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When companions out themselves unintentionally


New Member
Dec 5, 2007
Seen this to many times, so I thought IÂ’ve make a thread about it

So recently IÂ’ve been seeing a increase of ladies outting themselves unintentionally by

1) posting there personal number in ads which when googling the number leads to a plethora of info of personal info.

2) Amazon Wishlists- seen so many ladies post their amazon wishlist on social media- fine and dandy cause the wishlist is listed under the working name but when you checkout the gifts selected for that companion itÂ’s leads you the actual and of the companion and in some cases the address to if they havenÂ’t hidden the address.

3) MAking restaurants reservations under their real name, when on a dinner+date encounter

4) The classic one of leaving mail or prescription bottles in plain site for one to read

5) when clients book travel for them and they have the client pay for the ticket from their account instead of transferring the money to the companion to pay for the ticket!

Some ladies work so hard to keep their identity hidden and succeed by keeping a low profile online, other no so much.

In todayÂ’s age of the connected world we all leave digital foot prints, so just be mindful of that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
And sometimes they give you their phone number and tell you their real's what I do. I give them the privacy they seek. I don't look at prescription bottles. I do not try to find their non-escort social media. Some are obsessed with this. Yes, I like to see extra photos of beautiful women but I don't go out of my way to look for this. If I do accidentally stumble across a girls real identity I pretend not to notice and then forget it unless they intentionally want me to know it.


Active Member
Nov 20, 2009
I don't seek to find personnal info about them, however social media and the internet in general (google, facebook, email) sometimes send info your way.

I guess the key word here is "unintentionally". What I do is I DO let them know what they have done. And YES : This sometimes leads to a shot the messenger situation. However most all of them realize you are trying to help and thank you. The others eventually see their mistake and also thank you. I haven't had a situation yet; were the providers remained upset at me for pointing this out.

There were some times that although I perceived and unintentionnal situation, was simply not the case. They were comfortable with their line of work and their friends and family where aware of this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
I do not like to seek information about SPs private life, the same way I do not like them to know about my private life.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I agree with what has been said, there has been ladies who have divulged their personal info to me and i will take this info to my grave, i dont look up their numbers, names or even try to find them on facebook, its their personal lives and none of my business, i feel flattered when they do give me their info, i have also driven some of them home but would never show up at their door without an invite.

There are guys out there who seek these ladies out, i have had guys here on merb send me ladies facebook pages and ask me if this is so and so and i either ignore them or just plain out lie and say no, sorry guys, but i am not going to betray their trust.

I have on many occasions spend time outside this world with the ladies and we always seem to have plenty to talk about and not have to bring up what they do for work.

I have had some girls tell me they made a mistake by giving certain guys their number, all they do is text obscene references and calling at all hours and it gets annoying.


Oct 30, 2003
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In todayÂ’s age of the connected world we all leave digital foot prints

Which might actually decrease the value of such information... I mean, with the number of girls with sexy pics on their instagram/FB/..., I think the damaging impact of such info is limited.

And it would be easy enough to follow them or check their phone while in the bathroom etc... that leaving their real name on a prescription bottle won't change much. Most people will see that and think "ha ha I know her real name" and forget it right away, and the ones who might want to stalk them would find ways anyway.

Unless you're running for the US Supreme Court I guess?


New Member
Dec 5, 2007
That is true, the thing about leaving a digital footprint is it can have implications when traveling to foreign countries, like denial of entry! Simply cause the boarder and immigrants happens to stumble upon the digital foot print. Happen numerous times to numerous companions, also other factors like financial information, employment etc etc plays roles with denial of entry.

The whole Facebook thing yeah I deleted that over five years ago simply cause of the whole invasion of privacy IÂ’ve sense form Facebook with people popping the people you may know section simply cause I allowed Facebook to view my contacts . For myself I donÂ’t ever add my number to social media apps or allow apps to view my contacts, because of the whole privacy thing/data collection.

Also it can affect things like rental of properties, future employment if the property management company or hr of the future employment, initiatives a web search and stumbles upon the digital foot print.

Like for example for myself, If say I list an item on kijji like site I use with a burner app number or a specificity design email for that and I will burn and delete the burner app two days after the transaction is completed.

IÂ’m even Leary of transmitting personal identification over the Internet simply cause of breaches that can take place.
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