I will post a thread booker style 
I would like to know what is your hobby habbit of booking. Are you more an afternoon guy, a late evening guy? I was checking up GOF schedule and noticed some girls working REALLY late, like 1 am to 3 am. Others are from 8 or 9:30 to 3 am and so on.
I think the later i saw ever was Montreal Angels with schedule going as far as 4-5 am...
Now its of no question if there is demand at these times, there must be... but the question is , how "good" that clientel can be. I am not gonna generalize too much, but its no secret some people calling at 2-3 am are people coming out of bars, half drunk (or completely) and certainly not a type of client i would like to see personally if i was an SP. Like i said not saying everybody that drink become a jerk, some may be really funny or in party mood, but is it a risk i would be willing to take? Also yes i know not everybody that call at 3 am is drunk either but thats just facts that a good % risk being... especially on weekends.
So does they kept the old school models(they always advertised for these hours, from since i started in 09 to now) because they "roll with $" and business is good, or maybe since lots of newer agencies already book a lot between 6 pm and 12, they wanna go grab a different part of the business? Also how does the girls like woking that late? I know some are night ravens(oiseau de nuit) and like to work late way more than earlier. Of course the point of view of the SPs will be harder to get as most of our resident indies work days or early evenings, but well...
At least i can ask as clients do you book regulary that late? Do you prefer it, or do you sometimes have no choice and just do to see a particular girl. Would you risk passing on a bunch of options for earlier booking to wait for a late night girl? We can pretty much assume calling an agencies that close by 12 at 10 pm you risk not having a lot of choice if your 9 pm plan a failed...
I am just curious....
I would like to know what is your hobby habbit of booking. Are you more an afternoon guy, a late evening guy? I was checking up GOF schedule and noticed some girls working REALLY late, like 1 am to 3 am. Others are from 8 or 9:30 to 3 am and so on.
I think the later i saw ever was Montreal Angels with schedule going as far as 4-5 am...
Now its of no question if there is demand at these times, there must be... but the question is , how "good" that clientel can be. I am not gonna generalize too much, but its no secret some people calling at 2-3 am are people coming out of bars, half drunk (or completely) and certainly not a type of client i would like to see personally if i was an SP. Like i said not saying everybody that drink become a jerk, some may be really funny or in party mood, but is it a risk i would be willing to take? Also yes i know not everybody that call at 3 am is drunk either but thats just facts that a good % risk being... especially on weekends.
So does they kept the old school models(they always advertised for these hours, from since i started in 09 to now) because they "roll with $" and business is good, or maybe since lots of newer agencies already book a lot between 6 pm and 12, they wanna go grab a different part of the business? Also how does the girls like woking that late? I know some are night ravens(oiseau de nuit) and like to work late way more than earlier. Of course the point of view of the SPs will be harder to get as most of our resident indies work days or early evenings, but well...
At least i can ask as clients do you book regulary that late? Do you prefer it, or do you sometimes have no choice and just do to see a particular girl. Would you risk passing on a bunch of options for earlier booking to wait for a late night girl? We can pretty much assume calling an agencies that close by 12 at 10 pm you risk not having a lot of choice if your 9 pm plan a failed...
I am just curious....