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What Made You Decide To Use A SP ?


Jul 15, 2009
A question for the experienced and casual hobbyists....What made you finally decide
to see a SP ? Was it because of one particular incident or was it a result of a number
of factors ?

Were you going crazy seeing so many attractive 18-25 girls everywhere you
went and it was killing you that couldn't be intimate with them ? Did you
realize that you had no choice but to see a SP because you were
terrible with women (no charm,charisma..).

I'm guessing that a lot of me have no rapport or "game" with women
and we have a hard time getting their attention.For some of us are only outlet
is porn or the use of SP's.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Lack of complication and high quality companionship

Let's be honest, at first sex was top on the list of the reasons why - for us married types we either were not getting enough (or any) or not getting what we wanted. So you go out and look for what you are missing with an SP and you find it - obviously the sex part is easy. But if it was also without complication and no BS/games from a provider that you found you have a connection with, that you trust and that you have fun with - then in sports terms it's a grand slam / a hat trick! Or as we say in Montreal ... oh, la, la ... :D
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It was after a considerable amount of business travel. I would go to the lounge, local hang outs or strip clubs trying to pick up woman. Every once in awhile I was successful but I would be exhausted the entire trip. Every city I traveled to, the first thing I did after checking in to the hotel was to turn on the TV and see what adult movies were available. Next, I would look at the Escort section in the Yellow Pages and read the listings. I would also buy the local paper and look under entertainers. I was intrigued about a knock-out girl being delivered to my room by simply making a phone call but I was reluctant to spend the money. Then a co-worker told me his best friend tried an escort while traveling and the story sounded really fun. I thought to myself...Thats it I have to try one. My first girl was an agency girl in Charlotte NC. The was mediocre in every sense of the word. Her looks were marginal and she was dressed OK but not in the lingerie that was stereotypical of the movies and TV. Her service was mechanical. She sat and watched TV with me for awhile and we talked which was probably the most fun. I thought it was a waste of money and it was not GFE.

Thanks to the all mighty being that I discovered Montreal!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I'm guessing that a lot of me have no rapport or "game" with womenand we have a hard time getting their attention.For some of us are only outlet
is porn or the use of SP's.

For a lot of guys, totally apart from the issue of whether they have the rapport, they do not have the time or the patience to play the dating game. As you get older, and you have a career, even if you are a single guy, you lose the time and the patience and you want instant gratification. Up until my mid 30s or so I was willing to play the game, but then I figured out that I could actually spend less money on SPs then I would playing the game (dinners, gifts etc.), waste no time or energy, and also have no strings attached. As you get older, it slowly becomes a no brainer.

You sound like you are a young guy. A younger man has this dilemma, but after you turn 40, if you have half a brain, there is no dilemma either financially or from the standpoint of time management. If you are a single professional, there are only so many hours you can spend chasing down women, and it's a lot easier to just make a phone call and pay.for it. You will also realize you end up spending less on SPs. There are a lot of woman who, especially if they know you have a good job and make money, will play you for whatever they can. Fuck that. Hold on to your money and play the field. Life is too short to waste time and energy on any one woman anyway, there are so many beauties out there and so little time to enjoy them all.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Bad breakup with a girlfriend.


Dec 18, 2008
For a lot of guys, totally apart from the issue of whether they have the rapport, they do not have the time or the patience to play the dating game. As you get older, and you have a career, even if you are a single guy, you lose the time and the patience and you want instant gratification. Up until my mid 30s or so I was willing to play the game, but then I figured out that I could actually spend less money on SPs then I would playing the game (dinners, gifts etc.), waste no time or energy, and also have no strings attached. As you get older, it slowly becomes a no brainer.

