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Who should the next habs coach be?


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Well that now makes 2 idiots blasting Martin. One from ESPN, and one from the Toronto Sun. I can't wait to read what the National Enquirer thinks. lolllll


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Doc Holliday said:

This is a typical reaction from bitter, frustrated and jealous Leaf fans who have zero cred. - a team that's missed the postseason four years in row! - there hasn’t been a playoff game in Toronto since 2003!. A franchise that hasn’t had so much as a sniff of the Stanley Cup finals in 42 years! :D

Post expansion Stanley Cups:

Montreal 12
Toronto 0

Post expansion Stanley Cup final appearances:

Montreal 13
Toronto 0

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
gohabsgo said:
This is a typical reaction from bitter, frustrated and jealous Leaf fans who have zero cred.

Blah-blah-blah.......At least I don't disappear from the face of the earth everytime my team loses two games in a row! :rolleyes:
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
i see all is well in the bandwagon again :rolleyes:

talk about having ZERO CREDIBILITY. bwahahahahaahahahah :p
gohabsgo said:
This is a typical reaction from bitter, frustrated and jealous Leaf fans who have zero cred. - a team that's missed the postseason four years in row! - there hasn’t been a playoff game in Toronto since 2003!. A franchise that hasn’t had so much as a sniff of the Stanley Cup finals in 42 years! :D

Post expansion Stanley Cups:

Montreal 12
Toronto 0

Post expansion Stanley Cup final appearances:

Montreal 13
Toronto 0


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
are most habs fans as delusional as some here? your team is made a mockery out of their 100th Anniversary season and there is no end in sight to the downward spiral there taking and Toronto is for once the team being praised for what Burke and company are starting, and will continue to do, it may be some many years before Montreal can lay claim as the better team, and Habs fans, the ones who think with their head and not just out of loyalty, no this, and im sure it really ticks them off , and im sorry about that :rolleyes:

G1GBallday said:
Only in Leafland my friend. ;)


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
lgna69xxx said:
are most habs fans as delusional as some here?

Coming from you that's rather ironic.

"Burke is the Messiah... blah blah blah..."

"do you even have a clue about whats going on in Hockeys most important city Mike?" bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

And let's not forget:

"Pens in 5" lollllll

Leafs fans have been used to mediocrity for so long, that they don't even know what good hockey or a good team is anymore... :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ahhhhhhh another scared habs fan :D

when you realise the Leafs are on the way up to bigger and better things, and you team is not, a natural reaction is to DENY DENY DENY, HAHA! thats ok, its just human nature, wait and see Bob, wait and see

(o and hey, pens in 5? how does a prediciton have anything to do with Truth? ) :rolleyes:

JustBob said:
Coming from you that's rather ironic.

"Burke is the Messiah... blah blah blah..."

"do you even have a clue about whats going on in Hockeys most important city Mike?" bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

And let's not forget:

"Pens in 5" lollllll

Leafs fans have been used to mediocrity for so long, that they don't even know what good hockey or a good team is anymore... :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Oh, and btw , how do you figure Toronto is NOT the most important city in Hockey? as i give this credit to Nadya (who is a Habs fan btw), she has pointed this out very well on her own, she is totally correct that the NHL needs Toronto to be competitive to help promote the game even further,WHY? because it is the MOST Important Hockey City in the NHL and Toronto is more a media frenzy when it comes to hockey than any other city US or Canada, Montreal has a rabid fan base and also Media Crazy, but with the population of the Greater Toronto Area, it is the single most important city in all of Hockey, hands down...., Yes NY has more people, LA has more ppl but not more Hockey Crazed fans, and thats the difference that make TO the most Important
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
delousional, scared, scabs, whatever you wanna call it Doc. it is nice to see the Leafs going in one direction and the Habs the other for a change, personally i want both teams to be competitive, because i like both, but Love One, but it seems "Boring Bob" (gainey, not you justbob) doesnt have a clue anymore, could the game maybe have passed him by?

