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What % of your encounters were a waste?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
disaster sessions are rare

Doc Holliday said:
Finally, my final wasted encounter occurred less than two years ago when i saw a girl whose name started with a J. She now works for another agency under a different name. I was so turned off by the whole encounter that i knew i'd never be able to get hard & put an end to the proceedings.


Hmmmm, let me hazard a guess about who this mystery lady could be.:rolleyes: I would consider this a disaster session, akin to the one I had with Sophie of Devilish. My session of Jen of Extacy/ClassXXX/Montreal Hot Girls was a bomb too but nowhere near as bad as with Sophie of Devilish.

Disaster sessions are rare. My idea of a waste is you finish the session and you think to yourself, I just blew a few hundred dollars and I would have been better off doing something else.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
In fact I think you have a better chance of being attacked and killed by a black bear than having a bad encounter if your research is thorough, careful, intelligent, and pays attention to the right things.


I also believe that research is very important. I often acted out of impulse which is the wrong thing to do. It's better to wait to see the lady you think will please you. Nonetheless, there are so many factors that could affect a session that it's wrong to assume your chance of having a bad encounter is low even if you properly research a lady. In order to increase the probability, you need to book her early (making sure she isn't coming from a bad session) and make sure you put her at ease with you.


P.S. What percentage of all your encounters were average? exceptional? phenomenal?


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
On the other hand...

what provisions does this survey make for disaster-prone clients?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
At the time i peaked as a hobbyist, i'd be a research freak. I'd try to find every single review of a girl i wanted to see....i'd surf all the boards & do a lot of backchanneling. I'd often book a girl weeks in advance. A couple of years later, i stopped this practice since i realized it had grown to an obsession & i was winding up seeing someone when i wasn't even horny anymore. Also, by booking so far in advance, i increased the risks of a late cancellation.


LOL, I've been through that myself. The problem with that is you tend to over analyze and leave nothing to natural spontaneous combustion.:p There are a few gems out there that have no pics on-line and yet have great reviews. Someone had to take the risk to see them.

Another problem with over-reliance on reviews is you might shy away from seeing someone you want to see because of mixed reviews. A perfect example of this was Maude of XXXtase. Her pics showed her beauty (absolutely gorgeous) but if I relied solely on the reviews, I would have never booked her. I read carefully and I understood that she is YMMV but after speaking with Martin, I decided she can be well worth seeing if she gets comfortable. I enjoyed my time with her and had no regrets whatsoever.

>>Ziggy, disaster clients are out there. Hopefully, the reputable agencies and indies can screen them out.



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Waste is not disaster

EagerBeaver said:
In the last 8 years I would say probably only 3 or 4 I would consider a total waste of time (very small %)... A lot of the guys who have high % of wasted encounters either are terribly lazy with their research or else they have unrealistic and/or extremely high expectations, artificially boosted by paying too much attention to the wrong things... and if you throw out the Idiot Factor (as you must) and look only at stats from serious hobbyists who exchange info with each other, the true and accurate wasted encounter % indices are very low. In fact I think you have a better chance of being attacked and killed by a black bear than having a bad encounter if your research is thorough, careful, intelligent, and pays attention to the right things.

EB I think you are too categoric here. I differentiate a waste from a disaster. A waste is simply that I did not get any satisfaction out of the encounter. As GG said, I should have kept my money. This is usually a personal feeling that I don't think all the best research in the world could prevent most of the times, unless you have contacts whose tastes and personalities you know well and they have met the desired lady in the past. I religiously read all reviews on any girl I want to try and almost only go for SPs with some amount of reviews; I only have used Devilish, Eleganza, XXXtase and Candy's, no B&S agencies. I also book early evenings, not late nite. Pictures may look great, but if the face is more important to you, it's always a risk. And even if the package is there, sometimes, the contents are not what you want... It is a question of personal taste.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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10% waste of time and money
70% acceptable service
15% above avaerage service
5% above average eceptional service.

You have to shop around and read between the lines.

How bout some above average and realy awfull service stories.

Above average : 19 year old SW week end warrior ( once in a while SP service ) entry into every orifice and almost 2 hours of service for $80.:D

Waste of time : Middle aged welfare type that decieded to offer massage. Massage was done on a sleeping bag behind her couch. ( it was behind her couch because she did not even have curtains ) When it came to the WILLY WHACK she had this tortured look on her face like she was reaching into a whale anus!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Waste too strong.

rumpleforeskiin said:
Where I come from, the folks call that shilling.:eek:

Hello all,

To Rumpleforeskiin: I have to say shilling is much different than being generous, kind, or less than honest to get better encounters by inflating the positive aspects of the meeting. Besides, for those of us creating reviews under the influence of a recent orgasm(s) and reliving an encounter while writing, a little (or a lot) of inflation is probably unavoidable.

