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What is the point of Onlyfans? Why keep paying for this?


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
It doesn't make him less of a man because he simps after his wife. Honestly sounds like he is giving it his all. Trying to make it work. In my book that makes him more of a man, than one who is willing to walk away without putting any effort in to save the commitment they made to eachother.

I love how you, so often, see the good in men :)


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
It’s his money plus she knows his family had tons of money as well! It’s a game to her! She played it very well!

It's possible. Some women are like that. But overall, reading your posts, you seem to have a pretty closed and basic view of marriage, which can be summarized as "men provide money so women must provide sex". There's actually so much more to why 2 people choose to live together, with all the ups and downs that inevitably occur.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It's possible. Some women are like that. But overall, reading your posts, you seem to have a pretty closed and basic view of marriage, which can be summarized as "men provide money so women must provide sex". There's actually some much more to why 2 people choose to live together, with all the ups and downs that inevitably occur.
I can understand that more people on an escort review board will have a dim view of marriage.
There are always exceptions, I for one can only say that I had over 35 years with the most wonderful woman on the planet and will always treasure those years and I will always have the memories and my children and grandchildren who I see every week.
There is nothing in the world that compares being with a woman that returns the love you have for her.


Nov 26, 2023
It's possible. Some women are like that. But overall, reading your posts, you seem to have a pretty closed and basic view of marriage, which can be summarized as "men provide money so women must provide sex". There's actually so much more to why 2 people choose to live together, with all the ups and downs that inevitably occur.
I’m not saying anything about your marriage just in general speaking to so many people how they are in unhappy marriages today! There used to be a thing called love years ago!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I had a dim view of marriage way before I started seeing escorts.

Like everything else in life works for some doesn’t for others.
Pretty much like reviews here some think the same SP is the answer to their prayers others want their money back.
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May 25, 2022
In the past I had spent money on porn subscriptions (not onlyfans) on contents that are very hard to find on free sites (for example HD VR porns when Oculus first came out)

Although I had never paid for onlyfans, I would not rule out the possibility if a creator is my dream girl or if the content is right. But I have a much much higher standard on the internet and last several times I went on fansly/onlyfans none attract me to pay whatsoever


Nov 26, 2023
In the past I had spent money on porn subscriptions (not onlyfans) on contents that are very hard to find on free sites (for example HD VR porns when Oculus first came out)

Although I had never paid for onlyfans, I would not rule out the possibility if a creator is my dream girl or if the content is right. But I have a much much higher standard on the internet and last several times I went on fansly/onlyfans none attract me to pay whatsoever
So much good stuff out there with no subscriptions


Active Member
Aug 15, 2023
I have a rather specific use case for OF. I only subscribe to creators who are providers I’ve seen and plan to see again or providers I’m curious to see, in which case OF can be a sort of due diligence research tool to see if they’re to my liking. For the first group, OF is a fun, non-intrusive, and low effort way to keep in touch and maintain rapport. It can even be used to enhance future sessions (e.g., “please wear that outfit you wore in the pic on such and such date” or “I’d like to try that thing you did in the video posted on such and such date”). Providers/creators I subscribe to tend to be ladies I’m very attracted to and interested in as people and it’s appealing to see them in contexts, states of dress (and undress), and situations (sexual or otherwise) outside of sessions. This builds up anticipation between sessions. OF creators/providers who use it as kind of a life blog leave plenty of things to discuss at future sessions in the ways they document their experiences, travels, hobbies, etc. All these things provide value I find worth paying a small monthly fee for (I do buy vids sometimes but only those under a certain dollar value and I keep to a max monthly OF spend limit).

Caveats: the above only applies to providers/creators who manage their own accounts and chats, not the ones who outsource all that to bots or people in India and the Philippines. Because I have a strong preference for seeing and interacting with these ladies in person vs online and am mindful of the “OF opportunity cost” (for lack of a better term), there’s an upper bound to what I’m willing to spend on OF in money, time, and attention. I’m also currently a single man on a break from dating. The minute that ceases to be the case, my OF consumption will cease to exist. (And needless to say, if I were to ever run into financial trouble, OF would be among the first kinds of discretionary spending to be dropped.)

and that sums up my particular use case for OF.

Edit: perhaps a more succinct way to frame it is that it can be an extension of the GFE and enhances in-person experiences in certain ways.
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New Member
Jul 16, 2016
Upstate NY
Because in a sexless marriage, there is still love. A relationship has so many more levels than just sex. Just because there isn't sex any more, doesn't mean the love between the 2 people disappears.
Sure, but it’s only platonic love being offered when the other party wants erotic love.
Platonic love and monogamy don’t mix very well.
No matter how many people i sleep with, no one makes me feel the euphoria i feel just by being wrapped up in my master's arms. Even if i am close with a few of my little bf's (regulars), there is no comparison.
It is a very different thing to share a life with someone, than just to be in the bedroom.
Sure, but like it or not sex is the foundation of a monogamous relationship no matter how much (mostly women) try to downplay its importance. Remove it from your relationship and I guarantee your bf is not going to like it and you’d be exposed to a much greater risk of infidelity and breakup than you would be otherwise.