You sound like you are a young guy. A younger man has this dilemma, but after you turn 40, if you have half a brain, there is no dilemma either financially or from the standpoint of time management. If you are a single professional, there are only so many hours you can spend chasing down women, and it's a lot easier to just make a phone call and pay.for it. You will also realize you end up spending less on SPs. There are a lot of woman who, especially if they know you have a good job and make money, will play you for whatever they can. Fuck that. Hold on to your money and play the field. Life is too short to waste time and energy on any one woman anyway, there are so many beauties out there and so little time to enjoy them all.

You don't have to spend so much money or to "waste" so much of energy to have a lover. When your heart is speaking there is nothing you can do. I mean, my friend is still with his gilfriend after 6 years. He never spend so much money for gifts, dinner and all those bullshit you guys always talk about. He met her at his job. She was the new receptionnist. One day he invited her to restaurant (he paid but that was like 30$ who cares...). They then went to cinema 2 days later and was always dinning with her at the luch time at his job... some weeks later they finally agreed to start a relationship (they were having a little crush for each other). So, he spent like... maybe 60$ for her?? 60$ to have a girl that love you and you still be with her after 6 years is nothing.... And even if its just for 1 month, 2 months or 6 months of relationship, well, it has been fun while it lasted..... much better than the 180$ for only 1 hour..... :)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You totally missed the point of my post. I am not a monogamist, and the end game of the dating ritual as far as I was concerned was to either get laid or establish a fuck friend, not a girlfriend.

This is not a thread for debate over issues that are or may be irrelevant to the thread starter. There is a big difference between guys who are in their 20s or 30s and are not making that much money, and guys in their 40s and 50s who are making six figures. The guys in the latter category generate different expectations from the women they meet, and they are the ones who are possibly going to get raked. The guys in the former category maybe have nothing to rake. You can only squeeze so much juice out of a small orange. The point I was trying to make was that depending on age and demographics, hobbying is in fact far more cost effective than the alternatives. Maybe not if you are a $10/hour mechanic at Jiffy Lube, but if you are making six figures you have a lot of the pie left to be eaten by others, and $180 is a drop in the proverbial bucket.

Box wanted to get a sense for what is out there and there is a whole spectrum out there which includes men who have figured out that they are not monogamists, are not wired to be monogamists and it financially behooves them not to be monogamists. Obviously Tiger Woods and Paul McCartney do not fall into this category, but a lot of others do, including those who were raked on marriage number 1 and were too bitter about the raking to do anything else other than hobby.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
For me my reasons have constantly changed over the years. When i first decided to see sps, i was in my mid-30's. I had been in two long-term relationships over the 90's & hadn't had a serious gf in over two years. My job at the time was taking up most of my time & i didn't really have time to get involved in a serious relationship. I was a player. I would have different sex partners on a regular basis & that's how i liked it. Sure, many of these 'sex partners' would try to make me feel guilty about not wanting to be more serious with them, but i really didn't have time to put in the effort for that kind of thing, nor did i want to coming out of two long-term relationships that had failed.

I the late 90's, i discovered computers & the internet. Along came websites & forums dedicated to the sex industry. I first began to post in stripclub forums, then my attention turned towards escort websites (e.g. Canbest) and i was curious. I loved sex & had decided months earlier to take away from the 'playing field' since it could get annoying as much as anything. Again, i wasn't ready or willing for anything serious, and my sex partners at the time wanted more. So my curiosity got the best of me & i planned a trip to Mtl in October of 1999 in order to attend the opening game against the Leafs. At the same time, i pre-booked two dates: Monica of Heartbreakers, and with the top girl at Sensual Delights (her name escapes me). I wound up seeing Monica as my first girl, and the girl from Sensual Delights cancelled with me an hour ahead of time. Two days later, a personal event back home depressed me, so instead of drowning my sorrows with alcohol, i called Heartbreakers again & they sent Shani. The following day or so, i made another date with Sensual Delight's other girl (who's name again escapes me), but i cancelled the following morning.....i felt very guilty about hobbying.

So for me, it was curiosity more than anything else...and of course, sex, even though i could easily get it for free (at the time).

