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When the Sex Police Get Out of Control: 6-year-old suspended for Sexual Harassment.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Talk about things that make you laugh and shake your head at the same time. How about treating a 6-year-old like a sexual predator, branding him with an actual sexual harassment record. We know there are real sick sexual deviants in the world, but do people have to get so uptight about it that small children are being singled out as if they are the perverts of the future.

I don't know whether to laugh or groan in disbelief at this one. Is society really this crazy? In the poll at the end of the second artricle some people think the school did the right thing in giving the kid a permanent record for a sexual offense. :rolleyes:

6-Year-Old's Sex Crime: Innocent Peck on Cheek

It might have been the most innocent thing in the world, one 6-year-old's kiss on another child's cheek. Or, as the boy's father put it, ''Every child's going to steal a little peck on the jaw, once in a while.''

So when Johnathan Prevette came home from school one day last week and told his mother he was in big trouble, and told her why, she scoffed. But the little boy had suddenly become wise beyond his years -- wiser than his parents Calvin and Jackie, and wiser than the unthinking kiss he gave a little classmate might suggest.

Political correctness had gained an unlikely martyr, one with Coke-bottle glasses, a crooked smile, and a fondness for noisily chasing a soccer ball around his front yard. For a whole day last week, the boy's school suspended him because, as his ''discipline referral'' form put it, not mincing words, ''Johnathan kissed a little girl on the cheek.''

The formal charge was sexual harassment, and that got people talking, not just in this industrial town of 16,000, but all across the country.

Six Year Old Kisses Classmate and Gets Suspended for “Sexual Harassment” – Is the School Doing More Harm than Good? [POLL]

Last night, I talked about the bow and arrow incident where one student was suspended from school and threatened with expulsion for shooting an imaginary arrow at a classmate.

It gets sicker.

Now there’s word that a 6 year old boy has been suspended from his school for “sexually harassing” a girl classmate by kissing her on the hand and cheek.

You’re reading correctly – “sexually harassing” his classmate by kissing her.

The kid has no idea what sex is – let alone what it means to “sexually harass” someone – so naturally his mom is upset that he’s being introduced into an adult world way too soon.

All because he has a case of what any normal kid goes through at his age.

Puppy love – and natural curiosity.

According to this:

A six year old boy is suspended from school in Canon City for kissing a classmate on the cheek.

His mother says it’s a crush and the two children like each other. But the school is calling it something else; sexual harassment.

First grader, Hunter Yelton, told us he loves science and phys-ed. Also…that he has a crush on a girl at school, who likes him back.

It may sound innocent enough…but at six years old Hunter now has ‘sexual harassment’ on his school record.

“It was during class yeah. We were doing reading group and I leaned over and kissed her on the hand. That’s what happened,” said Hunter Yelton.

Six year old Hunter was at home on Monday instead of at school.

“They sent me to the office, fair and square. I did something wrong and I feel sorry,” he said.

“She was fine with it, they are ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’. The other children saw it and went to the music teacher. That was the day I had the meeting with the principal, where she first said ‘sexual harassment’. This is taking it to an extreme that doesn’t need to be met with a six year old. Now my son is asking questions… what is sex mommy? That should not ever be said, sex. Not in a sentence with a six year old,” said Hunters’ mom, Jennifer Saunders.

Both hunter and his mom, Jennifer, admit he’s had some trouble at school in the past. Hunter has been suspended for rough-housing, and for kissing the same girl on the cheek.

“We’ve been working with him with the classroom disruption. He was grounded for awhile. Big restrictions,” said Saunders.

Reporter Bonnie Silkman asks Hunter, “Are you trying to be good at school? Hunter replies, “Yes…I have a lot of energy. I mean six year olds. They have a lot of energy.”

The superintendent at School District RE-1, says any school record remains within the district. And Hunters’ actions fit the school policy description of ‘sexual harassment.’

“How can you do this? How can you say this about my child? Remove sexual harassment, remove it from his record. I’m going to stand up and fight for him because that’s not the case, that’s not what happened at all,” said Saunders.”

The school district also says Hunters’ parents may believe that kissing the girl at school is overall acceptable- but that’s where the school disagrees.

They’re hoping the suspension changes Hunter’s behavior.

Now I’m no psychologist, but my guess is that the suspension may give Hunter a massive guilt complex.

Leading him to years on a shrink’s couch – hopefully not after he really learns the meaning of sexual harassment.

I’ll never understand how it is that common sense is thrust aside in matters such as this – when any adult with an ounce of brains can see that all the child is exhibiting is natural curiosity.

At what age did you become curious about the opposite sex – and develop a crush? And did you ever act on that crush by kissing the other kid?



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Wow... so stupid really... now the guy may grow up and think kissing a girl is wrong... good mentality teachers. It was not against her will and he didn't slap her ass... Maybe the boy is a bit premature but hey... i was 5 and i already knew masturbation... and im not kidding you. Julie Masse C'est Zero clip on tv... LOL. So yeah i was an early perv a bit, but that does not mean i grew up as a rapist or whatever... i actually didn't had sex until my 24 years old... when i met my first escort.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Anyone notice that those are two different stories? The first one dates back to Sept 1996!


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
In the US, the plaintiff can opt for a jury trial, in contrast to Canada where judges handles lawsuits. Juries can more easily be swayed by sympathy for the little guy than judges and may be convinced a large corporate defendant deserves to be punished and can easily pay a large settlement.

Punitive damages are much harder to obtain in Canada. It must be proved that the defendant behaved maliciously - negligence is insufficient.

As for compensatory damages,the onus is on the plaintiffs to prove that they have suffered quantifiable monetary damages, not just suffered.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
How is that even sexual? If he had put his hand under her dress, maybe. But a kiss on the cheek? And how can it even be called harassment if he only did it once?

''In the poll at the end of the second artricle some people think the school did the right thing in giving the kid a permanent record for a sexual offense''
That's only less than 2%, fortunately.


Dec 2, 2008
You might be happy to hear that the Sexual Harassment charges have been dropped against this future Merbite. It is now being treated as simply misconduct. And who among us has NOT be guilty of a little misconduct.

Pressure by the publicity caused them to reconsider. For once, common sense prevails. :thumb:


Nov 12, 2007
Maybe the kid was ugly.

The two rules foravoiding a sexual harassment charge is

1: Be attractive
2: Don't be not attractive.
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