You can build a house without a proper foundation but eventually it’s going to fall apart and collapse.

And I tip my hat to any man who stands by his wife after menopause even if she goes no sex, especially as this is a major insecutity to just about every woman. Will he leave me for a younger woman when nature takes it's toll and makes sex hard to enjoy, or even painful? They don't go no sex to punish him, often it is because sex became painful or uncomfortable rather than pleasurable.*
There are other types of sex than PIV. As long one’s wife makes the *effort* most men will be okay. Even if the frequency or quality isn’t to his liking. *Effort* is the key here.

Lots of things in life are unpleasant and undesireable and we do it anyway because we have to or it’s the right thing to do. Physical intimacy with your spouse is not an exception. Witholding sex and physical intimacy because of children or menopause or whatever is a cop out in my opinion. Go ahead and cut him off sexually but there’s about a 99.9% chance he’s going to resent it after a while and resentment is very corrosive to relationships and marriages.

You can do whatever you except choose the consequences.

But there is so mich more to a woman than just sex.
Sure, but what need is there for monogamy then? You can be good friends instead.
That's like saying a husband with ED should be abandoned by his wife because he can't do anything with it any more. There is so much more between them. A life built together isn't something that you should just be willing to walk away from because of something as trivial as the ability to preform.
Again, there’s more ways to do sex than just PIV. It goes both ways. As long as he’s making the effort.

Effort is what matters here because it *shows* that you *care*. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words, as they say.

Edit: In a good relationship, your partner can also be your best friend. You turn your back on the relationship, you loose your best friend you had for however long you were together.
I have no compelling need to be monogamous with friends, at all.
You have guy friends/best friends too, you enjoy your time when you hang out with the boys, you willing to turn your back on them because they won't let you bend them over?
Those relationships are not monogamous nor do I need to make consessions and comprimises in every aspect of my life to maintain those relationships.
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
I have been hearing about this plateforme for a long time. I even have a friend who is completely addicted to OF and is exploding his credit card. I did not was it was all about so last month I decided to create an account to find out.
I followed few free accounts and paid accounts of some well known models.
Basically it is plateform where any girls can share and sell nude photos and videos. Ok.
I did not see anything I could not find on Youporn or Chartubate for free.
One of the model requested 20$ so she can rate my d*ck. Do I really need to pay for a random girl (I would never fuck) to rate my dick. I don't get that service.
The thrill of my friend is customized porn video and the girl next the door fantasy. I get that thrill and it is tempting. But shouldn't be enough to have 1 customized video, and move on. Why monthly suscription? Girl next door porn videos are everywhere on porn websites for free
Generic messages kept coming into my DM, and you need to unlock the messages with your credit cart. This is design to suck your credit card. Nothing exciting about it.
If I have 200$ to spend on pleasure I would prefer to spend it in a striptease club or to book an escort where I can have real pleasure.
So after a month I got bored and close my account. Is there any thrill or fantasy I missed in a month on that plateform?
Why men keep suscribing to OF. I might be old school but I'd to know.
Most of these individuals are not men they are “males”. They are simps and porn addicts & have 0 social life outside of work/family mostly.

When a 23 years old drop dead gorgeous 10/10 hot piece of ass tell them “you’re so cute, you’re so nice” it means the world to them cause NO WOMEN in their real life ever give them any compliments, EVER!!.

I heard Jordan Peterson say that these males are addicted to onlyfans just like some femalss are addicted to social media validation (likes, comments, Dm’s, attention). Onlyfans is like a slot machine to these males they need help but refuse to get some. Even when you can go on youtube and see how these internet sex workers think so lowly of and views their “simp fans” these guys keep putting them on a pedestal and sending them money.

These weak males are dangerous & entitled because they believe in the illusion of a relationship with their ATF onlyfans girl and when some other weak male pays her more money therefore she give the other simp more attention & more screen time then they will see it as infidelity and become a crash dummy. In the USA many internet sexworkers have sadly been deleted by a simp who felt betrayed because he was not getting “enough love/compliments/attention” from his ATF anymore cause a more wealthy simp came along into the picture.

Like Jordan Peterson said:
« If you think strong men are dangerous you should see what weak men are capable of.»

Males paying & who are addicted to onlyfans are sick and need help to unplug because it is not normal behaviour.
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
I was referring to this:

Sex is basically and naturally free, at anytime. But something is interesting for you in paying for it, some advantages apply to your situation. It is the same for Onlyfans, it pleases some people and they have their own reasons for it.

Personally at this stage of my life I will take the one that you have to pay for.
I had a long life with the woman of my dreams until cancer took her, and nothing will ever compare to that.

