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What to do if LE catches you?


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
About five years ago, I was in the action of getting a BJ in my car in a parking lot at night in downtown Mtl. A cop knock at the glass.

This is why your car should always have tinted windows. :)


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Kepler said:
This is why your car should always have tinted windows. :)

If your windows (especially your front windows) are "too tinted", you can get a ticket for this in Quebec. If you decide to tint your windows, don't trust what the tinting places say. Regardless of the amount of tint that they say is "safe", if the police officer uses his/her pen-like device on your window and it gives a reading that it is too high, you will get a ticket. You can't use the excuse that you didn't know nor can you use the excuse that the autoshop did it for you so it should be legal.


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
jimace said:
If your windows (especially your front windows) are "too tinted", you can get a ticket for this in Quebec.

The law in Quebec is that:
  • The following can be tinted to "0%" (blacked out totally, 0% of light gets through):
    • your rear window
    • your rear side windows, rear door windows
    • The top 15 cm of your front windshield (aka to the "AS-1 line")
  • The following can be tinted to a max of 70% (i.e. 70% of the entering
    light must make it through):
    • your front door side windows
  • The following cannot be tinted at all (ie 100% of light must get in)
    • the rest of your front windshield, your headlights, and brake lights

For the front side windows, the police very often (but not always) tolerate up to a 50% tint.

For what it's worth, for the last 10+ years with different cars, my windows have been tinted to 20% all around (very dark), except for the front side windows which are at 50%. Never had a problem even though I've gathered my share of speeding tickets, etc. Cops never said anything about the tint, ever.


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
metoo4 said:
Keppler: Are you certain about point 1? I was under the impression it was 35%.

I think 35% is the old law, from many many years ago.
For the law in effect in recent years, what I said above is correct. See for yourself:
Law: Code de la sécurité routière, L.R.Q., c. C-24.2
Regulation: Règlement sur les normes de sécurité des véhicules routiers, c. C-24.2, r.1.03
Section: art. 58 to 65, in particular art. 64.



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Kepler said:
I think 35% is the old law, from many many years ago.
For the law in effect in recent years, what I said above is correct. See for yourself:
Law: Code de la sécurité routière, L.R.Q., c. C-24.2
Regulation: Règlement sur les normes de sécurité des véhicules routiers, c. C-24.2, r.1.03
Section: art. 58 to 65, in particular art. 64.


Wow! That's way too dark to be safe! Just thinking about backing up! My inlaws had a car at 35% on back and back sides and I hated driving it, specially at night. But if the law allow it...


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
metoo4 said:
Wow! That's way too dark to be safe! Just thinking about backing up! My inlaws had a car at 35% on back and back sides and I hated driving it, specially at night. But if the law allow it...

You can drive a van at night, and some of those don't even have any windows on the sides and back.

For myself, I've never had any problem driving with my 20%. I can see perfectly clearly, except perhaps when driving on totally non-illuminated country roads. But, on those rare occasions, I just roll down the rear side windows (I have power windows), or stick my head outside the driver side window when backing up.

I'm thinking of putting limo tint (5%) on my next car , and perhaps this http://tinyurl.com/wj35p


Mar 3, 2006

Catches you doing what?

I didn't see anything :D

Like George Thoroughgood says : "Oh no no it wasn't me!"


New Member
Jan 10, 2005
You guys talk about what LE can do if you are being caught at a MP like I talk about the Habs last game!!
I went about 10-12 times in MP but after reading all those threads.. I do not think I wil ever go again..which sucks 'cause it is so much more fun than SP atmy hotel room.. . to me anyway...
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