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What is the point of Onlyfans? Why keep paying for this?


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
You seem to have very low regard for women and think of them as nothing more than gold diggers or someone to be used for sex.
I had never payed for sex until I was in my sixties and quite frankly have never received anything except love and kindness from the women in my life.
There is nothing that will ever compare to being in love with a woman who returns that love.
Building a life together having children and grandchildren. Life is not about how many different women you can fuck or how many times you can have sex for free.
Until you can look at a woman as a potentially equal partner in everything you will never know what you are missing out on.

Why anybody in his thirties would be spending so much time on an escort review board and hiring escorts is beyond me also.
Cool story mate.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
It existed before covid. It's just a more ethical way of making porn.
The problem is the balance can never be achieve. I won't pretend i know everything about the porn industry but the biggest sites a few years back, we talking like 10-15 years ago, would pay 800$ for a B/G scene. Yes the scene may had been 25 minutes but included hours of shooting, yet 800$ 10 years ago is not a bad ammount at all. If she did Anal or a threesome etc, she would be paid more.

On the customer side, using Brazzers as an exemple, the prices seem fair. 30$US per month but more months you take, the best price you get. If you pay for 5 years i think you can have it for less than 10$ a month. Thats new scenes almost daily and a huge backlog of content.

On the other hand, onlyfans for customers is 10-20x more expensive. Even if the entry fee is FREE, i see often scenes at 30$ US per month, wich you need to convert to CAD$ and add sale taxes too. 30$ turn to 46 or so. How come one scene of 12 minutes or so is worth 46$ ... And i didn't even mention the biggest offender to me, a lack of previews or when there is some, they last about 15 seconds and don't show many things like regular porn trailers.

OF is designed around the concept of the "pay pig" or whale if you prefer, as OP said about his friend, and using men's feeling to get money. I do buy scenes on there when the price is right, like 10$US or so, sometimes i push it to 15$. But over that its just not worth it... But this is not the core of OF. Guys like me who buy a scene here and there are not why this concept is made. Its about those dudes who want their cock rates (a thing i can't understand either.... ) or having "sexting" or different forms of "online relation" with the model, not knowing that quite often they are talking to a handler (a guy who reply on the behaf of the model because it would be unrealistic to be able to keep it up for her).

Now if OF would ACTUALLY BE MORE ETHICAL like enforcing previews of content, enforcing the disclosure of what the model do or do not do, and letting us downloading what we buy without having to use "loops" than i would likely have a better opinion of it. Oh and did i mentioned i got "cheaten" multiple times by OF. I bough scenes for them to disapear out of my purchases. And its not because the model closed her account or whatever since i still have contents i bough that says "unregistered account" or something like that. Basically the creator closed her account but i still have acces to what i paid. So why did i lost my acces to CERTAIN scenes? If i didn't downloaded them i would had litterally been robbed !

I would finish by saying that you need to be smart about your money and ESPECIALLY never buy content when horny. Always wait til after you fap and keep it for next time, so you can be sure you are a clear head on what you willing to buy. I average about 1 or 2 scenes per month or bi-monthly depending on months myself. I make sure the content is worth it. But just like video games with micro transactions (especially card packs in sports game and such) it can go fast if you ain't carefull and you have to be smarter than the system.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Sure, but it’s only platonic love being offered when the other party wants erotic love.
Platonic love and monogamy don’t mix very well.

Sure, but like it or not sex is the foundation of a monogamous relationship no matter how much (mostly women) try to downplay its importance. Remove it from your relationship and I guarantee your bf is not going to like it and you’d be exposed to a much greater risk of infidelity and breakup than you would be otherwise.

You can build a house without a proper foundation but eventually it’s going to fall apart and collapse.

There are other types of sex than PIV. As long one’s wife makes the *effort* most men will be okay. Even if the frequency or quality isn’t to his liking. *Effort* is the key here.

Lots of things in life are unpleasant and undesireable and we do it anyway because we have to or it’s the right thing to do. Physical intimacy with your spouse is not an exception. Witholding sex and physical intimacy because of children or menopause or whatever is a cop out in my opinion. Go ahead and cut him off sexually but there’s about a 99.9% chance he’s going to resent it after a while and resentment is very corrosive to relationships and marriages.

