Well let me arrive like "un cheveux sur la soupe"
To answer the original thread question, i am personally extremely careful and i wouldn't see myself going to an incall that is not from either a reputed agency or a reputed indy (someone who been advertising for a while, has a huge social presence, indy friends etc). Often i see ads on LL that seem "good" but i don't think i would ever pull the trigger because i don't want to risk anything. Im not drawn by "the thrill of the hunt" like some peoples. I meet only a few times a year and i have a "list" of SPs i wanna see already longer than the number of meetings i can do. That said IF hypotetically it was gonna happen, unless the guy is with friends or pull out a gun, i would totally confront him. Im big, i know how to fight, im not afraid of a 1 on 1 fight, even if the guy has a pocket knife.
Now for the other subject this seem to have diluted in... I don't see agencies as "pimps". I see them the same way as i see talent agencies for pornstars. They don't have to join them, they can self book with companies or only do OF, but they join them because of the benefits it can bring (they book work for them, they have connections with companies etc) Same way an actor or a musician has a manager. All these peoples get a cut because they handle a part of the "work". It seem when its prostitution some peoples see this as a negative that SPs would give a cut to the agency. Why? They pay the advertisement, they offer an incall/driver, they handle all the bookings, the SPs basically only have to give the days she want to work and show up... thats it. Some SPs actually enjoy them. There is plenty of them wich have been in agencies for years and they could make so much more as indies, but they most likely like to keep it "simple". Wich is fine by me. The agency work for them, not the other way around. And they free to leave anytime they want. Thats not the definition of "pimping" for me.