Doc Holliday said:
How about we call them scabs? :D
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I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
lgna69xxx said:
are most habs fans as delusional as some here? your team is made a mockery out of their 100th Anniversary season and there is no end in sight to the downward spiral there taking and Toronto is for once the team being praised for what Burke and company are starting, and will continue to do, it may be some many years before Montreal can lay claim as the better team, and Habs fans, the ones who think with their head and not just out of loyalty, no this, and im sure it really ticks them off , and im sorry about that :rolleyes:

Igna you really are the funniest guy on this board. :)

Not only have you provided us with dozens of hilarious posts that I'll have fun quoting throughout next year right up to the Leafs usual mathematical elimination in March but you are also exactly the type of fan that you constantly criticize. You completely swallow all the preposterous bullshit peddled by the Toronto media and blindly follow the idea that Burke will be able to turn around our national embarrassment in less that five years. Here's a little dose of reality for you. :)

This is what Smilin' Brian has accomplished in his first year:

- 81 points which is 2 less than the year before. :p
- Achieved the title of NHL's worst defence with 293 GA :p
- Signed two has been reject goalies at the deadline to needlessly eat up cap space. :p
- Signed two 23 year old US college players who are so good they were passed over by 30 teams through 48 rounds over 4 drafts years. :p
- Won the prestigious "Sports Illustrated Worst Organization Award" :p

At that pace your team will own the number one pick for the next twenty years. :D

Lastly, you also assume that your Messiah will be around for 5 years but with Smilin' Brian's massive ego (which dwarfs the CN Tower) constantly clashing with those two other ego maniacs Peddie and Tanenbaum, I highly doubt he'll be around that long.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
To the attention of the Leafs diehards and the Habs diehards: Stop all the bickering - you're both right! Of course that also means you're both wrong.

Time to face reality: both teams suck and have sucked for a long time. Neither team has a great future. Messiah Bob and Messiah Brian are both overrated. Bob has already failed in Montreal and Brian will do the same in TO. The credit for Anaheim's Cup should go to Brian Murray not Brian Burke - and believe me I'm not saying that because I'm a Murray fan because I;m definitely not!

There's a reason that DETROIT is called Hockeytown! Best owner, best GM, best management at all levels, deepest talent pool, and best team for the last decade and a half. If they win the Cup this year it will be 5 (!!!!) in the last 12 years - an amazing feat in today's NHL with salary caps, free agency, etc. shucks, if Pittsburgh happens to pull off an upset and take the Cup, then Detroit will have "only" 4 in the last 12 years.

Montreal has historically been the hotbed of hockey but its successes (much like the successes of the city itself) are in the past. Toronto is in the equation PURELY because it's the $$$ centre of Canada (having taken the title because of Montreak's fall from grace in the last three decades).

To Montreal lovers: You won't make your team or your city any better by bashing TO. To Toronto lovers: You won't make your team or your city any better by bashing Montreal. Face the music: neither team amounts to much nowadays.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You are right about one thing G1GBALL, i do have a great sense of humor, its a good quality to have, but i am one thing you are not, and thats about the truth and when to face the truth, I am SO happy these days , not because the Leafs are on the upswing for once, but because it brings out the worst in Habs fans, and its the most funniest thing to watch and read.....

you really believe all the garbage you type dont ya? rofl. Burke took over a team that didnt have his stamp on it at all yet, it wasnt even "really" HIS team until after last game of the year for all intensive purposes, and as of now it IS his team, and he calls the shots, and as far as a five yr plan? i think Burke will do a much better job than boring bob (thanks again doc ) gainey did, what a joke that was , bwahahahahaah

nothing you said was relavant pertaining to Burke taking over but the 2 college signings, and there was lil risk there so why not, he has seen these guys play more than probably any gm and he feels there worth giving a try , so who are you to argue, are you a GM of a NHL team who knows more than even Gainey? (and thats not saying much, lol)

your no different than any spoiled habs fan, but thats the funniest part, habs fans really shouldnt feel spoiled based on the embarrassment of last seasons 100 anniversary debacle, you must of felt great that you only had a measly 12 points more than a horrible leafs team right? hey you think the leafs are that terrible so whats that say about a Montreal team who was "suppossed" (ROFL) to contend for the cup this yr, i will tell you what that says about them it says the Habs were the biggest embarrassment in the League, bar none....... :)

before you go looking at bashing the leafs, you really should look in the Mirror at yourself and your own team, your team is FAR worse off than Toronto, and if you think otherwise, then you really are the typical delousional spoiled habs fan......:D

ps. theres a reason burke signed gerber, look it up, but im sure you will have your own reason for it instead of the real reason , pfftttt