However free sex today would be with someone who is closer to my age who I am not attracted to, not in love with and comes with a shit load of baggage that I want no part of.
Luckily there are gorgeous women out there like you who for a price fill the void somewhat and I have been very fortunate in finding one who is absolutely amazing and kind. We are all here for a different reason and I think most of us really appreciate the work and kindness you ladies provide.
When she says sex is free I think she was only speaking for heterosexual humans with vaginas (don’t know which one gotta take her credit card out in a lesbian relationship)*.
If not her opinion is void because IDGAF if you’re Floyd Mayweather or Tom Brady no female is gonna stick around if you tell her you ain’t never spending a lick of money on her, ever (meaning dates, gifts, valentines day expenses, etc).
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Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
i disagree sex is never free maybe it doesn’t cost money, but then It comes with commitment, promises etc… which can be way more costly.
If you see your relationships as being "strenuous efforts to get sex", then yes, your limited view of human connection will always leave you with unsatisfying relationships. You are not the first one having that discourse in this thread, it's lacking emotional maturity and is quite sad.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
A guy who got married that I know of because of his money and now has no sex with his wife cause she’s not into him anymore but he shuts up and costs him money everyday but would not dare see an escort and thinks watching porn is cheating! That’s a loser sorry!
AGREE 100000%


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
While I do not disagree with your statement, it's a very depressing way of seeing things.
It is accurate nonetheless.
Go see any female and tell her I wanna have sex with you for 90 days before investing anything financially on you (dates, gifts) and see how far you’ll go then come back to holla @ us with your impressive lay count using this strategy.

See the world for what it is mate his way of seeing things is not depressing it is an astute observation.
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Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
It is accurate nonetheless.
Go see any female and tell her I wanna have sex with you for 90 days before investing anything financially on you (dates, gifts) and see how far you’ll go them come back to holla @ us with your impressive lay count using this strategy.

See the world for what it is mate his way of seeing things is not depressing it is an astute observation.

It's not my experience. Women going out with me aren't after money I can tell you that lol

Having "game" still matters: being confident, funny, mature, attentive, stable (which, unfortunately, I'm not, hence why it never lasts long) are qualities that any descent woman looks for in a man.

Golddiggers exist, but I tend to stay far away from them.

There's still some good in this world. It depends on your POV. I choose to be positive.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
There is more things to life then sex. Everyone needs a companion, when you get older especially over 65 yr old, loneliness hits hard as your social circle tends to shrink by a lot. It is great to have a companion to have company and do things with. I got to stripclubs and often see so many lonely men trying to buy love and still remain empty. This statement you wrote is very superficial and if that is how you think about your wife it means you do not really love her.
His wife don’t love him like that if she won’t make love to him anymore. People like to use the 65 years old couple argument too much. In 2024 (excluding the asexual individuals) I dear any of you guys on this thread to find any woman (under 40 years old) who is a committed relationship & who is satisfied/content with having a whole man in the house everyday but being forced to “touch herself” because the guy won’t have sex with her any longer.

In 2016 it happened to 2 of my childhood friends who were in a 4+ years relationship where they didn’t get sex for the WHOLE SUMMER (3 months). When they told me I decided to ask many women in my life & on Twitter timeline(not even in their dm’s btw).

Yall wanna know the consensus I received?


2. Si mon copain veut plus me fourrer ca veut dire qu’il est plus attiré par moi donc c’est mieux que on se sépare.

3. QUOI?? Mon amoureux veut plus coucher avec mois pendant 3 mois tu me demandes je fais quoi? C’est sur il me trompe et vide ses couilles avec une/d’autres filles ou bien il est gay.

I appreciate every women who gave me these honest answers proving that sex for women & men is a must in a relationship otherwise why bother staying together but sadly only men are shamed for saying it’s a big deal that their WIFES & mother of their kids will refuse to have sex with them in a 365 days span for no fucking reason.

It's not my experience. Women going out with me aren't after money I can tell you that lol
Having "game" still matters: being confident, funny, mature, attentive, stable (which, unfortunately, I'm not, hence why it never lasts long) are qualities that any descent woman looks for in a man.

Golddiggers exist, but I tend to stay far away from them.

There's still some good in this world. It depends on your POV. I choose to be positive.
Agree to disagree man.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
When she says sex is free I think she was only speaking for heterosexual humans with vaginas (don’t know which one gotta take her credit card out in a lesbian relationship)*.
If not her opinion is void because IDGAF if you’re Floyd Mayweather or Tom Brady no female is gonna stick around if you tell her you ain’t never spending a lick of money on her, ever (meaning dates, gifts, valentines day expenses, etc).
You seem to have very low regard for women and think of them as nothing more than gold diggers or someone to be used for sex.
I had never payed for sex until I was in my sixties and quite frankly have never received anything except love and kindness from the women in my life.
There is nothing that will ever compare to being in love with a woman who returns that love.
Building a life together having children and grandchildren. Life is not about how many different women you can fuck or how many times you can have sex for free.
Until you can look at a woman as a potentially equal partner in everything you will never know what you are missing out on.

Why anybody in his thirties would be spending so much time on an escort review board and hiring escorts is beyond me also.
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