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What is your favourite destination for the hobby?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
For the people asking me about where to go in the USA I will say that unlike in some other countries every city is different, has a different monger culture and rules, and has a different price structure/expectations. Don't expect the pricing to be the same in Las Vegas that it is in Nebraska, or wherever. Also be aware of exchange rates. I do not typically monger in the US and am not an expert on American mongering at all, and I think there are a large number of people here who could (and would be happy to) answer your questions, and who are far more knowledgeable than I am. I would suggest asking your general questions in the open forum and maybe go offline if you're getting into personal areas of discussion. I would also suggest opening up threads for destinations in the international area as well, for non NA destinations, so as to avoid duplication of effort and to pool information from a variety of sources. Everyone seems eager to be helpful in those threads, although you may need to filter the info a bit.

Snarky, dismissive comments should probably remain in the lounge. :p


Jan 28, 2018
A topic after my own heart. I live in the states but travel for business often to Europe and South America. I’ve tried to make a stop in Montreal about once a year. I think that the scene you guys have is the best in North America.
For context, my home market starts at 600 USD/hour for 7-8 level girls who are usually been in the game for a number of years and are in their 30’s (or older). Uninspiring to say the least. You can say that I’m a luxury monger as I’m willing to pay that price for GFE from a mid 20’s smoke show (hello Katrina Vianna). Here’s my list of the best venues I’ve been to globally:
1. São Paulo- many venues from inexpensive to luxury. Brazilian girls are also, IMO, the most service oriented of any place I’ve been to. GFE can be assumed. If I had only one week left, I’d spend it at scandallo lounge, a nightclub of 200 m2 with 200 girls to pick from, none of them lower than an 8. The most expensive place in Sampa but worth it. For the more budget minded, clinicas can provide nearly as great an experience for less than 100 USD, in rougher surroundings.
2. Zurich- Club Globe isn’t what it was but is still quite good. A FKK type set up with dozens of beautiful girls. The owners are quite customer satisfaction oriented. I also enjoyed Afrodesia a pick up hooker bar. As with all things in Switzerland it’s pricey
3. Medellin- Again, it’s not what it was and there are reports of anti-sex tourism from the gov’t. But there are hundreds of willing beautiful girls. Some basic Spanish and situational awareness highly recommended.
4. Lima- Wonderful sweet young things available. Not a great club scene but best food in the world
5. Madrid- I had good luck at one of the hooker pick up bars, less so at Vive, the biggest club (hard time to find GFE). Lots of agencies provide good value too.
I will return to all of the above and rate Montreal between just below Zurich in quality and just below the last 3 in total price. I’ve also been to Panama, Cost Rica, Argentina and NW Germany FKK. Happy to say more about those if anyone wants to know. Sorry to be long winded but I really appreciate this board and want to give back a little. Getting GFE for less than 200 USD in a first world setting in a world class city is hard to beat. You guys have it quite good from a global perspective.
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