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When is repeating too much repeating?


Sep 4, 2006
I would repeat about 3 times a year, I never thought it was too much. Granted there was one I always saw for 2 nights every visit to Montreal instead of just once. So 6 times a year was the most. Early on the hobby I realized I preferred repeating with a very small selection of SPs rather than sampling as much as possible. It was very comfortable for me, there was a level of familiarity that made everything very easy. I liked not having to trawl reviews or scrutinize ads. However, all of them retired or hardly work anymore so I spent a lot of time in the past 3 years looking for a new favorite. I finally found one a month ago. But she is retiring in a year so I have to decide between seeing more of her or resuming the search for a new ATF


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
When you realize you have reached the emotional and physical ultimate with her. Take her out on that final dinner date and make it count and memorable. Then move on. Sometimes I reached that point with her on just one encounter yet no more than three.
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