Rango said:
Hi fellow Merbites,
For me only 10% were a waste of time and money. When I started the hobby I met an awesome young lady and she was loved up repeatedly. When she left the scene I had a hard time finding someone like her. Although Sammy sounds a lot like her. I pulled my comments on her when she started her new career.
Lion Heart seems to have a good list of ladies.
What's the latest Lion Heart? Did EC ever return?
First, as I find hard to leave a question directed to me unanswered even though it's not the subject of this thread, sorry Rango, I haven’t heard about EC (Elle Christina) since she decided to take a “long vacation”, nearly 2 years ago. I’m not sure if Samy is seeing new clients after her ordeals earlier this year, but if there’s a SP who could make you forget about EC, it’s certainly Samy.
While I'm here, concerning the thread subject, lies do come in 3 different kinds: simple lies, damn lies and statistics….needless to say I’m not about to keep stats about SP encounters! Since I’ve been active on escort review boards, relying on public reviews as well as private recommendations from other hobbyists, I’ve not experienced many “total waste” encounters, in Montreal at least. Elsewhere, well that’s another story.
Because I’m not only going for “blue chips” and sometimes follow the recommendation of an agency operator or try the new indy on the block, I do ran across, from time to time, SPs I prefer to forget rather than spend time writing about them. In most cases, it was more a question of mismatch than anything, something which I found to be more frequent with younger SPs than mature ones. Unless there was a clear misrepresentation or a complete rip-off, I won’t waste time talking about bad chemistry situations.
This is part of the game, no big deal. You’ll loose some…but you’ll have fun trying to win as many as you can. Having a broad preference range and what I think are reasonable service expectations, most of my encounters are quite satisfying. There are always the “exceptional” ones, those who stay up there until they fade in your memory and next exceptional ones come along.
Of course, you may find a few “phenomenal” ones along the way, those with whom it get better and better each time and you can’t help repeating with over and over again, those who become your benchmarks and make all others pale in comparison. To be blessed with the opportunity of spending time with a true gem, you can easily forget all the wrong turns you took on the “hobby road” (Let it be!).
Could exceptional or phenomenal encounters lead to "inflated" reviews? Most certainly. This is more raving than shilling in anycase. Like anyone who's convinced that "he saw the light", it can be hard to resist using all superlatives you can think of to convince others. But when many others who saw the same light say in turn that you are right, may be using different words, then you know you're not a lonely fool on the hill (sorry, definitely feeling a little "Beatle" tonight).
Lion Heart