G1GBallday said:
Igna you really are the funniest guy on this board. :)

Not only have you provided us with dozens of hilarious posts that I'll have fun quoting throughout next year right up to the Leafs usual mathematical elimination in March but you are also exactly the type of fan that you constantly criticize. You completely swallow all the preposterous bullshit peddled by the Toronto media and blindly follow the idea that Burke will be able to turn around our national embarrassment in less that five years. Here's a little dose of reality for you. :)

This is what Smilin' Brian has accomplished in his first year:

- 81 points which is 2 less than the year before. :p
- Achieved the title of NHL's worst defence with 293 GA :p
- Signed two has been reject goalies at the deadline to needlessly eat up cap space. :p
- Signed two 23 year old US college players who are so good they were passed over by 30 teams through 48 rounds over 4 drafts years. :p
- Won the prestigious "Sports Illustrated Worst Organization Award" :p

At that pace your team will own the number one pick for the next twenty years. :D

Lastly, you also assume that your Messiah will be around for 5 years but with Smilin' Brian's massive ego (which dwarfs the CN Tower) constantly clashing with those two other ego maniacs Peddie and Tanenbaum, I highly doubt he'll be around that long.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Joel. this is what Fans do tho, they are Fanatic about their team, (afterall fan is short for fanatic) the team they love, they support, they spend their hard earned money on and are devoted to them and support them thru good and bad, its good to have debates as long as they dont get out of hand

in my case, have the Leafs sucked in the past? o yes, have they had great seasons in the past, O Yes...... and as a fan those down times make whats going on now so much more optimistic, it's what being a true and loyal fan is all about, it's why true fans love the sport and stay devoted to their team, and there is nothing wrong with that, its called PASSION, and passion is always a good thing

some of the best games i have ever seen on tv or in person have been Leafs/Habs games, and thats never gonna change no matter which team is better, i dont look at it as bickering but as a love for your team and friendly banter.... i dont lose sleep over what anyone writes in this or any thread, its all just good clean disscussion/debate, nothing more, nothing less,
and in the heat of battle the true passion comes out and thats not a bad thing at all, with that i will conclude with a big GO LEAFS GO!

joelcairo said:
To the attention of the Leafs diehards and the Habs diehards: Stop all the bickering - you're both right! Of course that also means you're both wrong.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

It's hard to wake up without an alarm clock these days since the Habs announced their new coach. Just the thought of it makes me sleepy! :D

I heard a good one the other day from Steve Simmons, in regards to Gainey & Martin:


:D :D :D :D


I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
lgna69xxx said:
You are right about one thing G1GBALL, i do have a great sense of humor

Yeah it really shows. :D :D :D

the Habs were the biggest embarrassment in the League, bar none....... :)

Please be sure to let me know when one of Canada's most prestigious magazines does a cover story on how much the Habs suck. :p


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The Leafs may stink, but so do the Habs. As a matter-of-fact, the Habs at this moment probably suck even more than the Leafs & their future doesn't look very bright right now.

But at least, the Leafs are not B-O-R-I-N-G.



Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
Visit site
joelcairo said:
both teams suck

Spot the team that sucks:


Montreal: 93 points, 2nd in division, 8th in conference – in the playoffs
Toronto: 81 points, last place in division, 12th in conference – OUT OF PLAYOFFS


Montreal: 104 points, 1st in division, 1st in conference – in the playoffs
Toronto: 83 points, last place in division, 12th in conference – OUT OF PLAYOFFS


A wash, both teams missed playoffs


Montreal: 93 points, 3rd in division, 7th in conference – in the playoffs
Toronto: 90 points, next to last place in division, 10th in conference – OUT OF PLAYOFFS

Clearly, both teams suck :rolleyes:

Toronto Maple Laffs: loser team, loser organization, loser fans :D
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