Montreal Escorts

What is your hobbying time slot?

Do you personally book "late" ?

  • Yes, i prefer to always book after 9

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Only do if its my only option

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • 9-10 pm is ok, being first client, but 1-2 am, NO

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • I book only early evening or afternoon

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Late or not, i don't care, i call when im horny.

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I will post a thread booker style :p

I would like to know what is your hobby habbit of booking. Are you more an afternoon guy, a late evening guy? I was checking up GOF schedule and noticed some girls working REALLY late, like 1 am to 3 am. Others are from 8 or 9:30 to 3 am and so on.

I think the later i saw ever was Montreal Angels with schedule going as far as 4-5 am...

Now its of no question if there is demand at these times, there must be... but the question is , how "good" that clientel can be. I am not gonna generalize too much, but its no secret some people calling at 2-3 am are people coming out of bars, half drunk (or completely) and certainly not a type of client i would like to see personally if i was an SP. Like i said not saying everybody that drink become a jerk, some may be really funny or in party mood, but is it a risk i would be willing to take? Also yes i know not everybody that call at 3 am is drunk either but thats just facts that a good % risk being... especially on weekends.

So does they kept the old school models(they always advertised for these hours, from since i started in 09 to now) because they "roll with $" and business is good, or maybe since lots of newer agencies already book a lot between 6 pm and 12, they wanna go grab a different part of the business? Also how does the girls like woking that late? I know some are night ravens(oiseau de nuit) and like to work late way more than earlier. Of course the point of view of the SPs will be harder to get as most of our resident indies work days or early evenings, but well...

At least i can ask as clients do you book regulary that late? Do you prefer it, or do you sometimes have no choice and just do to see a particular girl. Would you risk passing on a bunch of options for earlier booking to wait for a late night girl? We can pretty much assume calling an agencies that close by 12 at 10 pm you risk not having a lot of choice if your 9 pm plan a failed...

I am just curious....


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Also how does the girls like woking that late? I know some are night ravens(oiseau de nuit) and like to work late way more than earlier. Of course the point of view of the SPs will be harder to get as most of our resident indies work days or early evenings, but well...

Personally I am a night owl. Weeknights I try to be done by 11 or midnight as I have to get up in the morning for my day job, but on the weekends I tend to be up really late. However I usually only do late night appointments when they are clients I know already, or if they have been booked in advanced. Taking a call at 2 am just seems risky as far as the type of client you might get.

There is a demand for late nights though, it's surprising how often I wake up to find a 4 am "dispo?" text on my phone, lol. Funny how the late night callers never bother with nice introductions!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I prefer first appointments so having to drive into Montreal at 2pm is a pain in the ass, some start at 6 and that is full out rush hour. Tough to find one that starts at 9pm which would be perfect. The person I see most starts at 9:30 so I miss the rush hr. Do not think I would see a girl that starts at 7 and my appointment is 2am. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
During working week days, after 9PM.
During weekend, Saturday and Sunday morning and afternoon.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Funny this thread pops up, as i had to book late last friday, while i usually don't. The only place left for the girl i wanted to see was 9PM, so i took it (9 is late for me, while it may be early for some others). I wake up early all days, so at around 9-10PM i'm kinda wasted and close to bed.

I'm usually an early evening hobyst during the week (6-7 PM max). I like to go incall right after work. During weekend, i usually book in the afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
I prefer in the evening 9-12 but it can be a bit earlier or even later, unless early morning appointment. Afternoon possible in the weekend.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Whenever the "little" brain says so. No time is off limits in the world of (the good) Dionysus :lol: Thanks Aphrodite ;)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello HM,

***MORNING SEX*** I find that an hour or two after a long great night's sleep and I have had time to stretch and wake the whole body mr. wood is hard and durable enough to chisel out another Mt. Rushmore. When it comes to practical times for available escorts I greatly enjoyed meeting Montreal's best around noon time. Some of the very best ladies were just as hot to start getting it on as me between noon and 2:00. The lady was always at her freshest and most energized peak, there was no question I was her first of the day, and afterward I was free to enjoy the rest of the day with friends, drinking as much as I wanted if I wished and there was no reason worry about being sober or all the prep time and waiting to meet someone in the evening or worry about her being booked at peak hours of demand. THAT is a great advantage.

Otherwise I try to make it around 10:00 pm (2200) so I can spend as much time with my buddies as possible before having to leave.




New Member
Jun 21, 2003
Visit site
I usually book early evening with preference of being the 1st client. I'll go as late as 9pm. Any later I get really sleepy.


Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
well i like it either late afternoon or early evening (7pm) ....

But i tend to move foward to dinenr date so i look into 6pm or 7pm these days

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Thanks for all your answer. Tianna, yeah thats the thing with late callers, often there just horny dudes on alchool, not like presentation and introduction is in there mind lol.

Personally best time for me is 5:30 or 6 pm. I arrive in mtl between 3 and 4, so i can arrive, take it slowly, prepare myself no rush, then see a girl, and its still early (8 or less) so i can then go and have fun with friends or whatever. I like early bookings...

9 start to be too late for me, as it kills my options for plan b and i dunno.. the sp leave and its already "late" , don't really like this. Also everything between 10 and 11 is a nono for me... i hate finishing a meeting realizing i can't go grab beer to the store... Since i use rooms with no fridge... well got to grab it when ready to drink lol.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You still have not bought a portable cooler?

Mike, you can get a fold up cooler at walmart for like $8-20 depending on size and all you do is pack it in your luggage until ready to use, buy the beer and some ice (usually free at hotels) and you can keep your beer cold all night.

i hate finishing a meeting realizing i can't go grab beer to the store... Since i use rooms with no fridge... well got to grab it when ready to drink lol.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
lol actually we have a bunch of them at home, would they really work? Usually my pack sack is always full from my cloathing and all, remember i am on foot, must travel light, but yeah i think ill give it a shot next time. Thanks for the advice.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I have one you can use to see if you like it, remind me and i will bring it when you are in town. Btw they are VERY lightweight and look like a handbag and are insulated. Really simple and they work pretty good for what you need it for.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I only have take out late very late usually after 11pm. I am a night owl especially since at my job I strictly work evenings/nights. I get up late and am most active at night. There was one girl Lacee at Plaisirs Rebels I really wanted to book but she always works dayshift. Cannot make it for that early as I usually wake up around 1pm or later. I need the day to do my things as everything closes.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Think i have the same things as you mention, so no need, but thanks for the offer. :thumb:

Lily from Montreal

No wonder I get so many email prompted by dutch courage: that's what I call the ,very short,messages received at 2h am:''u available?'' lol,

nope,my bedtime is 21h30 ,in my defense I am up at 6h30 am so evenings are not an option...
Luckily I can tell my late night friends to write to Tiannas...
Some persons energy rises thru the day? Me ,I wake up energized and (tire everybody else)and it goes downhill from there,there is a reason I meet only till 16h30...

So my favorite time was not in the poll: 10h or 11 am,best way to spend lunchtime,then time take a nap and do real life work before my brains shut up for the day loll


Aug 12, 2010
Hobbying is like the box of office doughnuts, you have to be in on the first few before people get their grubby hands all over it and then you are left with a squished tired doughnut with custard cream oozzing out of it.
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