To GG: Maybe "waste" is too strong. To me that means there was at least a nearly total lack of success with any aspects of the encounter. Given that definition I would say 3-5% of my meetings might be a waste. If I consider those encounters I would rather not have had because they were not worth the donation, then I would estimate 25-30% were "not up to par". For the rest, about a 35% were "nice", and 25-30% were TERRIFIC! :D But how do your rate an encounter that went from the hottest animal sex a bitter departure in just one hour? Answer: ...acceeeeeentuate the positive...eliiiiiminate the negative...latch oooooooon to the affirmative...don't mess with Mister

Happy landings,

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005

Maria Divina said:
I imagine that this thread is only for men....
and that is better for me that i don't make some divulgations...hahahahahaha
Just think about this: Why do i need a lover, after all those sexy encounterings....??? (hint: not for my age, that doesn't exist....;) )........................................

LMAO! Maria, I love you already...that's a classic!!!:p


P.S. The thread is gender neutral. Go ahead ladies, I dare you to be honest!!!:D

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
Quand je suis avec mon amant, on peut tellement s'amuser pendant des heures, sans limite....Les rencontres de seulement 1 heure sont des non-sens...Je vous l'assure..!!!!

Tu lui diras ton amant qu'il est tres chanceux.:p


Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
Rango said:
Hi fellow Merbites,

For me only 10% were a waste of time and money. When I started the hobby I met an awesome young lady and she was loved up repeatedly. When she left the scene I had a hard time finding someone like her. Although Sammy sounds a lot like her. I pulled my comments on her when she started her new career.

Lion Heart seems to have a good list of ladies.

What's the latest Lion Heart? Did EC ever return?


First, as I find hard to leave a question directed to me unanswered even though it's not the subject of this thread, sorry Rango, I haven’t heard about EC (Elle Christina) since she decided to take a “long vacation”, nearly 2 years ago. I’m not sure if Samy is seeing new clients after her ordeals earlier this year, but if there’s a SP who could make you forget about EC, it’s certainly Samy.

While I'm here, concerning the thread subject, lies do come in 3 different kinds: simple lies, damn lies and statistics….needless to say I’m not about to keep stats about SP encounters! Since I’ve been active on escort review boards, relying on public reviews as well as private recommendations from other hobbyists, I’ve not experienced many “total waste” encounters, in Montreal at least. Elsewhere, well that’s another story.

Because I’m not only going for “blue chips” and sometimes follow the recommendation of an agency operator or try the new indy on the block, I do ran across, from time to time, SPs I prefer to forget rather than spend time writing about them. In most cases, it was more a question of mismatch than anything, something which I found to be more frequent with younger SPs than mature ones. Unless there was a clear misrepresentation or a complete rip-off, I won’t waste time talking about bad chemistry situations.

This is part of the game, no big deal. You’ll loose some…but you’ll have fun trying to win as many as you can. Having a broad preference range and what I think are reasonable service expectations, most of my encounters are quite satisfying. There are always the “exceptional” ones, those who stay up there until they fade in your memory and next exceptional ones come along.

Of course, you may find a few “phenomenal” ones along the way, those with whom it get better and better each time and you can’t help repeating with over and over again, those who become your benchmarks and make all others pale in comparison. To be blessed with the opportunity of spending time with a true gem, you can easily forget all the wrong turns you took on the “hobby road” (Let it be!).

Could exceptional or phenomenal encounters lead to "inflated" reviews? Most certainly. This is more raving than shilling in anycase. Like anyone who's convinced that "he saw the light", it can be hard to resist using all superlatives you can think of to convince others. But when many others who saw the same light say in turn that you are right, may be using different words, then you know you're not a lonely fool on the hill (sorry, definitely feeling a little "Beatle" tonight).

Lion Heart

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Lion Heart said:
Could exceptional or phenomenal encounters lead to "inflated" reviews? Most certainly. This is more raving than shilling in any case. Like anyone who's convinced that "he saw the light", it can be hard to resist using all superlatives you can think of to convince others. But when many others who saw the same light say in turn that you are right, may be using different words, then you know you're not a lonely fool on the hill (sorry, definitely feeling a little "Beatle" tonight).


Very well put. I saw many lights after my first and second encounter with Miss Samantha!!!:p


Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
General Gonad said:
I saw many lights after my first and second encounter with Miss Samantha!!!:p

I think you know, but I'm still "blinded by the light" after more than 10 encounters...(I don't know exactly how many, as I don't keep stats, I lost count) ;)

Lion Heart
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Non, rien de rien...
Jul 10, 2003
New England, USA
Visit site
This is it exactly

breadman said:
Have to say about 25% of escorts don't seem to work out...with 35% being a great amount of fun. The middle percent...your happy with your selection but they just forgot to bring the bells and whistles.

Now in Germany the numbers are 10%, 65% and 25% for the middle. Think it has to do with being able to meet the girls in person before deciding.
I haven't thought through my stats but I do bat higher in Germany than I do in Montreal simply because I have a better chance of evaluating the women in person than I do in Montreal.

The unknown element is my biggest problem with the Montreal scene.

Chick shows up at my hotel room and I never know what I am going to get.

Website photos aren't accurate. Descriptions of encounters on this forum need to be taken with a grain of salt. YMMV.

I've had several experiences where I should have turned her away at the door but decided not to.