You can do whatever you except choose the consequences.

Sure, but what need is there for monogamy then? You can be good friends instead.

Again, there’s more ways to do sex than just PIV. It goes both ways. As long as he’s making the effort.

Effort is what matters here because it *shows* that you *care*. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words, as they say.

I have no compelling need to be monogamous with friends, at all.

Those relationships are not monogamous nor do I need to make consessions and comprimises in every aspect of my life to maintain those relationships.
Damn it dude lol.. I'm trying to be understanding to what others go threw too. Standing up for the men who stand by their wives, even if they turn to escorts to complete their circle of needs...

I've been just as demanding from men before as you guys can be of SPs. Fk. My single life way back when. l wasn't an escort. And unless a man could get me off, he wasn't likely to ever see me again. Ones who did though, became a ff assigned a day of the week. No man is working that hard without his own pleasure being taken care of too, so don't be thinking they were simps. They weren't. But they also knew if they didn't want to be replaced, show up on your day, and rock my world. We were concenting adults who all had intentions of remaining single. And many was my way of avoiding falling for just 1. But I also needed more on a regular basis than 1 was able to satisfy, and still call himself single. I didn't hide it, they knew. The joys of dealing with men and not women, if a guy was the jealous type, he got the cut and was replaced when I found someone to take his place. And they wanted to be single. My assumption they were enjoying what being single had to offer too. There were no finances unless they surprised me with something. I was hurt and didn't want to love anyone and still had needs. Surprises and dates are for those looking for love. I wasn't. I didn't like playing with toys alone. They, the men, became my toys.

And trust me I know what a monogamous relationship is. I've had many, and I had to tame my drive for them. The one I am in now, I would describe more as swinger style. The relationship is monogamous. But playing with others, me alone, its a job, and he enjoys hearing about it, and when I'm not up to being social he builds me back up. And my drive is higher than his. And with him I don't have to tame it down. The relationship was there, before the job was, and i brought it up to him, and turned out even our dark fantasies matched. Likely if my relationship fails, i will disappear as I'm not into doing this without him being my master, as part of my fantasies come to reality this only exhists with him.

If i have my way. I'm going to be that drirty always horney grandma, unashamed people know to call before coming over or we might be getting the freak on at any old age. Likely because they made the mistake of walking in while we are going at it on the kitchen table. Not having a sex drive is my nightmare. So is alzheimer's and dementia. Yes it is my dream to be 90 all saggs and wrinkles and being still as active and kinky shaming the yungins for being such prudes.

You don't have to convince me about trying.


Nov 26, 2023
It is accurate nonetheless.
Go see any female and tell her I wanna have sex with you for 90 days before investing anything financially on you (dates, gifts) and see how far you’ll go then come back to holla @ us with your impressive lay count using this strategy.

See the world for what it is mate his way of seeing things is not depressing it is an astute observation.
It cost either way but the hot spicy kinks you can have with a provider !


Nov 26, 2023
Because in a sexless marriage, there is still love. A relationship has so many more levels than just sex. Just because there isn't sex any more, doesn't mean the love between the 2 people disappears. No matter how many people i sleep with, no one makes me feel the euphoria i feel just by being wrapped up in my master's arms. Even if i am close with a few of my little bf's (regulars), there is no comparison.
It is a very different thing to share a life with someone, than just to be in the bedroom. And I tip my hat to any man who stands by his wife after menopause even if she goes no sex, especially as this is a major insecutity to just about every woman. Will he leave me for a younger woman when nature takes it's toll and makes sex hard to enjoy, or even painful? They don't go no sex to punish him, often it is because sex became painful or uncomfortable rather than pleasurable.
But there is so mich more to a woman than just sex.
That's like saying a husband with ED should be abandoned by his wife because he can't do anything with it any more. There is so much more between them. A life built together isn't something that you should just be willing to walk away from because of something as trivial as the ability to preform.

Edit: In a good relationship, your partner can also be your best friend. You turn your back on the relationship, you loose your best friend you had for however long you were together. You have guy friends/best friends too, you enjoy your time when you hang out with the boys, you willing to turn your back on them because they won't let you bend them over?
Men need sex not a sexless marriage it’s natural
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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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Men need sex not a sexless marriage it’s natural

Isn't that a bit of a stereotype ?
Plenty of women stuck in dead bedrooms too though. Not too hard to meet a women just craving to be desired or even want some pleasure from anyone but their husband...


