This is a reality either there is Booker or not ,the SP will be talking to another SP which is also most probably a poster ,and many times many other SP 's that you might be wanting to see ,
I had a big Van carrying 6 escorts and was also the Booker ,12 hours shift hearing of sex conversations and what clients does ,sounds appealing,:lol:
Sadly full discretion in this business is impossible
I agree with you, full discretion is impossible. There's one thing you forgot though. When you drive 6 escorts in your big van, they can talk as much as they want about who they just met that night, but it remains somewhat anonymous. They will never be able to uniquely identify who they just met by his merb handle, unless the client purposely told them, and very few would tell, at least not until some level of trust is established after repeated meetings. Even you as a booker, most of the time you get a name, an adress and a phone number. Nothing to link to a public merb personna either.
On the other hand, before an Indy meets someone, most of the time he used his real name to book her, and provided his merb handle so the booker (or the woman herself) could do some background check on him. So when she and her booker exchange intimate information after the meeting, it's totally identifiable, not anonymous anymore. BIG DIFFERENCE!
Besides, I don't care if a woman would be talking about me to another woman. I know it will happen. But to a man it bugs me. Call it ego or whatever, it still bugs me.
Also, it's quite possible an Indy will speak about a client to another client. That should also not happen, call it lack of ethics. But we all know it does. Unfortunatelly booker or not makes no difference in this case, and we have no way to know who talk about their clients in their back to other clients. I just hope my 2 inches erect penis and how bad a lover I am will not make it to merb too quickly!
