. Now can we go back to the fantasy? Isn't fantasy made of nonsense by itself? Isn't fantasy the facility to accept a nonsense and make it true in our mind?

Hello Meetoo4,

Good idea. If we all admit to being blind hypocrites maybe GG will be satisfied and not have to repeat it anymore. However, the truth of your final statement makes confession moot, doesn't it.



General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Korbel said:
Good idea. If we all admit to being blind hypocrites maybe GG will be satisfied and not have to repeat it anymore. However, the truth of your final statement makes confession moot, doesn't it.

You don't need to admit anything to me but try not to lie to yourselves.;)



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
General Gonad said:

I was never blinded by pussy; I was just a lonely, lost soul who took a wrong detour in life.

Hello GG,

Okay, I suspect many of us are the same. Now please, let's not escalate this into another round of excessive anger. Don't get banned. For me, no more comments of this subject here.



General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Korbel said:
Okay, I suspect many of us are the same. Now please, let's not escalate this into another round of excessive anger. Don't get banned. For me, no more comments of this subject here.

I won't get banned because I am ignoring the originator of this thread and her little friend.:rolleyes:


Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
General Gonad said:
And what exactly are the interesting articles? , CIM, MSOGs, DFK?:rolleyes: It`s amazing how guys with experience won`t admit that this whole hobby is full of crap.:rolleyes:

Blinded by pussy.:rolleyes:


Actually, the crap I was refering too are posts exactly like this one...:mad:

As for the interesting ones, you have posted quite a few. If only you could stick with these and forget the sick ones...:rolleyes:

Lion Heart

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Lion Heart said:
As for the interesting ones, you have posted quite a few. If only you could stick with these and forget the sick ones...:rolleyes:


You gotta take me as a package. I can review, I can joke around but when I am serious about the nature of this biz, I am dead serious.;)



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
General Gonad said:

You gotta take me as a package. I can review, I can joke around but when I am serious about the nature of this biz, I am dead serious.;)


To the attention of Canada Post: Please mark all such packages "return to sender".

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
General Gonad said:

You gotta take me as a package. I can review, I can joke around but when I am serious about the nature of this biz, I am dead serious.;)


Sorry, but your vision of the biz sounds too much like crap to me....:rolleyes:

It's unfortunate that your preacher's side is so omnipresent as it has driven me to ignore most of your posts, reviews and potentially interesting posts included...:(

Have to more interesting gossips to read.;)

Lion Heart

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Lion Heart said:
Sorry, but your vision of the biz sounds too much like crap to me....:rolleyes:


The little I know about you, it doesn't surprise me.:rolleyes:

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