My reasons changed constantly over the years....but that's another story altogether.

p.s. I laugh today at one of Shani's comments to me: "Maybe you're not made up to see escorts." Years later, i told her that story again & we both had a good chuckle.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
A question for the experienced and casual hobbyists....What made you finally decide
to see a SP ? Was it because of one particular incident or was it a result of a number
of factors ?

Were you going crazy seeing so many attractive 18-25 girls everywhere you
went and it was killing you that couldn't be intimate with them ? Did you
realize that you had no choice but to see a SP because you were
terrible with women (no charm,charisma..).

I'm guessing that a lot of me have no rapport or "game" with women
and we have a hard time getting their attention.For some of us are only outlet
is porn or the use of SP's.

Hello Box,

As others have said in previous posts, when you have reached a certain age after having made so much effort, spent so much time, made so much monetary and especially emotional investment fruitlessly there comes a time when you wonder if it's worth it any more, and a simpler alternative becomes far more attractive. It turns out a lot of hard working guys feel the same way if they end up single for some reason by middle age. I am the monogamous type. I wish there was one perfect fit, but monogamy didn't work out, and that game got old.

As for dying to have young women, my first SP was about 20, the second was a hottie who was probably in her 40s, although she said No, it wasn't killing me to get it on with young women. But over 90% of the available ladies are younger, so there you go. Oh how I'd love it if there were a lot more "cougars"...rrrrrooowwwlllll! ;)


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Jul 15, 2009
Hello Box,
As others have said in previous posts, when you have reached a certain age after having made so much effort, spent so much time, made so much monetary and especially emotional investment fruitlessly there comes a time when you wonder if it's worth it any more, and a simpler alternative becomes far more attractive.

Even though I have never dated or pursued a relationship with a woman;I understand your point concerning monetary & emotional investment.It is easier and in a sense,less complicated to use the services of an SP...just a phone call away.

I have no data to back up my belief but I that a good percentage of guys who see SP's do so because they aren't able to be intimate with a woman otherwise.I'm not saying that they're terrible people,who are terribly disfigured or morbidly obese.They just don't have the confidence charm,charisma that is necessary to attract and maintain a woman's interest.It is very difficult to get a woman's attention and you have to really be something else to get it and keep it.

Personally,I will never be able to seduce a woman or become intimate with one unless I pay for it.I like many many other guys have no other choice...for a variety of reasons. For my first time....It would have to be a girl between 18-22...25 would be the absolute limit in terms of age.
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Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
I will add my comments because I feel that they are likely representative of a large number of men who see SPs. I am married and I see SPs occasionally although more often I will visit a MP. I am in my mid 50s. I got caught up in the sexual revolution in the 70s and had many sexual partners before getting married. I have never been crazy about monogamy and in fact, feel that it is rather unnatural for a man. Let's face it, evolution selected those men who had the most sexual partners and we likely have genes for promiscuity. However, I realize that the way our society is structured there are many advantages to being married and it is the best situation for raising children. (I feel sorry for a single parent trying to raise teenagers.) My children are now older. I still enjoy the companionship of my wife, but she has little interest in sex and that does not seem like a good enough reason to end a long-term relationship. Anyway, I will probably have little interest in sex in another 10 years and then I guess we will be the perfect couple. Until then, I still have a strong sexual libido and it appears that occasionally paying for sex will satisfy that- it seems to be the best and least complicated way. (This may also be driven by a desire to recapture a bit of my youth before it is too late- I guess they call that the midlife crisis.) I have been surprised to find that the women I have encountered are generally intelligent and interesting in addition to being attractive- particularly those I have seen in Montreal. So far so good. I travel to Montreal occasionally and fulfill my needs. I suppose I am living a lie, but let's face it, we are all living a lie to some degree. I doubt if any of us expose our secret thoughts and desires for all of society to see- especially if you live in the suburbs.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2009
I could'nt have said it better!