There are the rampant short timers in Montreal: she allows you one shot on goal and then wants to walk out the room. Or women who waste time either cleaning up before or after the session.

I've had my share of those.

The thing going for Montreal however is that if I find a chick I get along with I book unhurried multiple hour sessions with her. And this all can take place in the comfort of a private hotel room.

This is what keeps me coming back.

I'm a strict grader. I'd say that only 10% of my sessions in Germany were truly exceptional, 80% were average to above average and 10% were a waste of time.

The selection at some of these German clubs is so large, I've gotten into the habit of actually holding back on coming just so I can sample more of the selection.

Its like fishing and if the fish isn't big enough (i.e. the chick doesn't meet my standards), I throw it back.

Why waste an orgasm on someone who was only really average?

This particularly applies at a Partytreff where you can have it with whoever you want to as often as you want to.

I can't come with each chick. I'd be exhausted at the end of the day. I save it up for the ones who matter.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
When in doubt, sleep on it...

Last night, I called two agency owners and was curious about two ladies. I even booked one of them. I took a shower and was ready to leave when I just stopped, picked up the phone and canceled. Instead, I watched TV and went to sleep to awake this morning to a beautiful sun. Often, when you're not sure of something, just sleep on it before you commit. You might wake up and have a whole different perspective the next morning.:)


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Talk about waste...

I read this thread on the incall section:

Is it me or are some dudes prone to wasting their money on stupidities?:confused: At 5`1, 145 lbs, don`t tell me she is not on the chubby side (or simply fat). And what kind of a service is that?:rolleyes:

This thread gives new meaning to the old expression that suckers are born every minute.:eek:



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
General Gonad said:
I read this thread on the incall section:

Is it me or are some dudes prone to wasting their money on stupidities?:confused: At 5`1, 145 lbs, don`t tell me she is not on the chubby side (or simply fat). And what kind of a service is that?:rolleyes:

This thread gives new meaning to the old expression that suckers are born every minute.:eek:

Hello GG,

I don`t find her look or general size as poor as you seem to, though I would not seek her out. Her services do fill a niche even if they might be odious to most. There are a lot of strange people in this world. Just be happy your urges don`t get all "juiced" by her style.

Ouch baby,

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Agent Smith - Mr Anderson
May 16, 2007
General Gonad said:
I read this thread on the incall section:

Is it me or are some dudes prone to wasting their money on stupidities?:confused: At 5`1, 145 lbs, don`t tell me she is not on the chubby side (or simply fat). And what kind of a service is that?:rolleyes:

This thread gives new meaning to the old expression that suckers are born every minute.:eek:

GG do you think their is no demand for women like her? Personally its not my type but i dont go around bashing them because lets face it, who are you to judge?
Are you saying you have a perfect physique with no spare tires hanging?
Also like John said everyone has different tastes so before making a unkind remark like that just remenber not everyone thinks like you.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Cool it please.

ZoneAlarm said:
And you think their is no demand for BBW? Personally its not my type but who are you to judge? Are you saying you have a perfect physique?
Also like Jogn said some people like that so who are you to judge? Opps i forgot hes GG hes special.

Hello all,

Okay gang, lets not forget we all have our own little quirks that make us go...YUK! Lets not pile on anyone for what might be some spontaneous non-malicious insensitivity. We all know GG writes a lot and he clearly did not give his post the consideration he should have. Basically you are all quite right, but I don't think GG was trying to be deliberately insulting to all women of this physical type or "cast" this type of person into the untouchable category. Frankly, given the services of this lady..."YUK" my reaction too. I was just more careful about how I expressed myself. Hopefully GG will take more time in the future.

Cool it a little,



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Elizabeth said:
I can guarantee that many men enjoy BBWs. :)

And I can also guarantee that sometimes, even those who are not naturally attracted to full figured women can enjoy being with some of them. ;)

Hello Elizabeth,

I have strong preferences for certain physical types of limited variations, but I can be interested more generally in many types. Concerning a BBW my interest is not too generous, but some are incredibly sexy. Still there are plenty of guys who are repulsed by a BBW just as I know guys who are repulsed by those ladies who are not BBW. These reactions are natural even if not sensitive. We simply can't scourge someone who doesn't agree with our feelings as long as that person is not being malicious about it. Unfortunately some insensitivity in most people is a fact of life. Let's not make each case of insensitivity any larger than it has to be. You cannot change human nature completely. Sometimes we must be generous enough to believe someone was just expressing an instant reaction and not being truly mean no matter how distasteful it seems.



General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Korbel said:
We all know GG writes a lot and he clearly did not give his post the consideration he should have. Basically you are all quite right, but I don't think GG was trying to be deliberately insulting to all women of this physical type or "cast" this type of person into the untouchable category. Frankly, given the services of this lady..."YUK" my reaction too. I was just more careful about how I expressed myself. Hopefully GG will take more time in the future.

Yes, her physique may not appeal to me but that was not the issue. She has a pic of two guys urinating on her.:eek: I can see how men prefer BBW but I question how some men squander their hard earn dollars on some questionable services. I guess I am a prude.:rolleyes:

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