JOHN WICK 2...ohhh ouii monsieur...:boxing:
First one if awesome, one of my favourite recent action movie. Will surely go see it.
The last performance of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Logan
Thats one i am not waiting for. I dunno, so far Jackman has been good in the xmen movies but the 2 stand alone film where pretty bad. Origins was... origins lol and The Wolverine was just kinda boring, not enough action, story not super cool....
"Get Out" presents a bizarre new twist on the Haunted House Genre: this is one where unsuspecting African Americans don't get out alive:
Just watched the trailer, it looks super weird. It kinda make me curious but ill wait for DVD rental.
Personally i had a blast with Underworld Blood Wars lately and the next movies im gonna see are
XXX : The return of Xander Cage : I love the first one, was waiting for this for years, and Vin Dielsel is always cool in action movies.
Also i may go see Resident Evil even tough i feel those movies are pretty much an insult to the video game franchise, the last one was so terrible.. But i guess its self inflict punishment as if i want to participate into IMDB discussion on why its shit, i have to see it
After that it will be John Wick 2.
Reviewers on Youtube always says January and such is a bad month for movies, for me its one of my favourite actually every year.