I will add my comments because I feel that they are likely representative of a large number of men who see SPs. I am married and I see SPs . I am in my mid 50s. I got caught up in the sexual revolution in the 70s and had many sexual partners before getting married. I have never been crazy about monogamy and in fact, feel that it is rather unnatural for a man. Let's face it, evolution selected those men who had the most sexual partners and we likely have genes for promiscuity. My children are now older. I still enjoy the companionship of my wife, but she has little interest in sex and that does not seem like a good enough reason to end a long-term relationship. Anyway, I will probably have little interest in sex in another 10 years and then I guess we will be the perfect couple. Until then, I still have a strong sexual libido and it appears that occasionally paying for sex will satisfy that- it seems to be the best and least complicated way. (This may also be driven by a desire to recapture a bit of my youth before it is too late- I guess they call that the midlife crisis.) I have been surprised to find that the women I have encountered are generally intelligent and interesting in addition to being attractive- particularly those I have seen in Montreal. I suppose I am living a lie, but let's face it, we are all living a lie to some degree. I doubt if any of us expose our secret thoughts and desires for all of society to see- especially if you live in the suburbs.[/QUOTE]

I still see 3 or 4 escorts a week, it does not mean I don't love my wife just I need more sex than her, she just can't fully satisfy me, I need variety.:eek:


Jul 9, 2009
I’ve enjoyed reading the comments from the group. I am in my middle fifties and have never been married. I started seeing SPs when I was in my late thirties after I came to the conclusion that having a girlfriend, or even worse living with a woman, makes me crazy and simply was not worth the trouble. When I was in my late teens and early twenties I partied like a rock star. This included having sex with many women. It took a little time but I rapidly developed the ability to talk to women. Some of my friends now say I have a gift. I think it is just practice. Also during that time period I’m sure it didn’t hurt that I was forty pounds lighter, worked out every day, had more hair, and in general looked far more like a Greek God than I do today.

The time period from my middle twenties to my late thirties was spent in the fruitless purist of the right woman. The details of this quest would doubtlessly prove very boring but I did try all the ways of meeting women that I’ve seen recommended by the so called dating experts. Along the way I lived with three different women. None of them were worth the trouble. With the last one I started keeping a diary where I kept track of the days I was happy and the days I was miserable. When the days I was miserable far outnumbered the days I was happy I realized that what I was doing was crazy and that I did want to go through life spending most of my time in misery just so I could get some occasional sex. Why was I miserable? Perhaps I’m selfish and want to do what I want to do when I want to do it. It’s Sunday afternoon as I’m writing this and I’m watching football. And I’m going to spend the rest of the day happily watching football. I’ve had girlfriends that this would cost me at least a couple days of attitude and no sex. Whatever the reason I am happy being single.

I still go out to some normal pick up places occasionally just to keep in practice. But even if my body is mid-fifties my mind, and/or my penis, still thinks it’s twenty. What can I say but I still like young women. And most of the women I can pick up are not young and even if they are there are usually strings and associated drama that go with having a little fun. With SPs there are no strings and hopefully no drama.

My personal way of looking at having some fun is that there are three factors involved in getting sex. These three are time, aggravation, and money. All men balance these factors when we get sex. I’ve known men who claim they have never paid for sex. My reply is that yes you have. They paid for it in one, two, or more commonly all of the three factors. Many men that I know have spent six figures on a divorce and they tell me they have never paid for it. Please! I personally do not want to spend a lot of time pursuing a woman and I do not want to be aggravated either. That leaves money.

I wish I had could spend more time in Montreal but I’ve got to make a living somehow and it’s long way from home. I do have reservations for seven days during the Jazz Festival next year. I expect to go home exhausted.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
The piece of mind of never having to face possessivity. You just roam around, have fun and that is all! Everyone is happy:p


Sep 8, 2004
Actually, it was my cock who made the decision, not me. Not sure what was his motivation was back then when I first called.
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