Nov 26, 2023
Isn't that a bit of a stereotype ?
Plenty of women stuck in dead bedrooms too though. Not too hard to meet a women just craving to be desired or even want some pleasure from anyone but their husband...
This individual I know of wants sex from his wife but she’s not into him anymore but loves his money and a free life! She prefers no sex but luxury. That’s disgusting! He got himself in this mess!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
This individual I know of wants sex from his wife but she’s not into him anymore but loves his money and a free life! She prefers no sex but luxury. That’s disgusting! He got himself in this mess!
But unlike you, he isn't calling it a deal breaker to his relationship. Your judging him, and her. But who are we to judge them. If he wanted to, he would have made other choices. From the sound of it, neither of them really changed, and he knew what he was getting into.


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
Or she could just be asexual, not everyone enjoys sex, and some just aren't into it.
There are romantic asexuals. Where they need a partner and such, but sex just isn't for them.

Also, sometimes, married life and especially motherhood take desire and sex out of the equation which, of course, doesn't mean they don't love each other anymore


Nov 26, 2023
But unlike you, he isn't calling it a deal breaker to his relationship. Your judging him, and her. But who are we to judge them. If he wanted to, he would have made other choices. From the sound of it, neither of them really changed, and he knew what he was getting into.
To each his own I’m just too kinky to be in that situation Rebaynia

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
To each his own I’m just too kinky to be in that situation Rebaynia

Then don't put yourself in that situation? But you can stop bringing back the subject of your friend. You're not him and he isn't you. There is no point talking on his behalf and you've written probably a dozen posts about him at this point. I promise we all got it. We can move on. It's ok. We get it. Your poor friend.

Edit : no but seriously. You have 30 posts and the majority of them were about your friend (i think you deleted some of them). Maybe you should have sex with him and post a review, since he seems to be the reason you're here lol


Nov 26, 2023
Then don't put yourself in that situation? But you can stop bringing back the subject of your friend. You're not him and he isn't you. There is no point talking on his behalf and you've written probably a dozen posts about him at this point. I promise we all got it. We can move on. It's ok. We get it. Your poor friend.

Edit : no but seriously. You have 30 posts and the majority of them were about your friend (i think you deleted some of them). Maybe you should have sex with him and post a review, since he seems to be the reason you're here lol
Not my friend it’s someone I know of and maybe you need to pay him a visit

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Not my friend it’s someone I know of and maybe you need to pay him a visit

Well, you're free to give him my number but if he's happy in his marriage and not seeking sex elsewhere, then there is no point.

I was under the impression he was your friend the way you seem so sure that you know how he feels and what he needs. Lol
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
To each his own I’m just too kinky to be in that situation Rebaynia
Being kinky has nothing to do with minding other peoples relationships and demanding they live by your rules of how to (how not to) treat a woman in a relationship.
She is not subservient to you to satisfy your sexual needs unless that is the kind of relationship she is into, and has accepted to have with you. (I have to add that last part as it is the kind of kinky i am into with my master) but it does not mean i can sit on my high horse and demand everyone else should live how i do. Each individual is entirely in their right to live how they want.
Only dominate i have any kind of respect for is a feminist dom. One who knows and understands women have the right to themselves, and is fine with that, even if for himself he wants someone submissive to him, that he has the say over. He doesn't badmouth a mistress for being the dominant in her senario, and doesn't badmouth the submissive man either, but appreciates everyone has their kinks and is overjoyed when he finds his own match, knowing it isn't easy to find someone who wants that role. While too many abusive men out there think it is their right to make their woman serve him, a respectful dom find one who does it because they want to, not because they are forced into it.
A battered or abused (in it's many forms) partner as it can be either male or female is not a submissive. They are a victim living their nightmare while putting on a brave face to the rest of the world.
A submissive is one who is in a senario they are comfortable in and have concented to. They are worlds appart.
And what you have described as a relationship should be wasn't kinky. It was abusive.
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